Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate.
Natsumi: Natsumi Sensei
Nakajima Mai: Mai (Yuto's sister) (made up)
The third day of the first week.(Tuesday)/ Fourth day in HS7's house.
"AH! Uso. We never do our homework!" Yuki suddenly jumped out from the bed.
"Baka! Natsumi Sensei said that homework can be handed in tomorrow."said Ayumi eating her bread.
This is the third day of the week. It has been 4 days since HSGP were staying at HS7's house.
"Did he? I never hear him say that."said Kaokao.
"Obviously you guys never listen in class." said Kei "He did say, did he Elvie?"
"Yup. I hear it clearly ne Juu." Elvie looked at Juu.
"No comment. I don't want to join in this. However, just do the work in case. And, it's quite easy." said the smartest of all, Juu.
"Hai hai." said Hi-chan.
"Guys, are you done?" asked the duty in-charge of the day, Elvie.
"Hai. Demo, Yuto is still talking to the phone." said Yamachan pointing behind.
"Okay. I'll go over. You guys go first." Elvie waled towards Yuto.
"Hai hai. I know. Better come and pick her up at 11 PM. I still got school tomorrow." said Yuto hanging up the phone.
"Who is it on the phone?" asked Elvie.
"It's my mum. She say that my sister, Mai, is coming over until 11 PM. Because my parents need to work later then usual.She will be coming at 1.00 PM. Just nice after school."
said Yuto wearing his shoe.
They went to school.
At school.
"Yo." said Kimie who saw them outside.
"Ohaiyo Kimie" said Hi-chan.
They walked in the school together.
"Okay, please pass your homework from the back to the front." said Natsumi Sensei.
"Lucky Juu told us to do." Yuki heave a sigh of relief.
"Oh and Yuto's little sister is coming. At 1.00 PM" said Elvie during lunch break.
"Hi! Mind if i sit here and eat with you gurls?" asked Kimie. They made a space for Kimie.
"Do you gurls stay together? I always see you 7 together."
"Ermm yah. But bear in mind, we do not have the same parents." laughed Ayumi.
"Then why are you all staying together?"asked Kimie.
"Well," Kei haven't finish her sentence, Elvie and she was called out.
"Ah Takaki. Don't tell me Yuto still wants food." said Elvie.
"Iie. He say that today's lunch is enough. It's about Mai. She's coming at 1.00PM. But, our class need to stay back for a while. Could you gurls take care of Mai for a while?" asked Takaki.
"Okay. Mai.. Won't cause any problem right?" asked Elvie.
"I don't think much problem. Just try to occupy her. Untill we come back. Which is around 3-4 o'clock." said Takaki looking at his watch.
"WHAT! You call that stay back a while. Fine. Gurls and gurls won't cause much problem i guess." said Kei.
"That's my gurl! See you at home." Takaki turn and went back to his class.
"How can they do that. Ma, Mai is 10 years old right?" asked Kei.
"Well, should be. It can't be too hard to take care of a 10 years old kid ne?" Elvie walked back to her sit.
"Who's looking for you guys? There always seems to be people looking for you." asked Kimie.
"Ermm..Well.." just as Elvie is lost for words, the bell rang. They went back to their seats.
After school
"Let's go gurls. We have to look after Mai." said Elvie packing her bag.
"Bye Kimie!" said Hi-chan. They went off.
Back at home
"Ah! You must be Mai." said Kaokao seeing a gurl sitting outside.
"Yah. You are?" asked Mai with a questioned face.
"We are Yuto's friend. He ask us to look after you for the time being. He have to stay back untill 3 or 4 o'clock." said Elvie.
"What? I can't believe he actually ask you 7 to take care of me." said Mai shacking her head. "Hayaku. Open the door."
"Ha..hai" said Elvie opening the door.
"You. YOU!" said Mai, pointing towards Ayumi.
As Mai is giving out orders, Elvie went to message Yuto.
