Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate
Natsumi: Sensei
Hikaru: Hiakaru
Shoon: Shoon
Yabu: Yabu
Taiyo: Taiyo
HeiSei: pet dog
9th May 2008 morning. (Friday)./ The the fifth month in HS7's house.
"Wake up gurls! Today is the day! Don't forget! Yamachan's birthday!" said Kaokao waking everyone up.
"Ohaiyo Kao." said Yuki sitting up from bed.
"Ohaiyo. Hurry up. Help me wake the others." said Kaokao.
"Okay okay." said Yuki.
Everyone was awake by the time breakfast was ready.
"Yuto. My foot." said Yamachan.
"I didn't take your food." said Yuto.
"I say my foot, f.o.o.t. Not food." said Yamachan.
"Ah. Sorry." said Yuto lifting his leg.
Everyone was wishing happy birthday to Yamachan.
"It's amazingly that you gurls never thought of any tricks today." said Chii
"Would you like some?" asked Hi-chan.
"No thanks." said Yamachan.
Today, was the 5th month in HS7's house, and Yamachan's birthday.
"Since today, there will be no tricks/surprise, so no present for Yamachan." said Elvie.
"Eh. Why?" asked Yamachan. "I want my present."
"No no no. No present for Yamachan." said Juu.
"Okasan!" said Yamachan.
"Daijoubu Yamachan, we guys are going to give you one." said Takaki.
"Arigatou! The guys are better." said Yamchan sticking out his tongue at the gurls.
"We say no presents for Yamachan, but we have cake for you!" said Hi-chan.
"Okay, stop fighting." said Ayumi stoping the gurls from continuing.
"Hai." they finished their breakfast and went to school.
"Ohaiyo Kimie." said the gurls.
"Ohaiyo!" said Kimie in a happy mood.
"Kimie seems to be in a happy mood today." said Kei.
"Yup." said Kimie smiling. "Today is Yamachan's birthday right?"
"Yup." said Hi-chan settling down.
"Can someone follow me during lunch break to wish him happy birthday?" asked Kimie.
"Sure. We all will go with you." said Kaokao.
"Thanks." said Kimie.
"Class, be seated." said Natsumi as she came into the class.
Lessons started. After 4 hours of study, the gurls finally had their lunch break.
"Kimie, do you want to go now?" asked Kaokao.
"Hmm. Okay." said Kimie.
The gurls went over to the guys' classroom.
"Hey Yamachan! Some gurls looking for you." Shoon shouted into the class.
"Hai!" Yamachan left his sit.
"Happy birthday by the way." said Shoon as Yamachan pass by.
"Thanks Shoon."
"Yes gurls?" asked Yamachan.
"Kimi wants to say happy birthday to you." said Ayumi.
Kimie blushed.
"Happy birthday Yamachan." said Kimie shaking hands with Yamachan.
"Thank you." said Yamchan.
The gurls went back to their classroom.
"Ne minna did you see Kimie blush?" asked Yuki giving Kimie a look.
"Hai! Kimie kawaii ne?" said Hi-chan.
"Kawaii ja nai. I actually blushed!" said Kimie pushing Yuki and Hi-chan.
"But, Kimie is really cute when she blush!" said Elvie.
"Agree!" said Kei.
"Okay! Stop talking about me." said Kimie blushing again.
Everyone laughed. The gurls ate their bento and prepare for the lesson to start.
"Yamchan, why are you smiling?" asked Yabu.
"Kimie-chan just said happy birthday to me." said Yamachan smiling again.
"You like her?" asked Taiyo.
"No! It's just that the gurls never really ever wish us a sincere happy birthday before." said Yamachan.
"But! The gurls always give us surprise!" said Takaki.
"Okay. Let's not talk about this. So where are my presents?" Yamachan turned around and look at Ya3.
"Your present is a hug from all of us." said Hikaru jumping onto Yamchan.
"Hey!" said Yamchan smiling. "Being around you guys, never fail to make me happy."
"Then spend more time with us!" said Chii jumping onto Yamachan's lap again.
"Don't sit down so hard will ya." said Yamachan. "You are breaking my leg!"
Class soon resumed.
Kaokao found a letter under her table after lunch, wondering what is it, she took the letter out and read. After reading, Kaokao rolled her eyes and passed the letter to the gurls.
"Eh? Kaokao receieved a love letter?" the gurls were shocked.
"You read the letter first before you say anything." said Kaokao.
"Oh my god. How can they do this!" said Yuki. The letter is scolding Kaokao and the gurls for being that close with HS7 and Ya3.
"Hey gurls, I have another letter under my table." said Juu, taking out the letter.
"It says, please help me pass this letter to Yamachan. Onegaishimasu!" Juu read out the letter.
Hi-chan let out a cry.
"Don't tell me you've got another letter." said Elvie.
"Yup." said Hi-chan bringing out the letter.
