Main Casts: HeiSeiGirlsPower
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki(Okasan)
Kimie: Classmate
Nakajima Mai: Yuto's sister (MADE UP)
Hikaru: Hiakaru
Shoon: Shoon
Yabu: Yabu
Taiyo: Taiyo
HeiSei: pet dog
31st October 2008(Friday)/ 10th month in HS7's house.
"Ohaiyo HeiSei!" said Kaokao stroking her head.
"Bark bark"
"Ohaiyo Kao." said Takaki as he came out from the kitchen.
"Ohaiyo Okasan." replied Kaokao.
"What's up with today's breakfast? So redish." asked Kaokao.
"Today is Hallowe'en my dear." said Elvie.
"Oh. Hallowe'en." said Kaokao. "Eh? Hallowe'en?"
"Yah? Hallowe'en." said Kei.
"Kao, go wake the rest up. Breakfast is ready." said Takaki.
"Hai!" said Kaokao running up to wake up the rest. Suddenly, Kaokao had a thought of scaring the others. Kaokao went to her room and took the mask she just bought for Hallowe'en.
She went to Chii's room to wake him up.
"Chinen Yuri~~ I'm here to capture you if you don't wake~~~ up~~~." Chii immediately sat up. He almost screamed when he saw the face.
"Chii! It's me! Kao!" said Kao covering Chii's mouth.
"Kao! Don't you dare scare me like that again next time." said Chii angrily.
"Hai hai. Gomen ne Chii."said Kaokao slipping out of the room.
Ding Dong. The bell rang. It was Mai. Yuto's mum say that Mai wanted to go with Yuto for trick and treat.
"Ohaiyo Mai." said Kei as she open the door.
"Ohaiyo Kei onee-chan." Mai seems to be very hyper in the morning.
"Mai, I told you to drop that onee-chan." said Kei inviting Mai in.
"Hai hai. How about Kei-chan senpai?" asked Mai.
"Mai! I'm just a few years older than you!" said Kei.
"Hai! Kei-chan." Kei smiled at Mai.
"Ne, onii-chan is not yet awake?" asked Mai.
"Yup. He's still sleeping like a log." said Kao.
"Can I wake him up?" asked Mai."Sure, we can wake all of them up together." said Kao as Mai ran up the stairs.
"Yay!" The two of them waked everyone up.
"Ohaiyo." said Yamachan as he saw Mai. "Mai. You're here."
"Hai! Ohaiyo Yamada onii-chan."
"Mai, no onii-chan." said Yamachan as he step into the toilet.
"Why everyone don't like onii-chan or onee-chan?" asked Mai.
"Because we sound old like that." said Yamachan patting Mai's head.
"Hai! Demo, Yamachan-kun, you all are older than me. I call Yuto onii-chan. So it's normal for me to call you all onii-chan/onee-chan too." argued Mai.
"Mai!" said Yuto from the back.
"Kowaii yo Onii-chan." Mai gave her brother a hug.
"So what does Mai want to dress as later at night?" asked Hi-chan as they settle down around the table for breakfast.
"I want to dress as a devil!" shouted Yuki.
"Are you Mai?" asked Hi-chn
"I want the devil too!" said Mai.
"Okay. Then both of you will dress as the devil, two different types. One tall, one short." said Kaokao.
"Mai will be the tall one and Yuki the short one." said Juu.
"Eh? Doushite?" asked Yuki.
"Because, you have to let the shorter one have a taste of being tall." said Juu.
"Eh. But how do I become tall?" asked Mai.
"Hmm. You can try out the stilts. But not too high." said Ayumi.
"Sugoi! Can I really do that?" asked Mai.
"But where do you all get stilts right now?" asked Dai-chan.
"I know how to make one. But not really a stilt." said Yamachan.
"Cool. How do you do that?" asked Hi-chan.
"We can stack tins up. Then tape them together, attach a string and then that's done." replied Yamachan.
"Let's try after breakfast!" said Mai feeling excited about the idea.
"Okay. Don't eat so fast Mai. You have to wait until all of us finish our breakfast." said Takaki.
After breakfast, everyone started to gather tins that can be used.
"Yamachan, is this okay?" asked Hi-chan.
"Yup. As long as it won't crush when it's being step, it's will be fine." said Yamachan.
