Tittle:7HeiSeiGurls (17)
Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
The last day of the year./365th day at HS7's house.
"Gurls, today we are starting rehersal at 11AM. Who are the ones going with us?" asded Yamachan.
"Yuki and I" said Kei.
"Okay then." Yamachan wet back to his breakfast.
Today is the last day of year 2008, which is also the 365th day in HS7's house. Tonight, as usual there will
be a countdown concert, JE artisit will be there too.
"Do you guys want to bring your bento along?" asked Elvie as they are about to go out.
"Oh yah. Look at us. So silly. Thanks Elvie for reminding us." said Chii taking all the bento.
"I'll help you." said Yuki.
"Okay. Let's pack up. Time's running out. We still need to go to the supermarket to buy things."said Juu as usual taking the lead.
"Kei, why are your eyes so red?"asked Dai-chan.
"Huh? Nothing. I think that I didn't sleep well last night." Kei rubbed her eyes.Yuki took a piece of tissue and clean off the tears in her eyes.
"Are you gurls alright? Your eyes look so red." said Dai-chan who noticed that the gurls eyes are red.
"Shh. Secret." said Yuki giving Dai-chan a smile.
"Do we have enough time to do so much things?" asked Kaokao.
"Should be. If we split the work. We have only until 5PM. 4-5 hours. It should be enough." said Juu as they paid for the things and went home.
"Bokura Hey Say only, Showa de...." Yuki and Kei looked at HS7 doing thier rehersal.
"Yuki don't do that now. we can't let them know." said Kei holding Yuki's hand. Yuki nodded her head.
"Ne Kei, can you pass me some water?" asked Yamachan.
"Hai. Catch!" Kei threw Yamachan a water bottle.
"Nice throw!" said Yamachan opening the bottle cap.
"Wonder if the gurls are doing it now. I want to do it with them." Kei squeezed Yuki's hand.
"The gurls say that they will leave a part of us to do." said Kei.
"How i wish that the time can stop now. I don't want it to go. We are all having so much fun." said Ayumi snifting.
"Gurls, speed up. We still have things to do." said Juu.
The gurls carried on doing their things. Just before 5 PM they completed doing all the things.
Hi-chan messaged Yuki saying that they have done everything, left the 2 gurls' part.
Yuki replied saying that they wil be back home as soon as possible.
"Kei, the gurls have finish their part.They are reaching the here soon." said Yuki.
"Okay. Shh. The guys are coming in." Kei signal Yuki to stop saying.
"Yuki, where is my bag?" asked Yuto.
"Isn't it over there?" said Yuki pointing towards a bag near the door.
"You are always leaving your things all around."
"It's okay. You gurls are around to help out, no?" said Yuto going towards his bag.
"Kei, did you bring any food or crackers, or biscuit?" asked Chii.
"Yup. I just knew you guys will get hungry." said Kei taking out a box of biscuit. "You all better drink more water. Don't come running to us when you all fall sick."
"You are so mean." said Yamachan taking a bite of the biscuit.
"Everyone prepare!" shouted a worker.
"Hai!" HS7 quickly do some touch up and went out to the stage. The time says 5.55 PM.
"Remember last year? We are looking at them from below the stage. Now, we are at the back of the stage." said Yuki almost crying. " 1 year had pass."
"Yuki. Don't be like this. You are making me cry also." said Kei wipping away Yuki's tears.
"Let's go watch them perform!" said Kei pulling Yuki with her.
Everyone seems to be very high and happy.
Soon it was midnight.
"" the countedown started.
"Happy New Year!" shouted everyone.
Kei took out her handphone and message Yamachan saying that Yuki is not feeling well, she accompany Yuki go back home.
They met the gurls outside and and went back home to prepare.
"Kao, can you and Elvie bring out the cakes? Juu, you and Kei prepare the things." said Ayumi.
"Hi-chan, Yuki, don't be like this. If you continue crying, how do you expect us to do the recording?" said Ayumi.
"Ne Okasan, the gurls went back home already. Yuki's not feeling well." said Yamchan reading the SMS.
"Well, that's better. We can discuss about the surprise for them." said Takaki.
"Where did I left my bag again?" said Yuto looking around.
"I really wonder what would happen if we are not around." said Dai-chan bringing Yuto his bag.
"But you guys will be around me right?" said Yuto smiling.
"Let's go home." said Takaki smiling. "I want to see what surprise have the gurls got for us."
