Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate.
Natsumi: Natsumi Sensei *note* Natsumi Sensei is a girl
The fourth day of the first week.(Wednesday)/Fifth day at HS7's house.
"Hi-chan! Don't eat ice-cream so early! You want to get stomachache?" shouted Kei from the kitchen.
"It's okay. I've been eating ice-cream since i'm 10 years old. My stomach is used to it." said Hi-chan
"Don't ever try that gurls and boys. You will get stomachaches and you will freeze to death! Yuki Sensei says that." said Yuki acting like a sensei.
"Haha. We don't freeze to death by eating ice-cream in the morning." said Takaki.
"Yah. But Hi-chan, don't eat ice-cream so early. Not so good." said Yamachan trying to take away Hi-chan's ice-cream.
"Okay. Stop playing. Today, we guys have shooting to take. Ermm, we can't have all 7 of you going, gomen, we will be taking along the duty in-charge today, which is Yuki, and
either Elvie or Kei goes with us. To entertain this elephant here." said Dai-chan.
"Stop calling me an elephant. I'm crying." cried Yuto.
Everyone laughed.
Elvie and Kei decieded to play [Scissors Paper Stone] to deciede on who is going. Kei won the game.
The rest have to go to school.
"Ittekimasu!" the gurls went out
"Ittarashai!" The rest started to get ready for the shooting.
"Are you done Dai-chan?" asked Yamachan
"You've been inside for like 30 minutes already." said Chii.
"Hai hai. I'm coming out soon." said Dai-chan from the toilet.
"Yosh! Lunch is done." said Kei from the kitchen.
"Did you made extra for me?" asked Yuto rushing into the kitchen.
"Of cause. I know you need extra serving. I really wonder what you are made of. Small body, big appetite. Help me pack the lunch." said Kei give Yuto lunchboxes.
All was settled and they went off to the studio.
On the way, Yuto fell asleep.
"This kid not only does he like to eat, he also like to sleep." said Yuki.
"Yuki, you are calling the kettle black. You too like to sleep. Just that you don't eat so much, like Yuto." said Kei from the back.
They proceeded to the studio with each of them slowly falling asleep.
At the school
"Ne. I wonder what Yuki and gang are doing." said Kaokao putting down her pen.
"They must be enjoying the time sleeping. I guess the one who slept the most must be," Ayumi haven't say finish and the gurls said
"Yuto!" everyone laughed.
"Where is Yuki and Kei?" asked Kimie.
"Well... They've got things to do. They've taken leave from Natsumi Sensei." said Hi-chan.
Lucky Hi-chan thought up of an excuse for the both of them. If not they really don't know how to answer Kimie.
"Yosh. Iku yo. We need to go to the biology lab." said Juu packing her things for Bio lesson.
While walking down the stairs, they accidentally knocked into Hikaru,Shoon,Yabu and Taiyo.
"Ah! Gomen. Never see where i was walking." said Elvie. Picking up things that are knocked onto the floor.
"Elvie Elvie! Hikaru,Shoon and Yabu!!" said Hi-chan poking Elvie.
"Eh?" Elvie looked up and almost fall over the things over the floor. Lucky Hikaru was there to catch her.
"Hi-chan almost scream at that.
"Are you okay? It's okay. I'll pick that up." said Hikaru gently.
"Are you gurls going to the biology lab also?" asked Shoon.
"Yup." said Juu.
"Well, we'll go together. We're going to the lab too." said Taiyo helping to carry the books.
Hikaru and gang promise that they will bring them out after school to apologize for knocking into the gurls, even though it's the gurls fault.
"Yatta! I never thought of meeting Ya3 here! Hikaru is very gentle ne? I never knew that Taiyo looks taller than on TV." said Hi-chan almost screaming her head off.
"Hi-chan, relax! Don't scream later when they bring us out okay? Shoon is cute too!! Yabu.. I've no words to discribe him. He's just so so.. OMG. Okay, I'm also going crazy. Haha" laughed Ayumi.
"Wonder if I can meet NewS here." said Kaokao thinking.
"Don't be crazy Kao.How can they be here when the youngest is 20?" asked Elvie whacking Kaokao's head.
"Itai! Stop whacking my head. I'll get more stupid." said Kaokao rubbing her head.
Meanwhile at the studio.
"Yuto, move to the left abit. Yamada, to the right! Chinen, yeah yeah just stay there." the photographer said.
"Ne, today Okasan seems to be very quiet. Is he sick?" asked Kei who noticed Takaki behaving abnormally.
