To tell the hsgp_K,N,E's fan (We have fans?) the truth...we 10 people actually are from Different Countries...Ayumi is from Malaysia, Kaoru is from Malaysia,Natsumi is from Malaysia, Eka is from Brunei, Yuki is from Brunei, Hichan is from a mysterious place, Juu is from the Uber happy Philippines, Kei is from Singapore, Kimie is from Australia, and Elvie is from France. We all have A same goal which is GO TO JAPAN AND MEET OUR FAV JE. We are online friends. We met in littlix(onlinely) and became friends. Eventhough we have never met each other before but we are still best friends. We exchange pictures and info about ourselves. Then Kei made a fic called HeiSei Girls Power(HSGP). Therefore the group of HSGP were created. Thank You Kei. Fate bring us together.YAY~~!! ENJOY AND ARIGATOU MINNA FOR SUPPORTING THIS BLOG~ WE LOVE YOU ALL -CHU- XD :3

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Well right now kimie is sitting in the dark making her xmas presents for her friends. T__T I becoming lazy T__T I cbb with anything and getting distracted by NEWS and MAKI! T__T hahaha its love :]
T_T I wonder where arth is since it seems like DAYYYYYS since i've talked to her.
Wanna read my science story anybody? I showed arth and she liked it. Hahaha.

