Thursday, January 31, 2008
今日わ薮くんの誕生日!あ~today is Yabu-kun's birthday~He's turning 18~Believe it or not?!><私の王子十八わになる~I cant belive it from a cute chibi to a handsome prince no well...He might be getting a car>< I wanna sit on that car >< Oh he's turning 18 that means it is he can marry~lol.I need to go now I hope I can chat with you girls later tonight ><
My another poetry ^________^
i know it does,
the pain in you,
will always frust.
you have to continue...
and never give up!
endless love is not exist,
Rather than gathering words to speak.
The direction of thousands of loves..
will always be in you,
I want to send this,
From behind as you try your best!
she will always be your angel,
and never be your devil,
so continuing loving...
I wish you luck as you aim for your dreams.
p/s : did i posted this???? if not then here ^^ since there is no updates... i posted my poetry ^_____^V and i'll keep on writting ^___^ originally made by me kao XD
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
u guys are GONE
not even one person is on
hmm letsee wat i can sayu
oh oh oh
i gots the feb issue of potatoe
the poster is so cute
oh i go bak to sckool this friday so study study study for me
*cough cough*
so how are you girls doing? genki?? hope you are...
well, my maths workare starting to pile up.. because i'm not doing any... *i know i'm a bad girl* *hides from all*
well away from that... so did anyone took the O lvls except for Eka (those in Malaysia) well... hope you will get your result soon...
Hi-chan went for a trip i think.. for 8 days... like what she say.... and Natsumi just updated her fics..
GOMEN KAO!! for not giving your fic.. FOR SO LONG!! sumimasen.... TT_TT... tmrr... i'll key in the things.. and try to finish up... because i'm gonna buy some clothing for chinese new year... i've not yet finish uying all my clothes...
okay.. that's all... sry for short updates... be sure to check out my other two blog.. i've updated them.. (although LJ not yet.. but i'm updating it... so catch ya there~)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
such a boring day
Pretended to be my mother and wrote an absent notice letter for my sister(for our visit to singapore) and mailed it to her. Watched loads of TV. Flipping through the channel stopped at 2 music/entertainment channel twice cos kinda recognise the person singing. It was Tokio Hotel with ready set go. Never thought i'd see that on tv. (Mind flashed roro and yuki's fangirling of the two brother who's names slips my mind right now) I guess they are popular?
Not much JE news..
Chinen will be in the 3rd episode of 1 pound gospel (i bet everyone knows this already)
The price for JE calendars in yesasia seems to have risen. [HSJ calendar]
Shounen Club Premium was featuring takky. There was a short moment with Hikaru and Yabu talking (they kept mentioning Tackey. I dont know what they were saying..)
Saw a picture of HSJ at NEWS concert. creds

Have you guys seen Kattun LIPS covers? (I couldnt help laughing when i saw it XP)
Mezamero Yasei's PV looks good. Too much of Matchy in my opinion but owh well. At least Question seemed to be having fun
if the owner of the lj doesnt want to be linked. i'm terribly sorry >.<
Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
gomen ne... for not updating this blog... well, happy birthday to Taiyo... sry.. I don't know you much... I just start to like you when you left..TT_TT but, i'll always rmb your birthday.... yakusoku.... ^_^ hope you have a happy birthday today...
sry i cannot update much about him because i need to off the com... at 8PM.. and now is 7:46....
happy birthday Taiyo again!! although i dunno if we have a chance to see you again, on the TV, but, please take very good care of yourself okay? Miss you...
gurls, i've updated my other blog and the LJ one... LJ one is a short one... my other blog.... has one(long time ago) on Kashiwa and a lastest one, a short one... so.... enjoy reading.... *hides*
ja ne
Friday, January 18, 2008
Taiyo Tanjoubi Omedetou
^w^ T_T O.O
haoouu~~ i have to study everyday and to finish my homework... i want to improve this year ... and i'm entering running(marathon) for 3KM and 6KM so minna wish me luck! and i curently doing my homework while eating T_T and get ready for school AGAIN >.>
kei-chi i'm still waiting for your fic to done... sensei gomen ne for not chatting with you often and yuki >.> nothing for you... go talk to yourself...shoo btw thnx for the link... eka, i can see that you're waiting for your exam's result... GAMBATTE!! hika-chan i miss you so much... chatting in MSN and IRC... pchu i don't heard anything about you T_T BETTER UPDATE!!, ayumi i'm jealous >.>
i miss jiji too ;_;
btw did i forget anyone on the list??? if i do please report ne or add yourself in my post..NYAHAHAHA...
so that's about it now... bye ^^
Thursday, January 17, 2008
17th Jan 2008

Shida Mirai is in it. So is Mizushima Hiro (<3)>
Tomiura Satoshi is soo cute (I'm two days older than him -_-")

Thats all for now
-Eka- (sorry i forgot to put my name at the end)Monday, January 14, 2008
*kick* + *wave* uhhh who's there? DX
yuchi's here...
again T____T
so am also going to write my profile eh?
