Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
The last day of 2007
Months had past since they 1st played with Hey!Say!7. They did exchange e-mail addresses too. They chat frequently. To celebrate the coming of a new year,
and the ending of the year, there was a countdown concert. While JE artist will be performing of cause.
"Whoo! This is SO cool!" cried Roro over the loud noise made by the crowd.
"Yea!" The concert is starting everyone was very high by all those song sang by their idols. HSGP was hoping that Hey!Say!7 would look at them.Well, the fact is
they were look for HSGP. Their eyes met and Hey!Say!7 winked at them and HSGP smiled back.
"! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" shouted the MC for the day.
[Happy New Year] could be heard everywhere.HSGP hugged each other and wished Happy New Year. After the concert was over, there was an announcement for
HSGP to go to the counter.
"Who would want to see us?" asked Hi-chan
"Whatever. Let's go." said Elvie. They went down to the counter.
"Hi. We are HSGP may I know who is looking for us?"asked Kei.
"Iie. You guys have a letter." the counter said and gave them the letter. They brought home the letter and read.
At home
The letters says: [Happy New Year gurls! Are you gurls thinking of us? Okay. Enough of joking. We've talked to Johnny-san.He allowed you gurls(all 7) to come over our house and stay.
BUT provided that you gurls have to take care of us. Which means, preparing our meals, in short, being our nanny. Although it is a short notice, there will be a van
coming to pick you gurls up at 10 A.M. Please prepare your things and there is no need to pack alot as their will be washing of clothings. We will explain the rules to you tomorrow.
So see you gurls tomorrow. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!]
"Ahhhhhhh!"everyone was screaming.
"Gurls gurls!! Relax! The van is coming at 10 next morning. Now is already 1 AM. we only have 9 hours left to pack and sleep!" shouted Yuki over the screamings.
"Yah. Of cause. Yuki and Hi-chan needs sleep ne?" joked Elvie.
They packed their bag and went to sleep. Next morning, the van came and picked them up. Finally, they reached HS7's house.
At HS7's house
"Sugoooi!" the gurls cried.
:Okay gurls, welcome. Please come in. I don't wish to stand outside for too long." said Takaki.
"Hai hai okaasan"Dai-chan said making fun of Takaki's hair.
"Welcome!"cried Chii.
"Well, please make yourself at home.'Cos, you gurls will be staying for quite some time ne Yamachan?" said Yuto throwing a pillow at Yamachan.
"Hai.Yoroshiku ne? Let me tell you a secret. Yuto EATS alot. and if you don't make enough food for him, he will attack you at night and demands food." Yamachan said, lowering down his
voice.Everyone laughed. It was real fun staying with them. The gurls each choose one day to be in-charge of the day's duty. The duty of the day is that the gurl would
choose wad to cook for the day and who will do the washing/household chores and of cause she also have to help out.They were transfered to HS7's school too.
"Well. I'm taking care of tomorrow yeah?" asked Kei.
"Hai.You this blur queen." said Elvie making fun of Kei.
"Yah yah yah. I'm the one always lost in you gurls' conversation."said Kei acting sad.
"Well i can see you gurls are starting to treat this as your home. That's good!" Dai-chan said poping his head in with Chii.
"Yup! And we love this place SO much! Right gurls?"said Ayumi.
The first day of the week.(Sunday)
"Wake up gurls! Time to wake up!!!" cried Kei.
"Ohaiyo!"shouted everyone.
"Yosh! Let's start working!" they moved to their duties as soon as they washed up.
"Chii-kun!! Wake up!! Time for breakfast!"Kei started to shake Chii up.
"Hai hai." Chii said rubbing his eye and falling back to his bed.
"CHII-KUN! Alright. I'll give you 5 more minutes. After I wake the other 4 up, I'll be back okay?"said Kei.
She went out to wake the other 4 up.
"Yamachan!Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" Kei said.
"Eh? Keichan. Ohaiyo."Yamachan said looking sleepy
"Ohaiyo. Hurry up and wash up. Breakfast is waiting for you."
"Hai."Yamachan went to the toliet after some stretching.
On Kei goes to wake them up.
"Dai-chan! Eh? You're up. Good! Save my time from calling."said Kei smiling.
"Haha. Chii is the hardest to call of all.From your face. I think you've been to call Chii. Right?" asked Dai-chan
"Haha yah. He went back to sleep right after i wake him up. Any ways to make him wake up for good?"asked Kei back.
"Hmm. Yes! I'll wake him up for you. How 'bout we go together? You go wake Yuto first. I'll wash up."suggested Dai-chan.
"Okay! Thanks Dai-chan that will be a great help!"said Kei about to leave when Dai-chan cried out to her.
"Oh! And you can save your trip going to Okasan's room. He should be awake by now.But to make sure, check on him too. Even if he's still sleeping, he's a light sleeper."