How I Became The Mush
As I sit here, proud to have become brown mush somewhere unknown, I remember the day I transformed into this. I was the fruit salad which the little children snack on after playing so long outside in the sun. I was proud to give them the nutrition to gain more energy to play as I had contain bananas, apples, oranges, pineapple, pear, watermelon and rock melon on top of that vanilla yoghurt to give them good bacteria.
I was sitting in the cool of the refrigerator when a sudden light shown on me as a hand reached in and took hold of me. I then saw that it was a little boy, probably no more then 9 years of age. This delighted me that I was being eaten by him and not that gruddy 20 year old of a sister he has, well I wouldn't have mind but I want to help the young ones grow.
Well he added some more of me, hair you could say (yogurt), and in I went. I didn't know what was going to happen to me, but Mr. Re-Water told me that you went through the whole body and come back out again. I was really excited of where I was going to go but I was getting nervous.
I entered a small room with a small fence running across the top and bottom of the room. I lay on the red/pink-ish bit, which seemed like a rug. Mr. Re-Water had told me about this place, it was called the mouth. He had been in here about seven times.
Suddenly the teeth began to move up and down, the carpet began to move all over. I began to get scared but then I thought, "For the Children!!!". I put on a brave face, though I didn't know where that was, and then this liquid came about covering me all over as I was getting crunched up to smaller pieces. Was it my imagination or was some of me slowly dissolving, I did not know and I still don't.
Suddenly the carpet rolled backwards and I, had become a ball type thing, was getting pushed down. Where was I going I wondered as I tried to remember Mr. Re-Waters words. The. . .the. . .the ogas? Yes, the ogas, that's where I was going down. I was getting pushed down and down and down by the walls moving and squeezing when I saw a hole that was open and another that was closed. I guess I had no choice but go down the opened hole, but till this day I am still curious where the other hole would have lead me towards.
From the hole I fell into a. . .well I don't remember what it was, just that it looked like a pear and it felt all elastic like. I remember seeing a sign pointing up which said, 'Oesophagas - No Exit'.
Feeling a little embarrassed believing that it was called an ogas, at least I was close. Anyways, back in the pear shape bag I lay there, when suddenly BOOM! All this liquid came out of nowhere and began to attack me.
I screamed, "NOOOOOOO, I'M TO YOUNG TO DIE!” then the liquid yelled back, "YOUR NOT EVEN ALIVE! BESIDES WE'RE HELPING YOU".
That made me calm down a bit, but I wasn't convinced. But I had to keep saying to myself, "For the children!" It felt like i was slowly breaking down very, very slowly while the bag began to move all over the place. I felt really dizzy and was feeling out of my mind. I sat their for awhile and saw more of me coming down the tube called 'The Oesophagas'. I greeted myself as we continue to break down slowly. I then remembered Mr. Re-Water saying that I would have a home for about two hours after coming out of the ogas, well the Oesophagas.
Well, the stomach relaxed a bit after taking a bit of my protein but then it began to move again with a pushing motion. This time I knew exactly where I was heading. The Small Intestine. I was sure that's where I was heading to since I saw the sign as I moved downwards.
There, in the Small Intestine my proteins was completely removed and became a liquid. Mr. Re-Water had told me it was called an uhmeeno*. Now that I think about it, Mr. Re-Water is really wise. But I wonder how he knows about all this since he came out from another tubing to me. I mean he told me that the way he came out was a total blast!
Moving on. . .my time in the small intestine was quite educational. Chemicals came from different areas greeted me and told me what they were going to do to me. I still remember the exact words they had said to me.
[The Conversation]
"Hello, I am the chemical of this boys pancreas. The chemicals of the small intestine and I will be removing all source of sugar, starch, protein and fat from you."
"Excuse me? I am not fat!"
"That's what they all say when you say it like that pancreas chemical, you gotta tell them the right way," retorted the unspecified chemical, "Your not fat but you contain it. . .it gives energy to the boy"
"Oh. Well if that's the case, take it all!" I smiled back.
"I am the liver chemical, I will be helping with the removal of the fats you contain, but it doesn't seem you have much"
[End Conversation]
After the liver chemical said that they all plunged onto me and I felt my self-dissolving once again. I found out while I was dissolving ever so slowly away that the sugar and starch I contained would turn into simple sugar, the proteins would turn into uhmeeno acids and the fats and oil would become simpler fats. You learn a lot while your being broken down by those Chemicals.
What was left of me continued to move along in the small intestine towards the large intestine.
The liquids I contained began to evaporate into the walls as I arrived into the large intestine. There was no way to going back now since after leaving the small intestine, the door shut. In the large intestine I realised I was about to become solid. It wasn't any kind of solid either, it was brown smelly solid which may or may not contain some of the remains of what I had been before I entered the mouth. Then it occurred to me, I was about to leave the body. Mr. Re-Water had told me that once I moved into the large intestine, I had three more stops before moving into the anus, which is the exit. The last three stops were the Cecum, Colon and then the Rectum.
"Ahhh...The joy it has been in the human body. This has been the first and last time I will be in here," I remember thinking as I passed a pouch that looks like it has been abandoned for many many years as I continued to move down the large intestine. I had to guess where I was since it was pretty hard to tell, so I guessed I had moved into the colon. This is where it happened. The liquid that I some how still contained was all absorbed away and all that was left was a solid. As I had predicted, I had become the brown smelly solid.
"Next stop, the anus!" I remember saying as I waited in the rectum till it was time to leave the body. I was so proud of myself; I had gone through all that for the needs of another. I am a great man, fruit. . .well a smelly lost solid.
I stayed in there for a while, maybe too long. I began to panic. What if I'm stuck? Will I kill the boy? As these thoughts suddenly occur, I felt as if I was being pushed closer towards the exit.
"Urgghhhhhhhh" I heard, as I felt continuous pushing. I was leaving, I was coming out. Finally! I continued to hear moaning from the boy as I could see light. I jeered him on as half of me fell into a white bowl. Continuous moans were heard until he had gotten all of me out. I was so proud as he wiped his bottom, got off the toilet seat and flushed me down.
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," I went until I got here. Where I have been living for about a week. I'm not as fresh as I was so it's a bit disappointing. But having said that, one of the older brown smelly solid told me that it takes 8 hours to get out when you've gone into the human body. He also told me that he has met some of the brown solids that’s been in twice, and was able to get a different site as the humans that had re-eaten them were still young.
And that's how the handsome me had formed from a pretty and colourful fruit salad that was so delicious looking to a dull smelly odd substance that’s also none as poop.
The End *bows* It has been great to re-tell my story, I just hope you weren’t eating while reading me.
Oh by the way, The Fruit salad said 'uhmeeno' which is actually 'amino', which were what the proteins turned into.

By Kimie
Word Count: 1583

My Distration from NEWS? This video I've watched more then I can even remememeber T_T

1 comment:

HeiSeiGirlsPower said...

am here now


hell yea.your story rohohohohohohohckss
"how i become the mush"

"for the kids"