Name : G-mah *dont pronounce the "-"*
Birthdate : July 9, 1991 *almost write 2008* -_-"
Zodiac sign : obviously cancer..*better be careful* XDDD
Hometown : Brunei Darussalam *proud* -_-"
Age: 16 years 5months XD
Nickname : G *my precious cuzy call me that, right P?* , mah, yuchi*HSGP+KEN*, yuki, yukichu*snichu*
special abilities : can forget someone in any minute ....*this one is not suppose to be the special one* it is the WORST!... can learn something new fast but then forget so fast~ aha~
Hobbies : reading story books, kicking hichan, running away, drawing, glare at my lappy XDDD
Yuchi can play : games ahahaha ok if instrument....none..havnt try one~
Instrument yuchi hopes to play : gun..just joking ...-_-" piano ..i think..
Yuchi wants now : getting good results...trust me am afraid ahahaha! XD...and hikachu's pics new pics...JE's cd album anything related to JE XO
Family members : papa, mama, brothers.....cats ahaha I wish i can write P here..
Strong point : can concentrate *but then i dont notice the surrounding anymore*...Finish reading books in a day as long as it's interesting XD , imagination is wayyyy to far..
weak point : ok this one i guess ...same like eka@purple~ -_-"
Admires : everyone T__T everyone has their own special abilities -_-" oh except person who have abilities to do crimes XDDDDD
Favourite fashion : none ...... I love as long as it is black...?
Favourite music : uhh I dont know~ mostly jpop...hmmm
Favourite words : omgah, awww *when someone is about to leave* , ..... , kick
Favourite movie : pirates of the carribean, battle royal 1&2, prince of tennis and lord of the rings weeehehehe
Favourite foods : uhhh chocolate from meiji XD...and dont know
Favourite part of my body : uh
Favourite color : black, any dark colors?, purple and white
Favourite wise saying : ahaha *better than kick*, ganbatte! never give up *to myself* XP
When yuchi wants to get married : when mama allow me XDDD
XD *run away*
NON-JE songs -_-"
sorry because posting the non-JE songs..
I just want to share it *kick hichan*
all miyamoto shunichi san songs
if you dont know who is he...
He is the one who sang true light (opening for DN angel)
byakuya true light (download)
道標 (download)
caged bird (download)
I got another three songs ...Eien,Izuko E, and never so far away...
i will post if i finish upload them..
depend on my speed *kick*
everyone is soo busy with school
This Summary concert is actually for kaochan...
I knew she cant online right now, and my time to on is also limited
ahaha -_-"
so here::
only a certain part though~
Taguchi vs massu (download)
shoon, taiyo, hoshino *JJE medley* (download)
tegomass - hakka candy *is it correct? i dont know XD*(download)
tegomass -......i dont know T________T (download)
oh ja ja
*poof again*
Snichu's puppy ...-_-"
Friday, January 11, 2008
Bunny Hichan
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Ipod videos 83
Hey!Say!JUMP! Tobira no mikou SC:
Hey!Say!JUMP! Shin-Gi-Tai SC:
Hey!Say!JUMP! Medley SC:
SC Yaotome Hikaru _Gentless & Yabu Kota _Arashi no carnival :
I'll try uploading more later~ =3
just a short post
so... yup... that's all.... ne, is there a grp name littlix? Not the forum...well maybe i see wrongly....
does anyone one have any nice songs for me? am itching for some...thx~
Monday, January 7, 2008
Name: Hikari =3 *not my real name xp*
Birthdate : June 11th,1994
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Hometown : Somehwhere on earth >D
Height: 166-167 cm
Wight: secret T_T *am fat*
Shoe-size :umm I think its 40?