"Thanks! Dai-chan. It's alot of help!"cried Kei.
"Kei! Breakfast is ready!"shouted Kaokao from the kitchen.
"Thanks gurls!"Kei shouted back.
"Yuto.Wake up. Food's waiting for you!"said Kei.
"What! Food? Where?" Yuto suddenly jumped out of bed.
"Haha. Wash up kid. Breakfast ready." said Kei laughing.
Kei pops her head into Takaki's room.
"Takaki-kun? Are you inside?" Kei peep into the room and sees no one inside.
"Hai~ I'm in the toilet."out came an answer from the toilet.
"Hai.Takaki-kun wakes up very early ne?"asked Kei
"Haha. I'm used to it, I'm always the one who wakes them up."
"Okay then. I'll go and wake Chii-kun up."said Kei leaving.
"Sure!"Kei heard the flushing of water.[He might be doing big bussiness...]
"Kei, you're done? You dun mind i call you Kei?"asked Dai-chan
"Yah sure. Go ahead. Okay. Let's go wake that sleep log."both of them went to Chii's room.
"Look. This is how you wake this kid here."Dai-chan started to grab Chii's leg.
"Hey hey hey.. what are you doing with my leg Dai-chan?" ask Chii who suddenly jumped up.
"I'll explain this." said Yamachan poping in.
"This kid is actually very scare of itch."said Dai-chan tickling his feet.
The people in the room laughed.
"Okay okay. Go down and have your breakfast."said Kei trying to stop laughing.
The day went by as normal, HS7 practicing. HSGP cleaning up the house.
At night.
"Ittadakimasu!"everyone at the table shouted.
It was dinner time. Everyone was exhausted.
"So how was the first day gurls?"asked Yuto.
"Hmm not so bad I could say except... waking Chii-kun up. Haha" said Kei.
"Hahahaha. Kei-chan, don't ever try using that way to wake me up!"laughed Chii.
"Oh. I would do that everytime i can't wake you up. And i would also tell the others on how to wake you up!"smiled Kei slyly.
"Whatever. Who is in-charge of tomorrow's duty?"asked Takaki.
"Oh. Me!" said Yuki raising her hand.
"It's me you this sleepy head. You're doing on Wednesday,today is Sunday and tomorrow is Monday, just for your information."said Juu, pushing Yuki's head.
"Really? Sorry.. Muddle head."Yuki stratched her head.
"Hi-chan,Ayumi. Can you two come in and give me a hand? I can't solo wash all these plates."shouted Kei from the kitchen.
"Sure!"both of them waked into the kitchen.
"Tomorrow is your first day at school right? I mean at our school." said Yamachan.
"Yup. Most of us would be in the same class right?" asked Yuki.
"Hmm not very sure of this. But we will see it tomorrow." replied Yamachan.
"Eh? Where is Yuto?"asked Chii suddenly.
Suddenly the gurls gave out a scream.
The four boys turn and gave out a scream too.
"Yuto! Stop playing will you? Take off that mask. Today is not hallowe'en." said Ayumi from the kitchen.
"Yuto!" everyone shouted.
"Ayumi-chan. how do you know that that FREAK there is Yuto?" asked Dai-chan staring at Yuto and turning back to Ayumi.
"Well, that is my mask. Juu ask me to bring a mask for her. I haven't give her yet. Don't you dare rip that mask YUTO!"said Ayumi rushing to Yuto.
Everyone look at Juu.
"What is that mask for Juu?" asked Elvie preparing to get Juu into trouble.
"Well. I wanted to scare you guys.But i guess. It's gone case." said Juu looking down.
"You this.Gurls! ATTACK!"all the gurls rushed to Ayumi and Juu.
"Okay okay, Kei! The dishes!" reminded Takaki.
"Oh. Almost forget about it."Kei,Ayumi and Hi-chan went back to the kitchen.
At the gurls bedroom.
"Thanks for the hard work gurls! Juu, You better sleep early. Tomorrow you will be the first to wake up. I'm turning off the lights now. Is it okay?"asked Kei.
"Sure. Good night gurls."
Everyone went to sleep. After making sure that everyone was asleep, she went to sleep.
Kei was woken up by Chii in the mid of the night.
"Chii-kun? What happen? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" asked Kei.
"Kei-chan. I'm scare. I dreamt about all of us being eaten up by a big monster." said Chii almost crying.
"Must be that Ayumi's mask. Chii-kun. that is just a dream. Don't be afraid.We are all still here right? How about I go around with you to check on everyone?" said Kei trying to stop Chii from crying.
"Okay." Kei brought Chii to check on everyone. At last they've check on everyone, Kei brought Chii to the kitchen.
"Chii-kun drink a glass of milk." said Kei, preparing a glass of milk for him. Kei brought Chii back to his room and make sure he's asleep before going back to her room.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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