Everyone gathered around to read that letter.
"Gurls! What are you gathering around Hi-chan for? Go back to your seat!" Natsumi almost shouted.
"Hai! Sumimasen!" the gurls went back to their seats and Hi-chan opened up the letter.
After Natsumi left the class, the gurls gathered around Hi-chan to know the content.
"This time, it's not scolding or request. Is questioning." said Hi-chan giving them the letter.
"Sorry, I just want to know the relationship between you gurls and HS7, Ya3. You all are..." Kei read the letter.
"I think we have to let the guys see the letters." said Kaokao, almost bursting into anger.
"Kao! Relax! Don't forget tonight." said Ayumi.
"Okay." Kaokao said, keeping the letters.
After school, the gurls went straight home to prepare the cake and all the things needed.
"Gurls! Done?" asked Kaokao.
"Yup! Can't wait until Yamachan comes back."
"Bark Bark" HeiSei barked.
"Ne HeiSei. Today is Yamachan's birthday. When we are at it, please bark when that thing appear. Is that okay?" Elvie asked HeiSei.
"Bark bark." HeiSei seems to be answering them.
"Hurry up choose your present Yamchan. I want to go back home already. I'm starting to get sleepy." said Dai-chan.
"Hai." said Yamchan. "There. This one."
"Finally." said Dai-chan taking over the present to pay for it.
"Let's go home." said Chii pulling Yuto out of the shop.
"Stop looking at that Yuto!" said Yamachan. "Wait until your birthday, and we will get that for you."
"Eh? But my birthday is 3 months later! By that time, it will be gone!" said Yuto.
"Okay. Since you want it so much." said Takaki, who went back to the shop to buy the thing.
"Thank you Okasan!" Yuto jumped onto Takaki's back.
"Yuto! Get down before I don't give you this." threatened Takaki.
"Hai!" Yuto jumped down from Takaki's back and they went home.
"Okairi!" said Hi-chan at the door.
"Yamachan got his present and he's hyper I can understand. But why is Yuto hyper too?" asked Juu.
"He got his early birthday present." said Dai-chan.
"He was looking at this thing so much that he won't leave the shop." said Dai-chan showing the gurls the present.
"Okay. Stop talking. Dinner is ready." said Kei.
"Gomen ne gurls! Have to make you two cook today." said Takaki.
"It's okay." said Elvie. "That's better still. Right gurls?"
"Hai!" this answer left the guys a question mark on their face.
"HeiSei! Have you been a good gurl today?" asked Chii picking HeiSei up.
"Bark bark." barked HeiSei licking Chii's face.
"HeiSei seems to like Chii's face alot ne." said Yuki laughing.
Everyone soon settled down for dinner.
Everyone was eating. When suddenly, there was a blackout.
"Elvie, is it abit to early to do this?" asked Yuki looking around.
"I'm not the one who suppose to off the light." whispered Elvie.
"Gurls, are you all up to something again?" asked Takaki.
"No! Everyone is here." said Kaokao.
"Then who is it?" asked Yuto.
"This time might be a real blackout." said Yamachan searching for a touchlight.
Suddenly HeiSei started barking. It seems like there is something near the door.
"HeiSei! Come here. Stop barking!" said Dai-chan. But HeiSei was not listening. She just continued barking.
"Ahh!" Ayumi let out a scream.
"Ayumi! Where are you?" asked Takaki.
"Look at the door!" shouted Ayumi. The gurls all let out a scream.
"What's that? Gurls, are you sure that you are not up to something?" asked Yamachan.
"We meant to scare you after dinner. But all of us are here!" said Kaokao holding the gurls hand.
"Then that can't be!" said Yuto.
"That mean, that is a real one?" All of them ran up to Yamachan's room.
"What the heck was that?" said Chii panting.
"I don't know. The props are still in Juu's room!" said Elvie.
"AHHHHH" Elvie let of a loud scream.
"What is it? What is it?" all of them start to panic.
"That thing is outside!" said Elvie pointing towards the grass patch from Yamachan's window.
Everyone ran to Takaki's room.
"Wait! Where is HeiSei!" said Kei.
"She's here with me." said Yuto. Everywhere was still pitch dark, untill 5 minutes later, electricity resumed.
"What the heck is that?" asked Juu.
"Wait. Juu, please check if the props are still there?" said Yuki. Juu came back saying that the props are still there.
"Since the props are still there, that means..." Yuki looked around. It seems that everyone got a shocked from the mysterious thing.
They went back to their dinner. Everyone was quiet. They lost the mood in celebrating Yamachan's birthday.
Juu who cannot stand quietness, start to think of something to make everyone high.
"Ne. Let's forget about that thing. Whatever that thing is, just treat it as a wild thing coming into our house." said Juu, breaking the silence.
"Juu is right. We sould just forget about that thing. Today is Yamachan's birthday. Let's play some games!" said Yuki.