Nickname: HiFan , Hichan , ShoSho =3
Special abilities : Always hyper even when am crying I laugh..maybe am just weird? =3
Hobbies : swimming , chatting and cooking =3
Instruments Hichan can play : Non >_<
Instruments Hichan hopes to play : piano =3
Something Hichan wants now : I want to pass all my exams , getting JE stuff, HSJ's debut concert's DVD
Family: Father,Mother,1 elder brother,3 elder sisters . *am the youngest 8D*
Strong point : I never get mad , I can stay up for 2 days without sleeping ^___^V
Week point : Shy , tickelish , sensitive....and a baka
Admires : my sister 15 y.o sister =3
Favorite fashion : boyish , girlish I like both XD
Favorite music : J-pop
Favorite word : baka , kawaii 83
Favorite movie : She's the man
Favorite food: ICE-CREAM!!<3
Favorite animal: cats & bunnies
Favorite part of face or body : Hair & eyes
Favorite color: Yellow , baby pink , baby blue , white+black and baby green
My fave wise saying: Ganbatte!
When I want to get married:50+ >D I dont want to get married
Ps: I wont be posting here cause I'll be away for exams ! and I wont go on that much cause I need to start studying for them T_T Minna I'll miss you *Hugs HSGP+KEN!*
ByeBye~! =3
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Name: Izurin Nurfareha [gosh! i wrote my real name here! XDD]
Birthdate : August 10,1994
Zodiac sign: Leo
Hometown : Malaysia
Height: 162-164 cm
Wight: 50kg+
Shoe size :6/7
Nickname: Ayumi,Rin,Ayu,Dark-Teddy,Rinnie
Special abilities : I guess i still don't know my special abilities..=.="
Hobbies : fangirling,sketching,day dreaming,cooking.
Instruments Ayumi can play : Violin,Piano,Fluet[all of it a bit only]
Instruments Ayumi hopes to play : Drums and Electric guitar
Something Ayumi wants now : I want to be tall as Takaki/Yabu, getting more smarter, JE's stuff and get straight a's in exams and get a lot of cool clothes and shoes~!
Family: Father,Mother,elder brothers,elder sister.
Strong point : can play games for 60 hours non-stop, good in designing clothes[depends on my mood]
Week point : always shy and very lazy to finish my jobs
Admires : my sister,JE boys,H!P girls ect.
Favorite fashion : goth and lolita style and funky japanese styles
Favorite music : all kind of musics i guess~ but my faves are J-pop,Punk Rock,Classic and R&B
Favorite word : kawaii~ XDD
Favorite movie : Chekeraccho![check it out,yo!]
Favorite food: all sweet foods!!
Favorite animal: cats,dogs[i like them!but too bad i can't touch them!T__T] and penguin
Favorite part of face or body : all of it! but most is my eyes!
Favorite color: black,white,smooth blue[like the sky] and green
My fave wise saying: good luck!
When I want to get married:27+
2nd prof
Name: Nursyafiqah
Birthdate: May 13, 1991
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hometown: Brunei
Age: 16
Height: 160? I'm not so sure. sorry
Shoe Size: 7 (UK), 24(JPN), 5?(US) or was it 7 us, 5 uk. something like that :S
Nickname: Eka, syafiqah, syaf, purplefalls, purple
Special Abilities: I'm just average in everything i do. havent found anything special yet
Hobbies: reading story books, jumping around :P, chatting, lurking the internetInstruments
Eka can play: None (How sad..)
Instruments Eka hopes to play: Piano, harmonica
Eka wants now: fahrenheit's 2nd album, HSJ con DVD, meet my dad, Go to Singapore (i miss the place), fun and laughter. Owh and this headache to go away
Family members: Father, Mother, older sister and younger brother
Strong Point: I do what i'm told? I can finish reading a book in one day, Paying attention in class is my priority at school, I'm nice and serious at times
Weak Point: Unindependant, stink at being the leader, undecisive, takes things too seriously, hesitates a lot(especially in buying things), too serious sometimes, mood changes suddenly
Admires: person that can lead a group or community, get good grades and hardworking but still have fun in their own way. (wont name anyone in particular)
Favorite Fashion: My fashion depends on my mood. its hard to explain. I wear loads of black and pink though.