"I don't know. When they are taking a break we'll ask him." said Yuki trying to think what's happening.
"Okasan. Are you okay? You look very pale." said Yuki when Takaki came to rest.
"Eh? Do I? I guess because I skip breakfast today." said Takaki drinking some water.
"You are having fever Okasan!" said Dai-chan feeling Takaki's forehead.
"Fever?" Yuki went to feel Takaki's forehead "it's fever alright. I don't care. Okasan you better lie down."
"Kei, do you mind if you buy some medicine and water." asked Yuki.
"Sure. I'll go right now. I know what you are going to say Yuto. Buy some food for you right?" said Kei taking her bag
"Yup! Kei's so smart." said Yuto sending Kei out.
After school
"Gurls!" shouted Yabu from the back. They went to a Sushi shop.
"Ittadakimasu!" they introduced themselves before eating.
"Ne, Hikaru, what class are you guys in?" asked Hi-chan.
"Same class as Yuto they all. They have shooting today right? Hey Taiyo. Don't eat so much!" said Hikaru snatching the food away from Taiyo.
"Haha. Taiyo is just like Yuto ne?" said Ayumi to Kaokao.
"Yah. Both eats alot, but one is tall, one is shorter.. NOT SHORT. Don't be mistaken." said Kaokao.
"Hai. Does anyone want wasabi?" asked Yabu passing wasabi around.
"I want! Thanks Yabu." Hi-chan took the wasabi from Yabu.
"Ne, can we exchange e-mail or phone number?" asked Juu blushing.
"Sure! Yuto and gang always mention about you gurls." said Shoon.
"Eh. Hontou? They must be saying bad things about us." said Elvie laughing.
"Nope. Totally wrong. They say that you gurls are very fun to be with. I totally agree with them." said Shoon.
The gurls blushed. They didn't know that Yuto they all will mention about them, and they are sitting with Ya3 eating.
Back at the studio.
"Tadaima." Kei was back from buying the things.
"Here you go, medicine and water. You guys too. Drink more water. Espicially Yuto you. Here you go. Your food." Kei gave out the things she bought.
"Okasan, wake up. Eat your medicine. If you still have fever after we go home, you have to see the doctor okay?" Yuki gave the medicine and water to Takaki.
"Hai." Takaki took over the medicine.
The shooting last for about an hour more and they went back home.
On the way home, Takaki fall asleep.
"Okasan must be very tired. He rarely fall sick." said Yamachan looking at Takaki.
"Then who is the one who always fall sick?" Kei looked at Yuto.
"Don't look at me like that. It's Dai-chan." said Yuto pointing towards Dai-chan.
"Nani?" said Dai-chan looking up from his magazine.
"We say that you are very handsome." said Chii.
"I'm always handsome." said Dai-chan going back to his magazine.
"Ano Kei, is there anymore food? I'm hungry." said Yamachan moving forward to sit beside Kei.
"How 'bout you asking Yuto? Foods are always with him." said Kei looking at Yuto.
Yamachan turned around and look at Yuto.
"Ermm I don't think there is any left" said Yuto looking through the bag.
"Kei, I believe that you have some extra right?" Yamachan gave Kei an inocent look.
"Okay okay. There. Yuto! No eating." Kei passed the packet of bisuit to Yamachan and gave a stare to Yuto.
"Relax, I'm full at this moment." Yuto switch to his sleeping position and went to sleep.
"Yuki had fallen asleep too." said Dai-chan looking at Yuki.
They continued on their journey back home.
Back at the Sushi shop.
"I'm done." said Hi-chan.
"Hi-chan, you're done so fast? You usually eat more than thins. On a diet?" joked Ayumi.
"No. I'm full. Maybe i ate too much during lunch." Hi-chan started drinking her green tea.
"I'm done too." Kaokao said pushing her plate in. After 10 minutes, everyone was done.
"How 'bout going to the arcade?" suggested Taiyo.
"Now is 17:30. The gurls will be back soon right?" asked Juu.
"Yah. I don't think we can go to the arcade. Next time then." said Kaokao.
"It's okay. Then we will send you gurls back home." said Hikaru.
"Is it okay?" asked Ayumi.
"Sure!" The guys send the gurls back home. On the way they talked non-stop, espicially Hi-chan who just can't stop asking question.
"Hi-chan how are they going to answer when you are asking so many question at one go?" said Elvie.
"Yah. Silly me." Hi-chan scratched her head.
"Okay, we're here." said Kaokao stopping.
"Ja! See you guys soon!" said Juu.
