Tittle:7HeiSeiGurls (16)
Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki(Okasan)
Kimie: Classmate
Natsumi: Sensei
Nakajima Mai: Yuto's sister (MADE UP)
Hikaru: Hiakaru
Shoon: Shoon
Yabu: Yabu
Taiyo: Taiyo
HeiSei: pet dog
24th December 2008/Christmas Eve(midnight)(Wednesday).
"5!4!3!2!1! Happy Christmas!" everyone shouted.
Ya3, Kimie and Mai are staying overnight today for the next day Christmas Party in HS7's house.
"Haha!" everyone was having fun and laughing.
"Onii-chan! Don't pop that popper around me!" said Mai grabbing a popper to pop Yuto.
"Okay. Enough. Don't play like that." said Yuki.
"Demo, today is Christmas! Let's have fun!" said Shoon.
"Baka! It's midnight already." said Yuki.
"Demo, tomorrow we have no school and we hardly get to gather together like this and stay overnight." Taiyo plead with Yuki.
"Alright. Hi-chan?" Yuki look at Hi-chan. She nodded her head.
"Yatta! Hi-chan and Yuki is the best!" said Hikaru giving both of them a hug.
"Ne, Yuki and Hi-chan are blushing ne." said Chii poking Kei.
"Hai." said Kei giving Chii a smile that made him blushed.
"Onii-chan! I'm hungry." said Mai.
"Ne Mai, eating at midnight is no good." said Ayumi squatting beside Mai.
"Demo, I'm hungry." said Mai.
"Ne Ayu, I think 1 or 2 piece of biscuit will be okay." said Yuto.
"Ayu!" cried Elvie. "When did Yuto call Ayumi, Ayu?"
"Eeto." Yuto was lost for words and Ayumi blushed.
"Is anyone hungry except for Mai?" asked Elvie, trying to save Yuto and Ayumi.
Everyone raised their hand.
"Alright. Okasan, Kei let's go." Three of them went into the kitchen to look for something to cook for everyone.
"Is some cookies alright?" asked Kei coming out from the kitchen.
"I want some tea!" shouted Yamachan.
"Hai. Anymore orders?"
"I want milk!" shouted Mai.
"Tea for me." said Yabu. "All four of us."
"You know what I want." said Chii.
"Coffee." said Ayumi.
"Boku mo." said Yuto.
"Wait! You are all confusing me." said Kei. "How many Tea?"
7 people raised their hand.
8 people raised their hand.
"So Mai is milk right?" asked Kei.
"Yup." answered Mai switching on the Television(TV)
"Ne, 7 tea, 8 coffee and 1..." Kei saw Takaki and Elvie chating very happily..
"When did both of you became so close?" asked Kei as she saw Takaki's arm on Elvie's shoulder.
Takaki took down his hand and Elvie blushed.
"Alright. I'll keep this a secret." said Kei laughing.
While making the drinks, Elvie came over to Kei's side and told her that Takaki and her were just friends.
"Hai. Very good friends. That he can even put his hand on your shoulder." said Kei.
"Hai hai. I understand. Zip." Kei gave Elvie a smile.
"Ne Okasan, are you done with the cookies?" asked Kei.
"Yup. We can go out now." Takaki took the plate of cookies and went out.
"Finally!" cheered Mai.
"Mai! Lower down your volume!" said Yuto.
"It's midnight already. Don't wake HeiSei up." said Dai-chan.
"Hai. Gomen." said Mai looking down.
"Okay. let's start eating." said Hi-chan.
"Banzai!" everyone started eating.
After eating, everyone went to sleep.
"Ne, What are we going to do tomorrow?" asked Kimie.
"We will deciede tomorrow." answered Taiyo yawning. "Have a good night rest." Taiyo patted Kimie's head. He left her blushing like a tomatoe.
"Is Kimie falling in love with Taiyo?" Juu jumped on her.
"Juu!" Kimie turned aroyund and stare at Juu.
"Gomen." Juu came down from Kimie's back. "Demo, when Kimie blush, she looks kawaii ne."
"Juu. Don't bully Kimie like that." said Yamachan from the back.
"Hai. Since I don't play with Kimie, then I'll play with you." Juu jumped on Yamachan's back and asked him to carry her upstairs.
"Juu. Come down. You are very heavy." said Yamachan panting.
"Unless you reach the top, I won't get down from you." Juu looked like a child. "Hurry up! a few more steps. Ganbatte!"
"Hai hai!" finally, Yamachan reached the top. Juu wanted to get down but Yamachan forbind Juu to come down. "Since you want to play so much. Then let's play!"
Yamachan start spining Juu around on his back.
"Yamachan! Let me go! Yamachan! AH~~" Juu started screaming.
"Yamachan! Let her down! Don't wake the neighbours!" Yuki came up raising her voice at Yamachan.