Favorite Music: Pop. Lyric counts unless its in a language i dont understand. then i just judge through the music
Favorite Words: awww/owh/oic/huh?/sorry (these are common said words. not favs)
Favorite Movie: Lovely complex
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Animals: cat, penguin, kangaroo, dolphin
Favorite part of face or body: Eyes but i'd rather see myself as a whole. not concentrate on parts of me
Favorite color: Purple/pastels/striking colours (again.. depends on my mood)
Favourite wise saying: sabar sha..(just be patient)
When Eka wants to get married:28-33
Name: Koga Natsumi 甲賀なつみ
Birthdate: October 17,1993
Zodiac Sign:Libra
Hometown: Tokyo
Age: 14
Height: 166 cm
Shoe Size: 22 cm
Nickname: Natsumi-chan,Natsumi sensei,Sumi-chan
Special Abilities:Can Sing,Running,playing tennis
Hobbies: Playing the piano,swimming,Listening to music,reading
Instruments Natsumi can play: PianoSomething
Natsumi wants now: Meeting JE
membersFamily: Father, Mother, younger sisters and younger brother
Strong Point: Does everything from start to finish,being freindlly
Weak Point: Being Shy,can only concentrate in a short time,If not interested in something will lose interest and stop doing it.
Admires:Toda Erika
Favorite Fashion: Nothing in particular
Favorite Music: Mostly Japanese songs.
Favorite Words: Aishiteru!/Yabuchii/Yatta!/GAMBATTE!
Favorite Movie: Pirates of Caribbean^_^
Favorite Food: Ice-cream,Curry,anything to do with wasabi,Ramen
Favorite Animal: Dog(puppies),birds >.<
Favorite part of face or body: Eyes,lips,ears
Favorite color: Purple,red,blue and green
Favourite wise saying: Never give up!Gambatte!
When Natsum wants to get married:20-23
^__^ Thought I'd copied too
Name: Kimie O_O am i supose to right my real name? well its kim hanh T_T bleh
Birthdate: August 28 1992
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Hometown: Melbourne
Age: 15
Height: 167/8
Weight:O__O I duno I dnt check often hahahas umm 50+ most likely hahahhs
Shoe Size: It varies. 8-9 lmaos T__T big feet!
Nickname: Kimie Kimie Kimie Kimie Kimie Kloven Rhymstkk hahahas
Special Abilities: able to guess random hot guys names HAHAS
Hobbies: Reading - poem writing - annoying others - and yehs bABHAHA - and being random
Instruments kimie can play: T__T i learnt 2 instruments but gave up on it
Instruments kimie hopes to play: i jst wanna learn ai nante on paion.
Something kimie wants now: i want to goto the toilet HAHA
Family: mommy daddy bro and sis plus ME!
Strong Point: i can communicate to weird ppls. HAHA! my mind is too mature wen others need it.
Weak Point: I'm too matture HAHA!
Admires:Maki Horikita and NEWS
Favorite Fashion: im a tomboy so my fashion varies. i dnt mind dresses as long as its not too showy. some tomboy but yehs hahhasa
Favorite Music: Japanese - Mostly NEWS and DBSK Also Korean - DBSK and SUJU!
Favorite Words: T__T hahahahs and LOL and yo and dude!
Favorite Movie: tears for you, jap name something sou sou
Favorite Food: sushi
Favorite Animal: monkey + DUCK!
Favorite part of face or body: My Eyes ahahahas!
Favorite color: Yellow
My fav. wise saying: Kimie = 3 words. Kimie smells good. HAHAHA
>__> wise yeh? hehe
Keichi's profile 2
Gomen sensei, for copying you.. but i think... this one is good for us to introduce ourself again~~
just in case we got some new readers? *hides*
Name: Sim Xin Hui
Birthdate: July 19 1993
Zodiac Sign:Cancer
Hometown: Singapore
Age: 14
Height: 168-170 cm
Shoe Size: Don't
Nickname: Keichi, Kokei-chan, Kei-chan, Baka Kei(by Yuchi), KeiKei(by Hi-chan)
Special Abilities: able to guess other ppl's feeling?
Hobbies: Fangirling, bloging, playing instruments, music.
Instruments Keichi can play: Piano(abit), Cello, Double Bass
Instruments Keichi hopes to play: Violin, Viola, Trumpet.
Something Keichi wants now: Someone that would hold my hand while walking through crowds like an elder brother a little sis. Meeting JE members. A break after concert.
Family: Father, Mother, Elder brother, Twin brother.
Strong Point: A few ppl are willing to look for me to chat about their problems (and i'm quite happy about it * hides*)
Weak Point: Don't always finish what I start.
Admires: all the JE boys that i know... Akaru, Kamichan, My st.bass tutor etc etc
Favorite Fashion: I'm not so much into Fashion....
Favorite Music: Mostly Japanese songs, Band music, Classic, Big Band, Chinese songs
Favorite Words: Baka... Yosh! Daisuki.
Favorite Movie: almost all that i watch.. except for some which I think is real bad.
Favorite Food: Ice-cream, Wudon... actually I'm okay for all kinds of food excpet for disgusting ones.