After taping all the tins together, Yuto helped his sister onto the stack of cans.
"How?" asked Yamachan as Mai tried walking.
"Ii. But can we wrap the tins up?" asked Mai as she come down.
"Sure. Wait. Mai. Get up there. Yuki, go stand beside Mai and see." said Chii as he push Yuki over.
"Hey! You are so bad. " Yuki went around trying to catch Chii.
"You try and stand beside, and let's see who's shorter."
"Okay. Enough. If we don't start making our costumes now, we will never finish by night time." said Kaokao stoping Chii and Yuki from playing.
"Hai hai."
"Is Kimie coming here to do her costume?" asked Dai-chan.
"Yup. She should be here any time." the doorbell rang after Hi-chan finished talking.
"Kimie! You're here!" said Juu as she open the door."Yup! Am I welcome?" asked Kimie."Of cause you are!" said Takaki.
They started to prepare their costumes. They took a break for lunch.
"Eh! Sugoi!" exclaimed Kimie as she saw the dishes on the table.
"Haha. The work of Takaki, Elvie and Kei." said Ayumi.
"Hontou?" Mai and Kimie both cannot believe that three of them can cook for so many.
"Haha. Three of them can cook for 17 people." said Ayumi.
"Sugoi! Onii-chan, can you pass me the sause?" asked Mai. Yuto gave the gurls a look.
"Relax, we did nothing to the bottle this time." said Ayumi laughing.
"Eh? What bottle?" Mai and Kimie have a question mark on their face.
"They did a trick on me with a sause of bottle." said Yuto passing the bottle to his sister.
"I bet Onii-chan is so dumb that he didn't even know that." said Mai.
"Baka! All of them tricked me. How do you expect me to know?" Yuto argued with Mai.
"Ne, if you two continue fighting, we have no time to finish our costume." said Juu.
"Hai. Is Yabu and gang coming?" asked Hi-chan.
"Yah. They are coming around 3 PM, with their costume." said Takaki.
That means, we still have about 2 hours till 3 PM." said Yuki taking a big glup of her drink.
"Yup. Yuki, do you mind if you stop drinking? That's my cup." said Chii.
"Ah! Gomen gomen. I'll get you a new cup."
After 1 and a half hour, most of them were done with their costume.
"Finally! I'm done!" said Hi-chan.
"You are the last one Hi-chan." said Kimie.
"Gurls! Hikaru and gang are here!" Dai-chan shouted from the door.
"Are they really here?" Mai rushed down to meet them.
"You must be Mai-chan ne?" said Shoon as he came in.
"Hai!" Mai seems to be very excited about Ya3's appearence.
"Hi guys." said the gurls at the staircase.
"You gurls are here also." said Taiyo.
"This house seems to be very squeezing now." joked Chii.
Everyone laughed.
"Are all the costume done?" asked Yabu.
Everyone nodded.
"You guys are early." said Juu as she came down.
"We are done with the costume and have nothing to do. That's why we came here early to see if we can help out." explained Hikaru.
"Oh. Now we are done too. What to do?" asked Elvie.
"Hmm. Sit around and chat?" suggested Yamachan.
"Good idea Yamachan." said Kaokao. Everyone settled down to have a chat.
"How about some ice-cream?" asked Kei.
"Yay! Ice-cream!!" Hi-chan shouted.
"That will be good." said Dai-chan.
"We will help out." said Elvie going into the kitchen with Takaki and Kei.
"Are those three always incharge of food?" asked Shoon.
"Yup. Always. Anything that got to do with food, all goes under those three." said Hi-chan.
"But why those three?" asked Yabu.
"Because Takaki is always incharge of the guys' meal, Elvie and Kei are incharge of us, the gurls." explained Kaokao.
The three of them came out with 18 cups of ice-cream.
"Wow. I never realise that there are 18 people in here." said Yuto.
"That's because Onii-chan is always looking at Ayu-chan." said Mai.
Both of them blushed.
"I was not looking at Ayumi!" said Yuto turning to his ice-cream with his face all red. "I was looking at her because her hair got something." Yuto admited at last.
"Finally you admit." said Hi-chan looking at Ayumi.
"Don't look at me like that!" Ayumi brushed off the thing on her hair and blushed.
"What time are we going out?" asked Mai who started to get stiff of sitting around and chat.