"Hai hai. Gomen ne hi-chan." Yamachan let Juu down from his back.
"Minna is having fun." said Chii smilling to himself.
"Is Chii enjoying himself too?" asked Kei from the side.
"When are you beside me?" Chii got a shock. "Hai!"
"Then that's great." Kei laughed.
"I want Kei-chan to carry me too!" said Chii jumping onto Kei's back.
"Chii!" Kei carried Chii all the way to his bedroom.
"Sankyuu Kei." Chii jumped off Kei's back. "I want hug hug"
"Chii-kun. Don't act like a child." said Kei.
"Datte..." Chii haven't finish his sentence, Kei gave him a hug.
"Good night kido." and she went out.
"Hikaru-kun. Any suggestion for tomorrow?" asked Hi-chan.
"Hmm. Maybe we will have some pinic or what. But, it's always so hard to go in such a big group." said Hikaru frowning.
"Ne ne, don't frown like that." said Hi-chan massaging Hikaru's eyebrows. Hikaru blushed. Seeing Hikaru blush, Hi-chan keeped her hand.
"Gomen." said Hi-chan blushing too.
"Boo!" Shoon shouted from the back.
Both Hikaru and Hi-chan got a shock.
"Shoon! Don't scare us like that. It's midnight already!" said Hi-chan getting angry.
"I'm too hyper to sleep." Shoon started to fool around.
"Yuki!" Hi-chan shouted to Yuki. "Yuki!"
"No bother calling. She is asleep." said Shoon.
"I'm gonna get Yuki for sleeping so early."
"Why?" asked Hikaru.
"Because Yuki's the only one that can stop Shoon from doing all those stupid things." Hi-chan gave the hyper Shoon a stare.
Shoon stick out his tongue at Hi-chan.
"Baka!" both of them started fighting.
"Who's making so much noise?" said Kaokao as she came down from the stairs, looking sleepy.
"Gomen Kao-chan. This two are fighting." said Hikaru.
"Stop fighting will ya? Most of us are already asleep." said Kaokao.
"Go to sleep you three." Dai-chan came out from his room. "You are making all of us awake."
"Hai hai." All of them went to sleep.
The next morning.
"Wake up wake up!" Hi-chan came into the boys' room waking everyone.
"Eh? What time is it now?" asked Yabu waking up.
"It's 4 AM." bluffed Hi-chan.
"4 AM? What for wake us up so early?" asked Yabu lying down.
"Baka! If it's 4 AM, will the sun be so bright?" laughed Hi-chan. "It's 9 AM."
"You bluff me!" Yabu took a pillow and chase after Hi-chan.
"Breakfast is ready!" Elvie shouted from the kitchen.
"Yatta!" Mai shouted. "I'm hungry!"
"Mai and Yuto both have the same big appetite ne." said Takaki.
"That's normal for our family." Both Mai and Yuto started laughing.
"What are we having for today's breakfast?" asked Dai-chan.
"The normal one. But, you guys will see something special." said Takaki as he bring out the breakfast with Elvie and Kei.
"Yup. A surprise." said Elvie smiling with Kei.
"Sugoi!" How do you guys do this?" asked Yamachan staring at his plate.
"Secret." said Takaki giving Elvie and Kei a wink.
"I totally love this!" exclaimed Shoon.
(Want to know what is on the plate? I also don't know what to put)
"So how does it taste like?" asked Elvie.
"OISHII!" everyone shouted.
(Actually, it's just a normal breakfast they usually eat. But, they style it into this Merry Christmas *their name*)
After breakfast, everyone sit down to discuss where to go and celebrate for christmas.
"Ne, where shall we go?" asked Elvie.
"It's always a headache when we want to go out as a big group ne." said Yamachan sighing.
"Aww. Don't sigh Yamachan. I'm sure we can get an idea of where to go." said Juu can't bearing Yamachan feeling depress.
"How about ice skating?"
"After ice skating BOWLING!" shouted Yabu.
"First, ice skating, lunch bowling, then DINNER AT HOME!" cried Hi-chan.
"Why dinner at home?" asked Mai.
"Because.. WAIT! we can!" Kei suddenly thought of an idea.
"How?" asked Elvie.
"I think I know what Kei is thinking." said Kaokao smiling at Kei.
"That is?"
"That is to have dinner packed and have a night pinic?" asked Kaokao.
"Hai! We still can take the time to watch the night sky." said Kei smiling.
"That's a great idea! But, will the food spoilt?" questioned Yuto.
"We can go to somewhere near? So we can come back, take all the things then go for night pinic!" said Kei.
"Good idea."
So after preparing all the things for dinner, they kept it in the fridge and went out.
"Chotto matte. I don't know how to skat." said Ayu.
"Never mind, I can teach you." voluntered Yuto.