"Yuto. Is your sister that unreasonable? Once she step in the house, she started giving out orders. Every single one of us are older than her. Yet she is giving out orders." this is what the message says.
"Well. She's not like that. That's very funny of her. I can't leave right now. I'll try my best to laeve asap. Thanks for all the hard work." replies Yuto.
"Wel. I guess we'll just have to entertain her." said Elvie to herself.
Elvie gathered the gurls and disuss about where to bring her to play.
"How about the amusment park?" suggested Hi-chan.
"I don't think that kid there wants to go to amusment park." said Kaokao.
"How about the library? I can see that she seems to like to read alot." suggested Kei.
"Kei, look carefully at what she is reading at." Ayumi pointed at the magazine at Mai's hand.
"The bookstore?" suggested Yuki.
"Nope. That won't do. I know what! A pinic!" said Elvie.
"Yah! This way, she can play with the things she wants and we can enjoy tea too!" said Juu.
" Good point. We'll do that."said the gurls.
"Mai, we are going out for a pinic." Kaokao informed Mai.
"Okay." Mai did not even bother to look at them.
"Well, you will be left alone. Don't say that i didn't warn you. This house is haunted. The ghost only find those who are alone. Believe me. Yuto encounter that before. The ghost will start by asking you to play.
If you look into his eyes," Hi-chan's words are cut off by Mai's screaming.
"Ahhhh! Stop! I'll go with you." screamed Mai.
Hi-chan gave the gurls a wink. Thanks goodness that Hi-chan thought of a way to make Mai go to the pinic. They started to pack all the things needed for pinic. At last, by 2.00 PM, everything was done and they
set off. On the way, Mai was very quiet. Elvie went to Mai's side and walk with her.
"Hi! My name is Elvie. Nice to meet you!" said Elvie. There was no respond from Mai.
Mai's handphone rang. Elvie took the chance to look at the wallpaper. The wallpaper is about NewS. Elvie hurry thought a topic to make Mai talk.
"Ne Mai, you like NewS alot ne?" asked Elvie. This time, Mai look at Elvie and turn away.
"Gurls! Hold on. Don't walk so fast." everyone stop and waited for those two.
"Guess what? Mai likes NewS!" said Elvie, trying to make a topic within the gurls and Mai.
"Shut up! Do you know that you are very irritating?" shouted Mai and ran away.
"Mai!" said Elvie, running after Mai. However, she slipped and fall.
"Mai! Daijoubu?" asked Yuki. Mai turned around and ran back to Elive.
"Baka. Why must you run after me?" asked Mai taking out her water bottle to wash her wound.
"Because you are Yuto's sister. I promise him that we will take care of you. I cannot let get into any trouble." said Elvie, looking at her wound.
"Baka onii-chan. He should have tell me!" Mai started crying.
"Ma-ma. Don't cry. This is public." said Juu, patting Mai's head.
"Elvie, can you walk?" Kei asked helping Elvie up. Although Elvie was limping, but she still can walk.
"The view here is so nice! Look! The sky is so beautiful!" shouted Mai.
"Now she's the hyper one. Hi-chan sure looks pale. Juu! Take over. Hi-chan looks like she is going to faint." laughed Kei.
"Thanks god things turn out fine. Look! Natsumi Sensei." Elvie point towards the tree that Natsumi Sensei is under.
"Eh? Sensei? Sen-" Juu cut off Ayumi's word.
"Shh Sensei and her boyfriend." said Juu pointing towards Sensei.
"This sence sure is sweet!AH! They are kissing! They are kissing!" Kaokao almost scream.
"Hey! Let me see! Don't be a wet blanket. Let me see!" said Mai struggling from Hi-chan, who was covering Mai's eyes.
"No no no. Unless you are 13 and above. If not dream on that we will let you see." said Hi-chan firmly. Everyone laughed.
"Ah! Ayumi-chan! What are you gurls doing here? Who is this kid?" Kimie suddenly popped out.
"Kowai. Kimie. Don't pop up like that!" Kaokao was shocked by the sudden apperence of Kimie.