"People start going out around 7-8PM." said Takaki.
"Eh! We still have 2-3 more hours!" exclaimed Mai.
"How about eating dinner first before going out?" asked Juu.
"Hmm. Alright. But then, let's take that you need 1 hour to prepare dinner, 1 hour to eat. then still have one hour?" asked Yuki.
"We can start preparing for the costume!" suggested Yabu.
"That's great!" The gurls set out to buy some things to cook for dinner. However, the gurls started to shop around.
"What is taking the gurls so long?" asked Taiyo as he started to feel hungry.
"Let's give them a call." said Takaki."It's okay. I think they should be back soon." said Shoon. Just after Shoon finish the sentence, the nine guys saw 9 panting gurls.
"Gomen gomen. We started shopping." said Juu as she catch her breath.
"It's okay. I believe Elvie,Kei and Okasan have the skill to cook up a dinner in 30 minutes time." said Chii looking at them.
"Of cause. We are the super cooker three!" said Kei.
"When did we have this name?" Takaki scratch his head.
"Hehe. I just made it up." Kei gave Takaki a smile."You silly." said Takaki pushing Kei's head slightly.
They prepared dinner in just 30 minutes.
"Wow. You guys really prepared dinner in 30 minutes time!" said Kimie looking shocked.
"Haha. If you give them more simple dishes, in 20 minutes, it'll be done." said Yuto.
"Hai hai. Eat up. We have 30 more minutes till 7PM." said Kaokao.
"Ittadakimasu!" they started eating.
"Sugoi! Oiishi yo." Mai gave a unbelieveable look.
Elvie,Kei and Takaki smiled.
After dinner, they help each other to get into their costume. They were alot of costume. You name what, they got what.
Soon it was time for them to go out.
"Who is this?" asked Yabu as he saw a mummy.
"Ahmmm mmm."
"What are you talking?" asked Yabu.
"I say, I am Kao." said Kaokao as she made space for her mouth to speak.
They went around Trick and Treating.
They pressed a doorbell of a house.As the owner open the door.
They shouted."Trick or Treat!"
"Shut up and get lost!" the man who opened the door shouted.
The 18 of them got a shock. They peeped into the window to see what is happening inside.
"Mai! No seeing." said Yuto and covered his sister's eyes.
"17 and below close your eyes." said Takaki. He turned around and saw more than half of the group closed their eyes. They quickly left the place.
"That was disgusting." said Shoon. "No wonder he would get angry. Being disturbed during this kind of moment." Shoon can't help laughing.
"You idiot. Stop saying that." said Yabu who pushed Shoon's head.
"Hey!" They continued Trick and Treating until it was about 11PM.
"It's time we go back home." said Yamachan as he started to feel his leg dragging.
"Alright. My leg is breaking too." said Hikaru. They went back to HS7's home.
"At last. Home sweet home." said Yuki dumping herself on the sofa.
"Yuki get up, we will take some time to clen up all sweat that is on the sofa!" said Chii pulling Yuki.
"Is there anything on tomorrow?" asked Hi-chan."What are you trying?" asked Yamachan."Hmm, let me guess let me guess!" said Juu trying to read Hi-chan's mind.
"You want them to stay overnight?"
"Juu is getting smarter ne." said Hi-chan. "Yup. How about a sleepover here?"
"Sure! I'll just have to call my parents." said Kimie.
"Okasan said that it would be best if i could stay here." said Mai.
"Well, you guys know us. We have no one at home." said Hikaru.
"My mum allow me to stay overnight." said Kimie as she came back from her call.
"Demo. We do not have any clothing to change." said Taiyo."Don't worry. We have clothing here." said Yuto.
"What about us?" asked Kimie.
"We have it too!" said Kaokao.
"Eh? You gurls sometimes stay overnight in their house?" Yabu seems to be shock.
"Ermm. We do come over to stay sometimes." said Kaokao.
"It's not sometimes. It's often." said Dai-chan looking at the gurls.
"We do not!" said Ayumi.
"Does 5 times a week counted sometimes or often?" asked Dai-chan.
"You all might as well move in!" said Kimie.
"That's why we have rooms for them." said Takaki.
"Well, should we just sell our house and move in?" asked Yuki.
"Well, you should. Since you are coming over like this is already your house." said Chii.