Favorite Animal: Dog(puppies), Cat, all kinds of cute animals.
Favorite part of face or body: none~
Favorite color: Purple, baby Pink, Green, baby Blue
My fav. wise saying: hmm.. take care? (this is just what i want to share)
Treasure your friends. Friends are like diamond. Solid and hard to break.
When I want to get married: 20-25.
well, that's all for the 2nd profile... after i update in this blog, the next one would be blogspot(mine) and then LJ.. so be sure to check it out~~
is that okay??? if not i'll delete it ^O^
Name: Syazza
Birthdate: February 13 1994
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hometown: Malaysia
Age: 13
Height: 161 - 162 cm
Weight: 42 kg T_T
Shoe Size: 8
Nickname: Kaoru, kaokao, kao, ruru, koala O.o
Special Abilities: can jump high, can run fast
Hobbies: Posting blogs, sew, bakes cake, cooking, fangirling
Instruments Kao can play: Guitar, Drum(little bit)
Instruments Kao hopes to play: violin, electric guitar, piano
Something Keichi wants now: family vacation, cats, get all As in all my exams, go to Japan, meet massu >.<, A japanese handphone
Family: Father, mama, Big brother, Lil Sis, Hamsters, A Fish
Strong Point: Have many friends, good at fashion
Weak Point: Cries easily, Hungry easily, Clumsy
Admires: Family, Massu, NewS, Showta, Daichan, computer, gadgets
Favorite Fashion: Japanese street styles, office styles
Favorite Music: Jpop, Jrock
Favorite Words: Kawaii >.<
Favorite Movie: nothing?
Favorite Food: KYAA XD Dim Sum, Curry puff, Chicken Rice, Ramen, Sushi, Chicken Satay.
Favorite Animal: CATS >.<>.>
Favorite part of face or body: My nose, Legs and stomache ^.^ and everything ^.^
Favorite color: GREEN XD
My fav. wise saying: YAY~!
When I want to get married: 24++
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Just a quick post for today.
I. Eka. After almost one month. Have continued and posted another part of fic on my fic blog. *points to the link at the sidebar*
That is all.
Have a nice day~ *am in a hurry*
Chibi Version
Friday, January 4, 2008
Muhahaha! Loving the Cam =]
now that i can take photos of my phone
i been taking more pics of my new hairr
oh goshh
hope u guys arent sick of my face

and you guys probally read about uchi and kusano graduating as traniess
im so happy
and uchis new drama coming out sooon
im so happy
man i have to catch on so much stufff
but but
is it true uchis MIGHT go solo? T_T
im so glad its not certain
but ill die if he does
good news comes with bad news T__T
Thursday, January 3, 2008
hmm... Kao wants to marry Massu... Sensei would like to marry Yabu....I would like to marry Yamachan...or Dai-chan or Chii... these three would do... but i would like Yamachan more... =xx
am starting to go into KAT TUN and Arashi... looking for some time that i can get to know JJE(J.J Express better) gomen Kaoru.. am still undone with your romance story with Massu.... I think I would start on it today.. when I'm DLing the Countdown.
just nice ne~~ hmm but let me see... is there any work that i need to do?? *thinks real hard*...
OH~ i have one... nvm.. it's due on Fri... so is the Eng book review and newspaper arttical... hates homework....
maybe you gurls can write down which JE boys you would like to Marry and why?? (a very random question... I know) but that could be a topic... for some updates..~~ lol
ja ne
My New Hair~! Oh Gosh
welll as i have told some of u i have blonde hair now
in weeeek atleast
but for some reasons in photos it comes aot abit browny
beforeee then afterr

man my cheeks are so chubby T___T
gnna go on a diet MUHAHAHHAS
T___T so wat u guys think? no blonde right T__T have to wait till it grows out
im going hair dressers agns tomos to cut it abit hahhahah
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Kao's online status >.>
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
No idea what to post so I'll post this...

I did my hair ^_^

watashi no imouto na no ^_^

I look weird ^_^ I wish I could look like Erika Toda
New Year
Ayu had also drawn all of us. My fic also ended(last episode) few days ago. okay... weeks ago. Eka and Sensei also had fics... but it's not posted here...although it's just a few months, but we had alot of fun ne? Tmrr is a new year. Wonder if everyone will be busy.. Kimie.. how are you doing? we miss you alot. I wish everyone have a happy new year and.. happy watching countdowns. *i want to watch the boys performing for the countdown..* oh whatever... that's all girls..