"And the surprise we are going to give the gurls." said Yamachan.
"Hai! Let's go!" They left the studio and head back to home.
"Kei! Yuki!" Chii shouted once he step into the house. He heard no reply.
"Guys, the gurls don't seem to be at home." Chii turned around.
"What?" Yuto went in to look. They look everywhere for the gurls. Takaki found a letter and a few disc on the table.
"Guys! There is a letter from the gurls." Takaki called for everyone.
"Minna, it had already been one year since we are staying here, doing this job. This is more like staying with a family, helping out with chores. We really had alot of funs.
Remember the days? When you guys go for some shooting or recording. That was so much fun. Halloween.. Birthday parties. Christmas. With Kimie, Mai and Ya3. That was alot of fun.
Still remember the first time we met? All thanks to Ayu's call and Chii's head. Still remember Okasan's birthday party? How we get Okasan angry.
Dai-chan's birthday, we gave him HeiSei(do take good care of him). Yamachan's birthday.. Yuto's.. and of cause Chii's.. how that little cutie cry. One year had pass. You guys did alot of things or us too.
resent of this new year and brithday present, are inside you guys' room. Be sure to look through the disc. We prepared dinner already, or you could say supper. Reheat then you can eat. There are cakes too.
Not a very big one. Because it is a early birthday cake. It's a one person's share of cake, we made for yu 5. That's the last cake. Enjoy. We stocked up some food in case you guys are too busy to cook any(and just in case for Yuto).
Staying with you guys really are a bonus to us this year. Please do take care of yourself. We will continue to watch after you all, on the TV. I hope we can meet again. Sorry that we can't tell you the reason why we are leaving. This is secret.
sign, HeiSeiGirlsPower."
"Does this mean that they leave us?" Chii still doubt that this letter is a hoax.
"It's true. I saw 5 disc on the table." said Takaki.
"I saw two presents in my room." continued Yamachan.
"That means. They left us for good already..." a drop of tears roll down Yuto's cheek.
"Let's see what the girls have to say to as." Dai-chan took Takaki's disc and play it.
"Okasan, after we left, please take good care of the guys. Starve them if needed. If you can't cope, just make some simple dishes or what." said Elvie joking. "I think Johnny-san would give you guys another nanny to take care of you guys."
"Thanks for giving us so much fun okasan." Yuki was cleaning her tears.
"Take care Okasan. Don't fall sick." Hi-chan was crying. "We can't take care of you already."
"Takaki Yuya..I'm scare that one day I will remember you as Okasan and not Takaki." Kaokao gave Takaki a cold smile.
"Okasan, the cookbook is at the third drawer in your room. If you do not know what to cook, look through the book." Kei paused. "If you cooked through all the cook book, then there is another cook book. in my room, the second drawer."
"Don't forget to clean up your room now and then. Don't mess up the whole house." said Juu holding back his tears.
"Arigatou Okasan. I will never forget the days that we had fun together." Ayumi cried all the way.
Takaki wiped off the tears on his cheeks. "I will never forget you gurls."
"Dai-chan, you cost the least problem. Continue to help Okasan and take care of the rest." said Elvie.
"Remember your birthday when we did a surprise on you?" Yuki can't help smiling.
"Take good care of yourself and HeiSei. Don't you dare let her fall sick. Build up your muscle." joked Hi-chan.
"Dai-chan, if you ever miss us, look at the present okay?" " said Kaokao bringing up the present.
"Thanks for not creating so much problem Dai-chan, you brought us alot of joy." Kei rubbed her eyes. "Be sure to take care of HeiSei."
"Don't mixed up Yamachan's and your things. We just seperated it for you two. Don't mess it up again." said Juu.
"Thank you Dai-chan. Days was really fun." Ayumi broke down.
"Gurls...." Dai-chan couldn't help crying.
"Yamachan, you are not much of a problem. You are always helping out with the problems." said Elvie.
"Please take care of those muddleheads. Don't be one yourself." said Yuki trying to make some joke.
"Remember the day that we all went out together? It was so much fun." Hi-chan started crying.
"Yamachan, don't you dare forget us! Because, we will never forget you guys." said Kaokao.
"I know you are the mature one in this group. So please help them if needed." Kei gave Yamachan a smile.
"I will never forget the night when we had a long night chat." cried Juu.
"Yamachan, do your best in everything, even though if you are slower than Yuto. You still can do it!" said Ayumi.