"Who doesn't know how to skate here?" asked Taiyo. Most of the gurls raised thir hands.
"I think, it's a teaching time for ice skating." said Yamachan laughing.
At the ice skating ring.
"Is this alright?" the gurls seemed to be very afraid.
"It's alright. See? Mai could skate so well." said Yuto.
"That's different. You two learn ice skating at the same time!" argued Kimie.
"That true." said Yuto scratching his head.
"You guys all know how to skate?" asked Yuki.
"Yup. I guess." said Taiyo.
"Not fair. Gurls! We must learn how to skate as fast as possible. We cannot lose to them!" said Yuki firmly.
After changing, Yuki was the first one to step into the ring.
"Ahhh!" Yuki almost fall. Thanks to Shoon who was near her.
"Yuki, don't rush. step by step." said Yamachan, bringing Juu into the ring.
"Don't you dare let go Yamachan." said Juu, who was afraid of falling.
"Juu, relax. Don't be so tense up. Trust me. I won't let go of you until you can skate." assured Yamachan.
"Hontou?" questioned Juu.
"Did i ever lie to you?" Juu and Yamachan smiled.
"Gurls! I can skate!" exclaimed Hi-chan after trying for 20 minutes.
"3 cheers for Hikaru for teaching Hi-chan!"
Slowly, everyone learned how to skate.
"Minna watch!" Mai did a stunt. Unfortunatly, she landed on her butt.
"Are you alright?" Yabu helped Mai.
"Yup, just that my butt hurt." joked Mai standing up. "Thanks."
"Lunch anyone?" asked Hi-chan. Everyone agreed to have lunch now.
"Ittadakimasu!" everyone was about to start eating.
"Ne, is that Natsumi sensei?" Elvie pointed towards a couple sitting about 3 tables away.
"That looks like her. Let's go up." the gurls went up to the couple.
"Sensei!" Natsumi jumped up when she heard people suddenly call her.
"Gurls. What are you doing here?" Natsumi still can't get over the shock.
"Oh we came here for lunch with the guys." said Kaokao
"Eh? The guys?" Natsumi do not get the girls.
"Ya3 ans HS7." said Ayumi. "And this is Yut's sister, Nakajima Mai."
"Natsumi Sensei. Hajimemashite." said Mai bowing.
"Nakajima-san. Hajimemashite." Natsumi bow back.
"Ne sensei, is that your boyfriend?" asked Kimie.
"Or is that your husband?" Kei looked at Natsumi's left ring finger.
Natsumi went red.
"Okay. The guys can't wait. See you soon sensei!" the gurls said goodbyes and went back.
"That is Sensei, no doubt." said Hi-chan sitting down.
"With her husband I guess." Kao laughed.
"Let's start eating. I'm hungry after all those skating." said Mai.
"And the landing on your butt." joked Yabu.
"Yabu-kun!" Mai gave Yabu a stare.
"Sumimasen." said Yabu controling his laughter.
"Where are we going for bowling?" asked Juu.
"The bowling centre of cause." answered Yamachan.
"Juu. Don't tell me this is your first time bowling?" Yuki looked shock.
"Yah." Juu nodded her head.
"Juu. How many more first time do you want?" everybody laughed at this question.
"Ermm. The night pinic will be another first time." said Juu thinking.
"Hai. Zip."
After lunch, they went to the bowling centre.
"I don't think they can have 18 people in the game." said Taiyo at the counter.
"Then we will have 3 lanes. 6 people each will be fine right?" said Ayumi.
"Excuse me, we will have three lane... ..." Taiyo registered at the counter.
After changing their shoes, they started playing.
Juu,Ayumi,Kaokao,Yamachan,Yuto and Dai-chan to one lane. Kei,Elvie,Kimie,Chii,Takaki and Taiyo to another. Lastly, Mai,Yuki,Hi-chan,Yabu,Shoon and Hikaru to one.
After playing for a few rounds, the gang felt tired.
"Ne, I'm tired." said Elvie collapsing on the chair.
"Me too." said Kei.
"Okay. It's about time. We go back home, prepare for dinner, we might be able to catch the.."
"AHHH YA3 AND HS7!!" suddenly a bunch of fangirls rush over.
"RUN!" shouted Takaki and everyone started running as if it's the end of the world.
"Oh my god. I still thought that we can have a peaceful christmas celebration." said Dai-chan panting.
"You guys' fans sure have sharp eyesights." joked Kaokao.
"Not as sharp as yours." said Dai-chan moving towards Kaokao.
"If your eyes are not so sharp. How can you catch me?" whispered Dai-chan. Kaokao blushed upon hearing that.
"What did Dai-chan say to Kao-chan?" asked Mai as she saw Kao turning red.
"Secret." Dai-chan said slyly.
They reached home in 20 minutes time.
"Home sweet home." Hi-chan jumped onto the sofa once she reached home.
