Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate
Hikaru: Hiakaru
Shoon: Shoon
Yabu: Yabu
Taiyo: Taiyo
The night before 26 March 2008 (Tuesday night).
"Ne, tomorrow is ahem. You know. We will make him all we can. No matter is angry, sad or confuse.
If Yuki is going to wake him up tomorrow, just scold him. Something like. [I call you wake up so many times. When are you going to wake up?]
or anything. It's up to you Yuki." said Juu.
"That's so mean of you" said Yuki. "But I like that idea."
"Okay. Then go to sleep. It's late. Tomorrow we still got things to do." said Elvie.
Next day, 26 March 2008 (Wednesday morning).
"Wake up wake up." said Yuiki waking everyone up. "Today is the day!" Yuki was very excited.
"Hai. Please go and see if Okasan is up." said Kaokao who just wake up.
Yuki went to Takaki's room and check.
"Okasan! Wake up already. Now what time? You should be already working with Kei and Elvie! They are already started cooking." shouted Yuki.
"Nani?!" Takaki looked very shocked from all the sudden scolding.
"Ha..hai. Gomenasai." Takaki went to prepare and rush down to help Elvie and Kei.
Yuki almost can't control her laughter.
"Gomen. I woke up late." said Takaki rushing into the kitchen.
"Glad you know you are late." said Kei.
"Move away Okasan. You are blocking the way." said Elvie.
"Ha..hai." Takaki was confused at everything.
Breakfast time.
"Okasan. Please pass me the chilli sause." said Yuto.
"Here you go." said Takaki stretching across Ayumi.
"Okasan, your hand!" said Ayumi angrily.
"Gomen." Takaki quickly pass over the chilli sause and keep his hand.
The guys are also feeling very funny at the gurls behavior.
"Ne, Takaki. Happy Birthday!" said Shoon.
"Hai arigatou." said Takaki.
"Happy Birthday too." said the rest.
Takaki sighed.
"What happen? Why are you sighing?" asked Hikaru.
"The gurls. They are very wierd today. I can't even tell them that today is my birthday." said Takaki.
"Huh? Could it be that they come.. you know." said Taiyo.
"I don't know." said Takaki.
"Well, I think the gurls will treat you better after school." said Yamachan who seems to know what the gurls are doing.
"Okay." said Takaki.
"Hi-chan. Today is Takaki's birthday right?" asked Kimie.
"Yup." said Hi-chan looking at the gurls and gave them a wink.
"Cool. Wanna go wish him happy birthday during lunch break?" asked Kimie.
"No thanks. We are giving him a surprise. Please don't tell him that. If you ever go and wish him that." said Juu.
"Okay. Then I won't go over. I'll just message him." said Kimie.
Lunch break.
Yanachan went over to the gurls' classroom and look for Yuki.
"Yuki. You gurls are planing something right?" asked Yamachan.
"Eh. You can see?" said Yuki.
"I see Elvie laughing when Ayumi is shouting at Okasan." said Yamachan.
"Okay. You are right. But pleaseeee help us keep. Don't let anyone know. We want to give him a surprise." said Yuki.
Yamachan went back to his classroom smiling.
"Ne Yamachan. What are you smiling about?" asked Chii.
"Nothing. Just know something funny." said Yamachan, trying to stop laughing.
"What is it? Let us know." said Dai-chan.
"Shh. Secret." said Yamachan, once again, smiling.
"Gurls, Yamachan knows our secret about Takaki." said Yuki coming back into the class. "But no woories. He wono't tell the others."
"Okay. that's good." said Ayumi.
"Ah! I add abit too much of wasabi in Takaki's bento." said Kei, suddenly remembered.
"OMG!" Takaki almost shouted. "Water water."
"What happen?" asked Yabu.
Takaki can't talk. He just keep on pointing towards the bento.
Yabu tried the bento and almost cry.
"Who the heck make this?" said Yabu.
"The gurls." said Yuto.
"The gurls sort of over did this." sid Yamachan to himself.