"Great idea gurls. We can think about it." said Kaokao.
"What? You take it seriously!" exclaimed Kimie.
"Joking. But. What's the use when our house is usually empty when we come over for 5 days a week." asked Kaokao.
"Hmm. Maybe.."
"Ne, who wants to take a bath first? We have 6 toilets avaliable." Ayumi cut Kimie's sentence to stop the topic.
"I'll bath first!" Mai ran to the toilet. "Chotto Mai." Ayumi stopped Mai.
"Since we have equal number of people, how about 3 people to a toilet?"
"Good idea!" Juu went to the gurls room to get clothings for Mai and Kimie while Yuto went to take for the guys.
"Let's have a race!" suggested Taiyo.
"No thanks. I'm totally beat to have a race. How about you do that with the people in the same toilet?" asked Elvie.
"Alright." said Yabu pouting.
"I'll race with you." said Yuto patting Yabu.
"Yay!" Yabu smiled.
Yuki,Hi-chan, Kei shared one toilet. Juu,Kimie,Kaokao shared one. Ayumi,Elvie and Mai shared one. Yabu,Yuto, Taiyo shared one toilet. Yamachan,Hikaru,Chii shared one. Takaki,Shoon,Dai-chan shared one.
In Yuki's toilet."Ne, it has been a long time since we bath together like that." said Hi-chan.
"Yup. We seems to be very busy." said Yuki.
"Ne, is Kei asleep?" asked Yuki as she sees Kei being very quiet.
Hi-chan took alook at Kei. "Yup. She seems to be asleep."
"Huh?" Kei woke up as Hi-chan gave Kei a push. "I think I fall asleep."
"I think it's better if you get out. I'm very afraid we have to carry you out later." joked Yuki.
"Hai." Kei got up and left the toilet.
In Juu's toilet.
"Hey Kao! Don't touch me!" said Kimie.
"I'm not touching you!" said Kaokao as she lift her hands up.
"Gomen gomen. I can't control when I see your's are so big." said Juu keeping her hand.
"Juu! You are so pervertic!" said Kimie who moved away from Juu.
"Okay okay. I don't touch you anymore. Come back come back." said Juu as she pull Kimie back.
"Ne, Why do you gurls always come over?" asked Kimie.
"Well, because we had nothing to do alone at home. So we come over to play with the guys." Kaokao bluff Kimie.
"Let's stop talking about this and bath. I'm tired." said Juu feeling guilty bluffing Kimie.
In Ayumi's toilet.
"Ayumi, mind if you pass me the shampoo?" asked Elvie.
"Hai. Mai, what are you doing?" said Ayumi as she saw Mai creating alot of bubbles.
"Nothing. I just like to make alot alot of bubbles to play with." said Mai.
"You this small cutie." said Elvie patting Mai's head.
"I'm not small." said Mai pouting.
"Kawaii!" Ayumi can't help exclaiming. Mai sighed and continued playing with bubbles.
Meanwhile, at the guys' side, Yabu's toilet.
"Ready, 1,2,3!" The three guys a competing on who bath the fastest.
After 10 minutes,
"I'm done!" said Yuto.
"Me too!" said Yabu. "Taiyo is the last!"
Three of them laughted.
In Yamachan's toilet.
"Ne Chii, when will you grow taller?" joked Hikaru.
"I rather he don't grow tall. Because he is so cute like that." said Yamachan hugging Chii.
"Yamachan. Don't hug me like that." said Chii escaping from Yamachan.
"Demo, Chii kawaii yo." said Hikaru.
"Ne, what if one day the gurls leave us?" asked Chii.
"I think this house will lose all the laughters." said Yamachan.
"They always bring laughter to you guys ne." said Hikaru.
"Yup. We were always laughing when they are around." said Chii.
"I can feel it. When we went out, people are looking at us. Thinking we are some mad people laughing." said Hikaru recalling.
"Are you done with the body bath?" asked Chii.
"Gomen gomen." Yamachan passed the body bath to Chii."Remember the couples? They sure..." Three of them started chatting in the toilet.
In Takaki's toilet.
"Okasan!" said Dai-chan attacking Takaki from the back.
"Oi. Get down. I want to bath." said Takaki.
"Dai-chan is starting to get hyper at night ne." said Shoon.