Yamachan said nothing. Tears just roll down his cheek.
"Yuto, go easy on the tibits alright? Don't give Okasan a hard time." said Elvie.
"Don't push anything that is edible into your mouth. You will get sick." said Yuki.
"I'm not going to touch on food. Don't kick your blanket when you are sleeping. You will get sick easily." said Hi-chan sniffting.
"The birthday surprise on your birthday is a total success." said Kaokao smiling.
"Yuto, help the guys on their studies. You are better then them." said Kei.
"Don't fall sick okay? It'll be very terible to fall sick." said Juu.
"Thanks for giving me confidence when I need it." said Ayumi crying.
"Don't leave us laying around like some unwanted kids." said Yuto sulking.
"Chii, you might be the youngest, but you can do somethings better then Okasan. Keep it up!" said Elvie.
"Don't always sleep in in the morning Chii, you guys might be late for school." said Yuki.
"Don't make the guys late like last time, just because you wake up late." said Hi-chan warning Chii.
"Remember when we went to the amusement park to play? That was so much fun." said Kaokao.
"Drink some warm milk if you cannot sleep." said Kei sheding a tear.
"Remeber how we make you cry? Don't cry alright?" Juu gave Chii a peace sign.
"Take care, drink more milk to grow taller alright?" Ayumi made a joke that Chii can't help sulking.
"Baka. Don't leave without explaining." cried Chii.
Suddenly, [Cherish] could be heard from the player.
"Don't you ever do that again. Playing Cherish after you all left." said Yamachan wipping his tears.
"We still have the New Year present with us!" cried Dai-chan.
Suddenly, Juu's face appear on the TV.
"I forget to tell you guys something." Juu pausing to catch her breath. "If you guys have New Year present, keep it. I believe we can meet again."
"Don't forget us!!" The girls all came together and said goodbyes.
"They are gone. For good now." said Yuto sulking.
The guys cuddle together.
Year 2009 passed. The guys never see the gurls in school, neither did they manage to contact them.
The last day of 2009 (countdown).
At the countdown concert, HS7 was trying very hard to look for the gurls. At last, Chii spotted the gurls. He gave Dai-chan a nudge. Dai-chan noded his head.
After the performance, at the back stage, Chii told the rest of the group the good news.
"Guys! I saw the gurls!"
"Me too!" Every single member felt excited.
"Let's bring the bag and letter down! Like what we did last year!" cried Yuto.
"Hai!" They packed everything into one bag and brought down to the counter.
The counting down started.
"5!4!3!2!1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!'" everyone shouted at their top of their voice. The concert ended with a few more songs.
"The guys are improving ne? Ya3 too. YamaPi kawaii!" the gurls were discussing about the performance when there is an announcment for the gurls.
"Could HSGP please come down to the counter. Thank you."
"Masaka..." Kei give the gurls a look. All of them noded their head in agreement to go down.
They went down to the counter and recieved a bag and a letter.
"Ahhh." Yuki almost screamed.
"Shh let's read the letter."
"Gurls! We miss you alot! Till now, we still do know why you gurls leave us, but, since you say that it's a secret, we leave it alone. But, we manage to let Johnny-san to have you 7 back.
The 7 present in the bag are for last year's. Want this year's New Year and last year birthday and this year birthday present? Be prepare by 10.30 AM. The van will pick you all up.
Yamachan says that you all are bad gurls. Making us call cry like we never done before. Calling out to people that are not there. Yuto is a very perfect example. He is always doing that like. "Elvie! Is there anymore food left?"
And that scares our new nanny. She was so afraid of HeiSei that she don't even let her come down from Dai-chan's room. We complained to Johnny-san. JIANG! We manage to get you gurls back. Don't be late! We will be waiting!
Sign, The Guys."
"Should we? Last time it was Johnny-san who made us leave. He said that we might affect the guys." said Kaokao.
"Why not? We made an impact when we live more than when we are staying. When we go back, maybe the guys will be better!" exclaimed Juu.
"Being only able to watch and not speak to them is totally unbearable." cried Ayumi.
"Okay then! Let's pack!" shouted Yuki.
Next day.
Everyone was waiting for the gurls outside the house.
Once the gurls stepped down from the van, the only thing they did was to stare at each other.
After 5 minutes of staring, Chii broke the slience.
"Gurls. Let's bake a cake together."
The end.

Monday, December 24, 2007
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