"Hi-chan! Get off!" commanded Yuki.
"You are the in-charge today and still slack off." said Elvie.
"Come in and help us." said Takaki smiling.
"But I want to rest!" complained Hi-chan.
"How about all of us prepare the dinner together?" suggested Shoon.
"Good idea Shoon." said Yuki.
"Yuki just agrees everything Shoon says." joked Chii.
"Doesn't Chii agrees with anything Kei says?" Yuki shooted back.
Chii was red as tomato.
"Finally done." said Takaki washing his hand.
"Yup. It's night pinic time!" cried Kimie.
"Kimie! Wash your hand first!" shouted Kei as Kimie tries to touch her face.
"Okay gurls. No more playing. The sun is setting..." said Taiyo.
"Hai." They set out to a nearby beach and search for a nice place to settle down to watch the beautiful sunset.
"How I wish next year's christmas, we can do this again, all 18 of us." said Yuto.
"I do hope we can." Ayumi whispered to herself.
"What did you just say Ayu?" Yuto turned to Ayumi.
"I say that the sunset is very beautiful. I hope we brought our camera." said Ayumi.
"Oh. Hey Okasan! Over here! Stop moving so far away!" shouted Yuto to Takaki.
"Hai! Sorry!" Takaki shouted back and dragged Elvie with him.
"Baka Okasan. Don't drag me here and there next time." said Elvie panting from all the running about.
"I will drag you to wherever I am." whispered Takaki into Elvie's ears.
"If you can. Go ahead." Elvie said back to the blushing Takaki.
"Yamachan! Did you bring the big big touchlight?" asked Juu who was afraid of the dark.
"It's with me no worries." Yamachan gave Juu his normal charming smile.
"Are we spliting into two groups?" asked Chii.
"Yup. That small mat won't squeeze in 18 people." answered Yabu as he lay the mat.
"We can join them together you baka." said Mai.
"Oh yah." Yabu suddenly realised it.
After settling down, Kei poped a question.
"Kimie and Ya3, you guys can stay overnight tonight?"
"I think can. I told my mum. That I will be staying overnight for maybe one or two days." said Kimie.
"We just need to inform someone(the in-charge of Ya3)." said Hikaru.
"Okay. Then we can go back anytime we want now." said Kei.
"How about staying overnight here?" suggested Dai-chan.
"Here? At the beach?" Juu sounded shock. "Is it alright?"
"Hmm. I think it'll be alright if we wake up to catch the sun rise and go back home." said Takaki.
"Okay. Then I'll go back to bring out the tents." said Yamachan. "Wait wait wait. We have only 3 tents."
"That means. Got three gurls need to share tent with 3 of the guys." said Dai-chan. "Is it alright?"
"Yup. We believe you guys won't do anything. But I'm just afraid that if any of your fans see it.." Hi-chan was about to continue her sentence when Hikaru cut it.
"Hi-chan. Our fans don't move around during midnight."
"Another baka one ne?"
"Shooting stars!" someone shouted. Everyone made a wish.
"What did Kei wish for?" asked Chii.
"Shh. Secret. If I tell you, means this wish will not come true." said Kei smiling.
"Yamachan, can I go with you to take the tents?" asked Juu.
"I don't think so. Dai-chan can go with me ne." said Yamachan. Dai-chan and Yamachan went to take the tents. After 10 minutes, they are back.
"Tadaima. Do you want to set it now? Or after Dinner?" asked Dai-chan.
"After dinner." everyone answered in union.
After dinner, everyone set up the tent for slping.
"Who are the three gurls sleeping with the guys?" asked Kimie.
"Kao,Elvie and Kei." said Juu.
"Then the guys?" Shoon asked.
"Chii, Dai-chan and me." said Okasan.
"Okay." said Elvie.
"Good night Kimie, Yuki, Juu, Mai, Ayumi." said Hi-chan.
"Good night guys." said Kao.
"Good night." said Dai-chan.
"Don't you all try anything funny." said Kei.
"Do we look like that?" said Chii feeling abit hurt.
"I'm just joking Chii." Kei pat Chii on his head.
"Good night guys." said Yamachan in the other tent.
"Good night. Don't forget to set the alarm okay." said Shoon, falling asleep slowly.
When all of them was about to sleep...
"Bark bark!" HeiSei found his way to the beach.
"Who is that outside?" Dai-chan was waken by the barkings. He open the tent and saw HeiSei.
"HeiSei. What are you doing here?" said Kei who was also awake.
"Can we let her come in?" asked Dai-chan.
"I think it's okay.." HeiSei jumped on Kei and gave her a link.
"Alright HeiSei. Shh. All of us want to sleep." HeiSei went to sleep beside Dai-chan.
Good night everyone. Happy chirstmas! "Bark bark!"
To be continued...

Monday, December 24, 2007
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