"Bleh. Haha okay. Try not to next time." laughed Kimie.
"How about joining us? I brought my siblings along." suggested Kimie.
Everyone was looking at Elvie for answer, and Elvie actually started blushing.
"Elvie, are you okay? Your face is very red." Juu was very concerned about Elvie.
"Ah. Yah sure. I'm okay. Stop looking me like that. My face has gone red thanks to the looking." said Elvie looking down.
They went to join Kimie and her siblings. They had so much fun that they even went to joke with there teacher.
"Sensei! 2 lover birds kissing under the tree right?" asked Yuki.
"Ah." Natsumi Sensei blushed on the spot. Her face went totally red.
"It's time we go back.We still have to make dinner for the guys. If not that kid is going to go crazy again." said Kei. Suddenly, somebody poke her.
"I mean this kid here." Kei corrected her speech. Nobody seems to notice her mistake.
"Bye Kimie! We had fun today. Really!" everyone waved their goodbyes and they went home.
At home.
"Tadaima!" the gurls went into the house.
"Okairi!" said the guys.
"Baka onii-chan! You should have tell me that you are staying back in school. Lucky Elvie onee-chan is not hurt badly."said Mai in Yuto's arm.
"Eh? Elvie. You hurt yourself?" asked Yuto looking at the wound.
"Yah. Clumsy me." Elvie smiled.
"Sit down, I'll help you bandage the wound." Yuto helped Elvie to sit down.
"Relax Yuto. I'm not that badly hurt, just some stratches. Gurls, don't you have things to do? Okasan! Do something!"said Elvie feeling her face getting hotter.
"Okay okay. Haha." everyone went to do their jobs and Mai went to help out.
"Gomen ne. It must be my sister.She's very afraid of strangers." said Yuto, carefully cleaning Elvie's wound.
"Daijoubu. Kids are like this. Don't worry. Mighty Elvie is still Mighty. And we had fun today."laughed Elvie.
"Mai have a phobia about strangers. Last time, when she was small, she was captured by some strangers. Lucky, my parents found her in time. Okay. It's done."
said Yuto quite happy with his bandaging skill.
"Yuto, Mai will learn to overcome this problem. Don't worry. Bring her here more often and she will learn that strangers can be kind too." Elvie went back to the kitchen to help out.
Mai's parent came to pick Mai up at 11.00 PM. Come to say, the gurls hate it when Mai leaves. However, Mai assured them that she would come back and play with them.
"Phew. That monster is gone. She've taken up most of my energy. I don't care. Juu! You have to massage me! I don't care!" said Hi-chan, moving towards Juu.
"Haha. Okay, leave Juu alone. She's tired too. Dai-chan will help you ne?" said Chii.
"Hai!" Dai-chan walked towards Hi-chan to massage her shoulder.
"Thanks gurl, for today. You have to take care of my sister and 5 of us." said Yuto bowing.
"Haha. It's okay. We had fun today too ne?" Elvie looked at the gurls and laughed.
"Okay it's late let's go to bed."Yamachan said pushing everyone up the stairs.
"Okay okay. Yamachan, the stairs can't take us all 12." said Takaki.
"Hehe." Yamachan gave off an inoccent smile.
Elvie was doing her rounds when she saw Yuto standing outside of his room.
"Elvie, thank you very much. If not for my sister, you won't get hurt. Gomen." said Yuto.
"Iie, it's okay. Normal for a kid at the age of 10. I was 2 times worse than her. I almost broke my mum's precious vase when I was 10." Elvie laughed.
"Okay, it's late. You should go back and sleep. Tomorrow there is shooting for magazine cover page right?" asked Elvie.
"Yup. Okay. Good night Elvie. Take care of that wound." Yuto turned back to his bed " Elvie, thanks." Yuto gave Elvie a fly kiss.
"Good night Yuto."said Elvie blushing.
"Lucky Yuto didn't see me blushing." Elvie heave a sigh of relief.
She carried on doing her rounds and went to bed.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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