"Bye bye!" Hikaru and gang went off after waving good byes.
Just at the moment, the guys, Yuki and Kei came back.
"Okairi." said Juu.
"Wait. Okasan, you look pale.Are you okay?" asked Ayumi looking at Takaki.
"Sort of. I'm feeling like a jelly right now, and yuto might eat me up any time now." joked Takaki.
"You can joke, that means you are getting better. " said Yuki helping Takaki into the house. " But you still have to go back to your room and take a rest." said Yuki pushing Takaki up the stairs.
"Demo, I want to sit at the sofa and watch TV." said Takaki turning back.
"Be a good boy okay. Unless your fever subsides to 37 degree celsius, no coming down." said Yuki sternly.
"Ehhh." Takaki went up the stair obediently.
"Ne Yuki, what do we need to cook for Okasan?" asked Elvie from the kitchen.
"Well, cook some porridge for him then." said Yuki walking into the kitchen. Suddenly, there was a loud crash and the two gurls inside the kitchen was shocked as the crash was from the kitchen.
They turned around and saw Yuki laying on the floor.
"Yuki!" cried Elvie who went to help Yuki.
"She's having a fever. Must be Okasan's virus." said Kei feeling Yuki's forehead.
"Is everything alright?" asked Dai-chan who heard the crash and came in. Everyone was outside the kitchen.
"Dai-chan, can you help me carry Yuki up to her bed room?" asked Elvie.
"Okay. Leave her to me." said Dai-chan carrying Yuki.
"Guys you better becareful. Drink more water. I scare that the virus might spread." said Kei.
"Hai. Need any help here? Since Okasan is not here." asked Chii.
"Okay then. But please tell us the things that you need. don't try to climb up anything to get something." said Elvie.
"Okay. don't worry about. I'm very mature you know." said Chii smiling.
"I don't. Haha. Okay. Let's go down to work." said Elvie.
Dinner time"Minna, today Okasan and Yuki had fallen sick. So we had to take care of them. So, please don't try anything funny. Yuto, if you're hungry, get something to eat yoursself, or ask someone to do it for you." said Elvie.
"How 'bout we also help out in taking care of them?" said Yamachan.
"Yah, we can help to take care too. Each of us take care of them for one hour and then switch. What do you say about this?" asked Chii.
"Not a bad idea. Okay then, Kaokao do you mind if you come up with me to send them the food?" asked Kei.
"Okay. I'll take this to Yuki." said Kaokao taking a bowl of porridge.
"Okay. Elvie you take care of here." Kei went up with Kaokao to sent them food.
At Yuki's room.
"Yuki! You're up. Feeling better? Here let me help you." Ayumi went in and help Yuki sit up.
"Did I faint just now? I suddenly felt giddy and I just blacked out. It's so embarassing." said Yuki covering her face.
"It's okay. Yuki, here, eat some porridge. You will feel better. It's cook by Chii, Elvie and Kei, with lots of love." said Ayumi handing the bowl to Yuki.
"Eh? Chii helped out in cooking? Cute." said Yuki taking a sip of the porridge. "It taste nice, amazingly. Hah."
"How's today's shooting?" asked Ayumi.
"Very boring for Kei and me. We only see them taking pictures." said Yuki taking another mouth of the porridge. "Seriously, this porridge is really nice."
"Want some water?" asked Ayumi at the table.
"Sure." Yuki took over the cup from Ayumi.
"How's Okasan doing?" asked Yuki.
"Well, Okasan is under Kei's care. So no worries!" said Ayumi taking the bowl and cup from Yuki.
Yuki took out her thermometer wanting to take her temperature.
"Baka. No people take their temperature after eating something hot." Ayumi took the thermometer from Yuki.
They chatted for about 10 minutes and Yuki took her temperature.
"37.2 degree clesius. Well, I've got 2 choices for you. 1, go down and watch TV. 2, stay in bed." said Ayumi packing up.
"I want both. When I'm bored, I'll go down and watch TV. When I'm tired, I'll come up and stay in bed." said Yuki.
"Good idea. I'll go now." Ayumi left the room.
At Takaki's room.
"Okasan, how are you feeling?" Kei stepped into Takaki's room.
"Much better after I eat that bowl of food on your hand. I'm starving." said Takaki stretching out his hand to take the bowl of porridge.
"Here you go. Haha. How can you not know that you are sick and still go out." said Kei packing Takaki's room. " And it's so messy in here."
"It's okay. I'll pack it myself later. Where's Yuki?" asked Takaki with his mouth full.
