Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate.
Natsumi: Natsumi Sensei
The second day of the first week.
"Ahh Takaki-kun. Gomen. I woke up late. Now you have to help me out." cried Juu.
"It's okay. We've discussed that we'll help you gurls out. Because this house can be quite big. You gurls have to study, and take care of us also. So, we decided to help out."said Takaki.
"And, please call me Takaki or like the others Okasan. Since we are living under one roof already. Well, before you gurls come in, Yamachan and Dai-chan are in-charge of their daily meals.
Chii,Yamachan and Yuto are in-charge of cleaning the house. We rarely have much time to do our work. Once you gurls came in. I believe we can split the work load!"
"Really? That's great!"cried Juu.
"That's lazy of you Juu."suddenly came a voice of Elvie.
"Ohaiyo Elvie."Takaki and Juu both greeted Elvie.
"Takaki and Elvie do you mind if you help me prepare the breakfast and lunch? I'll come back and help out after i wake them up."plead Juu
"Okay. We will take care of this. Juu, don't forget the way to wake Chii up!" laughed Elvie.
Juu went to wake the others up. Thank goodness now that Chii knows the gurls would surely use the way to wake him up. He would wake up in one call. He doesn't want to be embarassed in
front of the gurls.The rest was also easy to call up..except for Yuki.
"Yuki! Wake up. We're going to be late for school!" shaking Yuki does not help either. Juu thought of a way to wake Yuki.
"Yuki, Yamachan says he will be coming down to help me wake you up! You are drooling.. Better wipe it off before he sees it!" Juu whispered into Yuki's ear.
"What! Yamachan coming down?" Yuki jumped out of bed.
"Just JOKING! Hayaku! Everyone's up. left you. Lazy bum. Go on. Go wash up." said Juu pushing Yuki to the bathroom.
Everyone ate their breakfast and went to school leaving Juu and Kaokao to wash the dishes.
"Hurry up. I sure don't want to be late for my first day of school." said Kaokao cleaning the last plate.
"I'm done. Let's go." and off they were to school.
School time
"3x X 4x(square) + 2 = what?" asked Natsumi Sensei.
"Kei, you answer."
"Hai sensei." Kei went out to the black board to answer the question.
"Phew. Finally lunch break. I've been waiting for this time to come."joked Hi-chan.
"Sensei! How do you do this question?" asked Ayumi.
"Well, you start by doing this..." Natsumi Sensei started teaching Ayumi.
"I didn't know that Yuki is so hardworking." laughed Kei.
"Hi! My name is Kimie. The same class as you.Nice to me you!" said Kimie from the back.
"Hi. My name is Juu. This is Kaokao,Elvie,Yuki, Hi-chan, Kei.The one over that is Ayumi" Juu introduced each of them.
"Wow. That is alot of names. Mind if I sit down and join you gurls?"asked Kimie.
"Sure why not?"said Juu, making a space for Kimie.
"What, I heard my name. Are you talking bad about me?" Ayumi came back.
"Yah. We are talking on how you flirt with Natsumi Sensei." said Kaokao.
"Sumimasen. Juu and Elvie. There is someone looking for you outside." said a classmate.
"Hai." Juu and Elvie went out.
"Ah Takaki. Are you looking for us?" asked Evlie.
"Yah. Yuto,that guy is starting to take our food. All of us are very hungry. You gurls here got any extra? If he don't get to eat something, he will start to stratch everyone of us." Takaki asked, looking back for Yuto.
"Well, we should have extra. Kei and Yuki can't finish their food. I'll go take from them." Juu went in to get the food from Kei and Yuki.
"Well, Yuto seems to have a big appetite today.Here you go. Ask him to stop eating so much. Later he grows too fat to fit into his clothings."joked Juu.
They went back to class.
"Who's looking for you? You even have to bring the bento." asked Kimie.
"Erm. A friend. He forget to bring his bento." said Elvie.
"Is it that kid who wants more food?" whispered Hi-chan to Juu.
"Yah. He almost went crazy. Go back home at night we gurls are going to have a meeting about the meal for that kid." whispered Juu to Hi-chan.
School finally ended.
"Phew. Lucky today there is not much homework. If not, we might not be able to finish it." Yuki heaved a sigh of relief.
"Huh? We've got the whole night to do it, and we only have 2 homeworks." said Kimie.
"Ermm yah. Yuki's just talking nonsense." Ayumi nudge Yuki.
"Yah yah. Me and my silly mind. Always talking nonsense."