"What did you say?" asked Dai-chan.
"Ah. Nothing." said Yamchan. "I'm just talking to myself."
Lunch break was soon over.
After school, the gurls rushed back home. While Yamachan tries to pull Takaki back.
"Takaki! How about going to choose your birthday present?" said Yamachan.
"Yup." said Chii.
"Alright then." said Takaki.
"I'll message the gurls that we will be back later." said Yamachan.
"Gurls, I recieve a message. They will be back later." said Yuki.
"Oh. We must really thanks Yamachan, for helping us." said Juu.
"Okay. Let's get to work." said Hi-chan.
"Hai~" everyone started to do their things, some went to bake the cake, others went to decorate the place.
"Okay. Done?" asked Yuki.
"The cake and dinner is done." said Kei.
"Yup. The cake is in the fridge." said Elvie.
"Because later we need to create a quarrel with Okasan then later pretent that there is a blackout and put up the decoration." said Kaokao.
"So we already pack it in a place that is hard to find, but easy to prepare."
"Good. So who is going to quarrel with Okasan?" asked Hi-chan.
"Ermm. Yuki is doing it right?" said Juu.
"Yup. It's after dinner right?" asked Yuki.
"Yah. After dinner when we three are washing the dishes. You will open any cupboard that is near Okasan.Making him move here and there." said Kei.
"Then start to quarrel with him. You two will go out. Then Hi-chan will off the main switchs. After that, I'm sure one of the guys will try to stop you two." said Elvie.
"Then you gurls will prepare the things while I continue to argue with Okasan." said Yuki.
"Yup." said Juu.
"They are coming back." said Yuki reading the SMS that Yamachan send.
"Okay. Don't forget. Agitate him." said Kaokao.
Just nice, the guys are back.
"Dinner's ready. Please get ready." said Yuki.
The guys got ready for dinner.
"Gurls," Takaki wanted to say something however, he got cut off by Juu.
"Ne Kei, today's vegetables are abit too old. You overcook them is it?" asked Juu.
"No. It's okay to me." said Kei.
Takaki decieded to not say anything. In case he got scolded again.
After dinner, the three of them was washing dishes in the kitchen. The two gurls are talking. Only Takaki was keeping quiet.
"Ano." the gurls are not taking any notice of Takaki.
"Elvie, where is the cracker that I told you I wanted?" asked Yuki as she come in as planed.
"Ermm, it should be around where Okasan is standing." said Elvie washing the plate.
"Excuse me Okasan." said Yuki.
"Hai." Takaki made way for Yuki.
"No. It's on top." said Kei.
"Takaki. Do you mind if you help me open that cupboard?" said Yuki.
"Okay." just as Takaki is going to open the cupboard, Elvie said something.
"Opps. Yuki, I forget to buy it." said Elvie.
"I have enough of it." said Takaki slamming the cupboard. The gurls got a shock.
"What? Just asking you to open the cupboard only. What for get so angry?" said Yuki started to raise her voice.
"What? You gurls have been scolding me from morning to now. You even added alot of wasabi in my bento. What is the meaning of this?" shouted Takaki as both Yuki and Takaki went out of the kitchen.
"What? Can't Kei accidentally added too much wasabi? We call you up alot of times in the morning. Yet you never wake up." shouted Yuki.
"Hey hey hey. What's going on?" Yuto came over to stop the fight.
"Yuto, you say. The gurls have been scolding me for the whole day already." said Takaki.
"Well," Yuto haven't start to say his sentence, he was cut of by Yuki.
"We never scold you for nothing okay." shouted Yuki.
"Guys guys. Don't fight. Today is Okasan's birthday. Please don't fight." said Dai-chan.
Just as Dai-chan finished his sentence, there was a 'blackout'.
Yuki and Takaki continued fighting. Everyone try to stop those two from fighting while the gurls prepare the decorations, Kei and Elvie took out the cake and light it with 18 candles. It was then, both of them stop quarrling.