"Don't speak with your mouth full Okasan. Yuki's down too. With your virus, if I'm not wrong." said Kei continue packing his room.
"How's the porridge? Chii got a part in cooking that." Kei looked at a photo sticked on the mirror.
"Eh? Chii? That kid? Amazing. It's nice. I thought only you and Elvie cooked this." said Takaki throwing a pillow at Kei. "Don't look at that photo. It's so embarassing. I wanted to make a [peace] sign, yet the shutter was too fast."
"Haha. Okay. Done with the porridge? Want some water?" asked Kei taking the bowl.
"Okay. Can I go down and watch TV?" plead Takaki.
"Can. Unless your temperature is 37 degree celsius." said Kei taking out the thermometer and passing it to Takaki.
"Let's see. 37.4 degree celsius. Too bad Okasan. You can't go down." Kei went to wash the thermometer.
"Eh. Don't be like that Kei. Let me go down and watch TV. I'm getting bored staying in bed.
"Bored? Then I'll ask Dai-chan to come up and entertain you." said Kei preparing to go.
"Alright alright. Can't I go down?" Takaki plead with Kei.
"Okay okay. But promise me that when you are not feeling well you must come up okay?" said Kei
"Aw Kei, you're the best!" said Takaki rushing out of the room
"Chotto! Come back come back. Are you going out like this? In this hair?" Kei went out of the room to stop Takaki.
"Eh? Haha. Too happy." Takaki went back to the room to fix his head before coming out again.
"It seems like you all are done eating. Hey Ayumi, time for us to eat." Kei said to Ayumi.
"Hai. Ittadakimasu." Kei and Ayumi started eating.
"Ah, Yuki, bored in bed huh?" said Kaokao as Yuki came down the stairs.
"Feeling better Yuki? Eh. Okasan you come down also." said Yamachan
"Yup. Kei let me come down." said Takaki.
Yuki gave Kei a stare.
"Opps. But his temperature is 37.2 degree celsius. That's why I let him come down." said Kei giving Takaki a wink.
Everyone was having fun when the Juu's handphone rang.
"Moshi moshi, Juu desu. May I help you?"
"Juu-chan. I'm Natsumi."
"Ah. Natsumi Sensei. Yes? How may I help you?" asked Juu
"Well, I just want to inform you that there is no school tomorrow." said Natsumi Sensei.
"Eh? Why is there no school?" asked Kaokao.
"I'm not very sure. I just receive that message. Whatever it is, who doesn't like holidays? Ja ne." said Natsumi Sensei and hang the phone up.
"Ja sensei." Kaokao hang up the phone too.
"Natsumi Sensei say that tomorrow there is no school." Kaokao turned and told the rest.
"What? No school? How come?" asked Chii
This time, Yuto's handphone rang. After the call, Yuto say that his teacher also say that there are no lessons the next day.
"Well, since there is no school tomorrow, how about going out tomorrow?" suggested Chii.
"Not a bad idea. I can also take this time to thank you gurls for helping me look after my sister." said Yuto.
"We won't eat all your money. Right gurls?" said Hi-chan.
"Yeah!" the gurls shouted.
"A sushi meal would be good enough." said Juu thinking of other things to let Yuto pay for.
"No no no.. Elvie will make the choice. She was the one who was hurt." Yuto turned and look at Elvie.
"Don't look at me like that Yuto. Ice-cream will be good enough." said Elvie blushing.
"YEAH! Ice-cream. Hi-chan's fav.!" shouted Hi-chan.
Everyone laughed at HI-chan for liking ice-cream so much.
"Okay. enough of playing. Our two sick people needs rest, and it's late. Go to sleep all of you." said Hi-chan.
Everyone went to bed. At night, Hi-chan accompany Yuki to do her round.
"Good night Chii."said Hi-chan and Yuki.
"Good night, you rest well Yuki." and Chii went to sleep.
"Night Yuto."
"Sleep tight Dai-chan. Thanks for helping me take care of them today." said Yuki.
"You're welcome. Night Yuki, night Hi-chan."
"Night Dai-chan" said Hi-chan.
"Ne, Okasan, sleep tight. Get well soon." said Yuki.
"You too. Don't sleep too late. If not you can't go with us tomorrow. Good night gurls." Takaki turn off the lights.
"Good night Okasan." said Hi-chan and they went to Yamachan's room.
Yamachan's already asleep, they quietly close the door and went back to sleep.
"Good night Yuki, get well soon." said Hi-chan.
"You too. Good night." Yuki gave Hi-chan a hug and went back to her room.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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