Everyone laughed.
They walked back home. They met HS7 outside the gate.
Outside the house.
"You guys are back too. Yuto! Stop eating so much. When our rice run out, YOU are going to buy it." Hi-chan joked with Yuto opening the door.
"Haha. Okasan would get it for me right?" Yuto said looking at Takaki.
"Nope. It's time you learn to carry the rice yourself. A 14 year old kid should be carry rice by now.Except for Chii. He's still too small to carry heavy things. Yamachan and Dai-chan, you two also have to learn.
I'm always the one carrying all those heavy things. Dai-chan is also as MUSCULAR as me. Next time, Dai-chan be the one who goes shopping with the gurls to do the groceries."complained Takaki.
"What! Eh shouldn't it be Yuto who eat the most?" asked Dai-chan pushing Yuto infront.
"What? You should be first. Because you are the 2nd elderest." said Yuto pushing Dai-chan infront again.
"Okay stop fighting. Dai-chan will be next, follow by Yuto then me okay?" said Yamachan who can't see them fighting.
"Then what about Chii and Okasan?" asked Yuto.
"Chii and Okasan. Chii too small size to carry and Okasan always do the groceries."replied Dai-chan.
"Hey! Why are you talking for Okasan? We need to help carry the things!" Yuto started beating Dai-chan.
"But then it's the fact that Okasan has help out alot! Daijoubu Yuto. Just treat this as an exercise. See! Your muscle is smaller than Yamachan's. Yamachan is the same age. Yet he's muscle is bigger than yours." said Dai-chan
showing Yamachan and Yuto's muscle.
"Hai hai."
"Ermm.. You guys finish about this? We still have alot of things to do. So please HAYAKU!" Juu said raising her voice.
They quickly settle down and Chii whispered to Takaki.
"It's best to leave girls alone."
"Yup. Totally agree. Never ever get into trouble with girls. Haha." said Chii looking at Juu.
"Takaki and Elvie, mind if you two come in and help me out? Kei and Chii please lay the table.Kaokao,Yuki and Dai-chan please help out with the laundry. Yamachan, Yuto and Hi-chan, please clean up the house. Thanks guys!"
asked Juu.
"Hai." They went to their respective 'work place'. 1 hour later everyone was at the dinning table.
Night time
"Oh. After you all finish your dinner, please meet at the living room at 830PM." Takaki said looking around.
"Hai Okasan." everyone answered in report.
"Is everyone here? Let's do a headcount. Okay. Let's start."Takaki paused to swallow his saliva.
"Okay. First of all, please don't let ANY, and I mean ANY one of your friends know that you are staying at our house, because, that means trouble. I've told Juu today that we,the boys, have agreed that we wil help out too.
Usually, I will be the one who take care of their daily meals. So, I will be helping out in this area.Chii is the one who lay the table. Dai-chan's the one who does the laundry. Yamachan and Yuto does the cleaning up. So they will be helping out also.
That makes everything faster as more people are here now. As I know, you gurls always change duty. I don't disapprove this, but I need to know who's in-charge of all this. So if possible, tell me all this asap okay? That's all. If nothing else, you all may leave.
Or you guys wanna stay and chat?" said Takaki.
"Hmm, we gurls wanna have meeting. So we are going back to our rooms." said Juu.
"Okay then. Guys?" asked Takaki.
"I wanna revise." said Yamachan.
"As usual right? Bookworm." joked Chii.
"Hey! Don't say that. I'm just hardworking."Yamachan threw a cushion towards Chii.
They went back to their rooms.
"Okay gurls. We need to discuss who do the cooking, laundry,cleaning up of the house. Since we have 7 people, 2 will do the cooking, 1 will help lay the table, 2 will do the laundry and last two will do the cleaning up.
So... who wants to do the cooking?" asked Juu.
"Me! I like cooking." Kei raised her hand.
"I'll do the cooking too." said Elvie.
"Okay that settles. Then laying the table?"
"I'll take that job."said Yuki.
"Haha. Okay. So left with laundry and cleaning up."
"I'll do the laundry." said Ayumi.
"Okay. I'll do the laundry. So left with Kaokao and Hi-chan. You two will do the cleaning up. Can?"
"Sure. No problem. Let's discuses about Yuto and his FOOD." said Hi-chan.
"Matte. Does the duty still carry out?" asked Kaokao.
"Well, why not? That person will be in-charge of calling up everyone. Okay?" asked Juu.