"Bark bark!" HeiSei barked outside the toilet.
"Should we let her in?" asked Dai-chan."No! She's a gurl. Not guy." said Shoon.
"Haha. Demo, HeiSei is a dog." said Dai-chan.
"No!" Shoon insist not opening the door.
"Alright. Alright." said Dai-chan.
"Masaka. Shoon is afraid of dogs?" teased Takaki.
"Yes... I MEAN NO!."
"Yes or no Shoon."
"Yes." Shoon finally admited.
They came out after bathing.
"Get HeiSei away Dai-chan!" said Shoon as he hide behind Takaki.
"Shoon kawaii yo." said Kaokao suddenly appearing from somewhere and picking HeiSei up.
"Kawaii ja nai." said Shoon coming out. "Kowaii yo." Everyone laughed at Shoon.
"Alright alright. It's time to sleep already." said Kaokao.
"Yup. Tomorrow some of us still have to wake up early." said Takaki.
"For?" asked Taiyo.
"We have to make breakfast." said Elvie.
"Oh. The 3 of you." said Yabu.
"Alright. Shoo."
Yuki,Hi-chan, Kei squeezed in one room. Juu,Kimie,Kaokao in one. Ayumi,Elvie and Mai in one. Yabu,Yuto, Taiyo in one room. Yamachan,Hikaru,Chii in one. Takaki,Shoon,Dai-chan in one.
"Good night Hi-chan, Kei." said Yuki.
"Good night Yuki, Hi-chan." said Kei
"Kao, are you going to do the rounds?" asked Juu.
"I think not tonight." said Kaokao. "I'm dying of tiredness."
"Eh? What rounds?" asked Kimie.
"Oh well, this is very hard to explain." said Juu. "Next time if we have the time.""Good night."
"Mai. Is this comfortable?" asked Elvie.
"Yup. It's okay." replied Mai."Ayu-chan?"
Ayumi seems to be asleep.
"Let's leave her alone." said Elvie.
"Today is fun." said Mai.
"Glad you have fun." said Elvie.
"Elvie-chan, will you all stay here, always?" asked Mai.
"Yup. We will leave only if something bad happenes." said Elvie.
"I hope that, whenever I come, I can see you all here...Today..is fun..." Mai slowly fall asleep.
"Oyasumi Mai."
In the guys' room.
"Ne Taiyo, what did you eat, that make you grow so tall?" asked Yuto.
"Nothing." said Taiyo. "I just grow and grow."
"Not fair!" said Yuto."It's alright. I'm 17 and you're 14. You still can grow." said Taiyo.
"Yabu is quiet ne." said Yuto.
"Shhh he's asleep." said Taiyo. "It's time we sleep too. Night."
Everyone was asleep in Yamachan's room.
"Dai-chan, can you bring HeiSei to somewhere else?" asked Shoon.
"But HeiSei sleeps with me almost everynight." said Dai-chan carrying HeiSei.
"NO! Bring her out. ONEGAI!" begged Shoon.
"Alright alright. HeiSei, go to your home." said Dai-chan letting HeiSei out of the room.
"Shoon. You this scary cat." said Takaki pushing Shoon's head.
"I was once bitten by a dog." said Shoon. "But I still find dog very cute."
"So Shoon is afraid of dog biting." said Dai-chan.
"Relax. HeiSei don't bite." said Takaki. "He will only lick."
"Alright. I don't want to listen anymore." Shoon cover the blanket over his head.
"Okay. Night!"
Everyone started to fall asleep. HeiSei let out a soft whine and fall asleep outside Dai-chan's room."I wonder what will Shoon-kun react when he see me outside?"
To be continued...
Minna! This is my 14th fic. before that, it was in a big mess. But now, i rearrange the whole story. So please enjoy! Gomen for making such a big mess and taking so late... will try to give the next one ASAP. hmm just a qn. shld i continue to post these fic on Littlx? TT_TT *this is a bad feeling of mine* i feel that my fic is not so popular.. as in compare with others... but... i think i will at least post all the 7HeiSeiGirls' fic. after that, i dun think i will anymore.. unless i feel that it's quite good... that's it.. BUT it will still be post on this blog, and be send to everyone.
I wonder what will happen on next year 29 oct. haha waiting for that day... and of cause... the aniversary of this blog... haha.. take care!!!

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