Hi-chan turned on the light again.
"Happy Birthday Okasan!" shouted the gurls.
"Gomen ne. Okasan. We scolded you in the morning." said Yuki.
"So you gurls make me on purpose." said Takaki.
"Hai~" said the gurls.
"Okasan, I'm in it too. I knew that the gurls are up to something during lunch break." said Yamachan raising his hand.
"You this brat." said Takaki grabbing Yamachan.
"Okay. Stop playing and sing birthday song for Okasan okay?" said Kaokao.
"Okay." The sang the birthday song and Takaki made 3 wishes and blow out the candles.
"Hug hug Okasan." said Chii. Everyone hugged Takaki once and wished him happy birthday.
"You gurls really scared me." said Takaki.
"Gomen!" everyone took a piece of cake and eat.
"Ne, we bake this cake too." said Elvie.
"Okay. I had alot of surprise. Any more surprise? My heart can't take it anymore." said Takaki laughing.
"Yup there is." the gurls went to take the present for Takaki.
"Dozo. These are your present." said Ayumi.
"Arigatou." said Takaki taking over the presents. "Now, no more scolding okay?" laughed Takaki. "This is the first time since I have so many people celebrating with me."
"Okasan is happy ne?" said Chii.
"Of cause." said Takaki.
Everyone sitted at the sofa, eating the cake, chatting and watching TV.
At night.
"Good night Chii. Seriously, are you shock when Okasan and me started fighting?" asked Yuki.
"Duh. I'm totally shocked. I don't know what to do." said Chii. Both of them laughed. "Good night Yuki."
"Yuto, you ate the most cake. Is it delicious?" said Yuki making fun of Yuto.
"Yup. You gurls sure can act. You even bluffed me." said Yuto.
"Haha. Yuto got a shocked ne?" said Yuki.
"Okay. I'm tired. Totally stressed out by you two fighting. Good night." said Yuto.
"Good night Yuto." Yuki left laughing.
"Dai-chan. Go to sleep." said Yuki.
"Hai. Good night Yuki." said Dai-chan. "And, that is really a scary surprise."
"Okay. Next time we will try not to be so scary. Good night Dai-chan." Yuki left Dai-chan's room and proceed to Takaki's room.
"Gomen ne Okasan. Today we scared you." apologized Yuki.
"It's okay." said Takaki.
"Just make sure not to make this happen again." said Takaki laughing.
"Hai. Gomen." said Yuki. "The gurls want me to wish you a happy birthday again. And, sleep tight."
"Good night Yuki." said Takaki.
"Yamachan!" Yuki popped her head into Yamachan's room.
"You scare me Yuki." said Yamachan.
"Gomen." said Yuki.
"It's okay. Who came up with this idea?" asked Yamachan.
"Well, all of us." said Yuki.
"Well, although I know about this. But when you and Takaki started fighting. I totally got a shock." said Yamachan.
"Haha. We have good acting skills eh?" said Yuki.
"Yah. So good that even I got shocked." said Yamachan laughing.
"Have a good night rest. Sweet dream." said Yuki.
"Sweet dreams Yuki." Yamachan switched off his bedside lamp and went to sleep.
"Lucky the fight is not so serious. When Okasan blow off. I'm totally shocked. It's the first time he ever shouted." said Juu.
"Yah. Next time, please don't make it so serious." said Kaokao.
"I almost fall back when Okasan shouted. I'm standing right infront of him!" sais Yuki.
"Haha. But, we still had a good time today. All thanks to Ayumi who blew our cover to Yamachan." said Elvie.
"But. Because of it, we had one more people to help out." said Kei.
"Haha. Okay gurls. It's late. Go to sleep. Tomorrow still have school. Sleep tight gurls." said Yuki pushing everyone out.
"But I'm not sleepy" said Hi-chan.
"But you still have to sleep. You are in-charge tomorrow." said Yuki.
"Yup. I don't wake you up." said Ayumi.
"Okay okay." The gurls went back to their room and sleep.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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