"But before we play games, how 'bout giving Yamachan he's present first?" said Kaokao going to Juu's room to take the present.
"Yamachan. Happy birthday!" said the gurls.
"Gurls! When are you going to stop making all this kind of surprises?" asked Yamachan, feeling happy.
"Hmm. Till the day that we are not in this house." said Kei.
"Don't say that. I rather have shock every birthday then not to have any." said Chii.
"Chii can't bear to leave us ne?" said Ayumi.
"All of us can't bear to have you gurls disappeared." said Takaki.
"We too." said Yuki. The gurls went up to hug Yamachan.
"Let's eat the cake now. Or you want to play the games first?" asked Kaokao.
"How about forgetting the games?" said Ayumi going to Kao's bag to take the letters.
"Here you go." said Ayumi giving the guys the letter.
"What is this?" asked Yuto.
"You read this and you will know." said Hi-chan.
"Love letter from you gurls?" Dai-chan laughed.
After reading the letters, the guys looked at the gurls.
"Thanks gurls." said Yamachan smiling.
"Did they pass it to you?" asked Yuto.
"Nope. We found it under the table." said Kaokao giving a face.
"Kawaii." said Chii.
Kaokao dragged Ayumi to one side.
"Why didn't the guys get angry?" asked Kaokao.
"Actually, I change the 2 letters. I don't want to spoilt their mood, and, since we agree in taking this job, this is expected. Kaokao, I understand that you want to let them know."said Ayumi pausing for a moment.
"I promise you that we will let them know about this okay? Don't spoilt the mood now."
"Alright." said Kaokao. Ayumi gave Kaokao a hug.
"Come on. Smile! Today is a exciting day, no?" the went back to cut the cake.
"Gurls, the cake is getting better." said Yuto.
"Thank you for that." said Elvie beaming.
"So who is going to wash all these things later?" asked Takaki. Nobody raise their hand.
"Alright. I'll do it." said Kei.
"We will help you!" said Elvie and Takaki.
After finishing the cake, everyone went back to sleep. Kaokao was doing her rounds when Ayumi call out for her.
"Kao!" said Ayumi walking towards Kaokao.
"Please don't tell them that today. Maybe tomorrow?" said Ayumi.
"Okay. Ayumi, I know you care about them. I do too. So, I might be going to throw those letters." said Kaokao.
"Aww Kao. That's sweet of you" said Ayumi. Kaokao continued with her rounds.
"Good night Chii." said Kaokao to a sleeping kid. "Today was hard on you." Kaokao went out quietly.
"Yuto, are you asleep?" asked Kaokao as she go in.
"Nope. I was about to." said Yuto.
"Opps. Good night Yuto. Don't kick of your blanket tonight." said Kaokao.
"Aww. But I can't control that." said Yuto.
"Can. Just stick the blanket onto your bed." joked Kaokao.
"That's a good idea!" said Yuto getting out of his bed to get tapes to tape his blanket.
"Yuto! I'm joking." said Kaokao. "Go back to sleep."
"Okay. Nights." said Yuto. Kaokao went out thinking that Yuto must have been out of his mind.
Kaokao open Dai-chan's door to see that Dai-chan was sleeping.
"Good night Dai-chan." said Kaokao closing the door quietly.
"Okasan! Don't stand behind me like that." said Kaokao who got a shocked from Takaki, standing behind her.
"Sorry. I want to ask you something." said Takaki. "Come to my room."
At Takaki's room, Takaki took out 2 letters.
"This two should be the original of two of the three letters. Right?" asked Takaki.
"Where did you get this two letter?"
"Don't ask me that? Why don't you gurls tell us?" asked Takaki.
"Because we don't want to spoilt the happy mood. Everyone was so happy. What for?" said Kaokao.
"But, we cannot let you gurls.."
"Okasan! It's okay. Like what Ayumi say, we agree to take this job, this is expected. So forget about this okay? Go to sleep. Night!" said Kaokao.
"Kao!" Takaki haven't say anything and Kaokao was gone.
"Yamachan!" said Kaokao popping inside. Yamachan was asleep after all the excitement.
"Good night Yamachan. Have a good rest." said Kaokao.
"Kao." said Takaki appearing again.
"Okasan. I say go back to sleep. I'm tired. Anything, tomorrow we'll talk about it okay?" said Kaokao going down to look at HeiSei.
"But, we cannot leave this thing like this." said Takaki.
"Okasan. Look at HeiSei, the way she curls up and sleep. It's cute ne?" said Kaokao.
"Yah." said Takaki looking at Kaokao and HeiSei. Takaki and Kaokao went back to sleep after saying good night to HeiSei.
"Okasan, don't think so much okay? Since pass already, so let's not talk about it okay?" said Kaokao at Takaki's door. "Night."
"Night Kaokao." said Takaki.
They never did know that the thing that HeiSei was barking at, what they saw, was just a wild cat.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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