"I'll repeat who is in-charge of the days. Sunday is Kei, Monday is me, Tuesday is Elvie, Wednesday is Yuki, Thursday is Hi-chan, Friday is Kaokao and Saturday is Ayumi. Right?" asked Juu.
"Hai." answered HSGP.
"Okay then.Now, we need to talk about that kid Yuto's meal. He's starting to give me headaches by eating so much!" cried Hi-chan.
"Harlo? Hi-chan. WE are the one doing the meals.Haha" said Elvie pointing towards Kei and herself.
Hi-chan blushes.
"I think it's better to discuss with Takaki. He's also in-charge of cooking." suggested Kei.
"Okay. Go on. I'll make sure they sleep. But please don't have the meeting for too long. Elvie is the one who is in-charge tomrrow. She need to wake up early." said Juu walking them to the door.
"Sure. I'll try to make the meeting shorter." off they went to Takaki's room.
"Okasan. Mind if we come in? We want to discuss about the daily meals." asked Elvie.
"Okay. I was about to go over and ask about the duty. Let me see. So you two are in-charge of the cooking. Okay. Let's start." said Takaki.
That continued the meeting about how to settle Yuto's big appetite. Meanwhile, Juu makes her round of making sure everyone's asleep.
She went to check on Chii, and found him cuddling around a big bear.. Juu almost went over and kiss him.
"Good night Chii." she whispered. She continued to Dai-chan's room. He was preparing to go to sleep.
"Good night Dai-chan." Juu said softly.
"Good night Juu."said Dai-chan offing his bedside lamp. She carried on to Yuto's room, just in time to prevent him from dropping off the bed.
"This kid sure is heavy. He must be thinking of food again. Can't he stop eating?" Juu pushed him back onto the bed. " He can even throw his blanket off. Don't he know the night is going to be cold?"
Juu tucked him into his blanket and went off to Takaki's room.
"Guys, are you all done? Most of them are asleep." said Juu coming into Takaki's room.
"Oh we're just done. Good night gurls." said Takaki, patting Elvie and Kei's head.
"Good night Okasan. Good night Juu."
"Good night. You too Okasan, go to sleep now." said Juu.
"Hai hai Okasan. You look more and more like a mother now." joked Takaki slipping off his slippers.
"Hey!" Juu laughed and went out.
She went one to Yamachan's room just to see that he's lights were still on.
"Yamachan, your still awake?" Juu pop her head into to see whether Yamachan is already sleeping or not.
Juu saw Yamachan sleeping. She wonder if he forget to off the light when he fall asleep.
"He must be studying before he fall asleep." Juu went forward and keep the books to prevent Yamachan kicking it onto the floor and can't find it the next morning.
"Eh? Juu. What are you doing here?" asked Yamachan. Juu had accidentally knocked into the bedside table.
"Nothing just making sure that you guys are asleep. You sure are hardworking. Always studying." said Juu packed the books and place it on the table.
"Thanks. Well. I'm always slower at understanding things. Don't look at Yuto always eating, he's very clever. Sometimes, I really feel that in all the members, I'm the one that needs to be taken care of.
Yuto always say I'm the one taking care of him. But the truth is that, Yuto's always the one who take care of me. I really want to take care of them too.Like today, Dai-chan and Yuto have to protect me from fierce dog." said Yamachan looking down.
"Yamachan, although you might not be able to protect Yuto or your team-mates, but, you can contribute to the things you can. You can help other people when you have finish your work like, help Dai-chan with the laundry
after cleaning, or help Takaki with cooking. That will be great help! There will always be someone being protected and someone protecting someone. I can see that not everyone is as attentive and considerate as you. Like Takaki. He can't even wrap a wound
properly.Everyone has their own good and bad points. Maybe to you, your bad point is that you need someone to protect you. You might need protection for the things that you are scared of. But in some ways, you can take care of them in some other ways to.
You are always taking care of Yuto too. You help him pack his table when it is in a big mess. You always help Chii arrange his clothings. You will automatically help us without us calling." pausing to look at Yamachan.
Yamachan gave Juu a look that says: I understand what you mean.
"Okay. It's late. Go to sleep okay? I'll tell Elvie to wake you up last. Good night Yamachan." said Juu tucking Yamachan into his blanket.
"Good night Juu. Thanks for tonight." said Yamachan giving a very grateful eyes.
Juu went back after talking to Yamachan.
She's glad that Yamachan is able to think through what she said. She went to sleep after Yamachan slept.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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