Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate.
Natsumi: Natsumi Sensei *note* Natsumi Sensei is a girl
Hikaru: Hikaru
Shoon: Shoon
Yabu: Yabu
Taiyo: Taiyo
The sixth day of the first week.(Friday)/Seventh day at HS7's house.
"Ne, Dai-chan, is Hikaru and gang really in your class?" asked Hi-chan.
"Yah. Why? You want to ask Hikaru out?" Dai-chan joked.
"Hah, we don't need that." said Hi-chan.
"Eh? You mean Hikaru they all know you gurls?" Yamachan looked very shocked.
"Yup." said Kaokao drinking her apple juice.
"How did they know you gurls?" asked Chii.
"We have to thanks Elvie for that." said Kei.
"Why me?" said Elvie almost blushing.
"Elvie, you should blush more. You look cute when you blush." said Ayumi pushing Elvie.
"How do you expect me to blush as and when I like?" said Elvie pushing Ayumi back.
"Okay. Hurry up eat. We still have school." said Kaokao.
"Hai." Everyone packed their bag and went to school.
At the school.
"Takaki, how do you get to know the gurls?" asked Taiyo.
"What gurls?" asked Takaki.
"Kaokao and gang." said Taiyo.
"Oh. Ermm. Well." Takaki was lost for word.
"They live near us." said Yamachan to the rescue.
"Now, it's our turn to ask. How did you know the gurls?" asked Dai-chan
"Elvie. She knock into us and just like that, we got to know each other." said Hikaru.
"Just like that? I thought how you all get to know each other." said Yuto.
"What you thought of?" said Shoon.
"Nothing." said Yuto.
"Hey! Since it's weekend tomorrow, and we have no school. How about going out with the gurls?" suggested Shoon.
"Okay. We will ask the gurls during lunch break." said Chii.
"Does anybody know who to solve this question?" asked Natsumi Sensei.
"Me!" said Kimie and she went up to the blackboard to answer the question.
"Ne, should we tell Kimie that we are staying at HS7's house?" said Juu. "I always feel that we should not keep it from her, since she is our friend."
"No talking please." said Natsumi Sensei.
"We will discuss this when we get back home." said Kaokao to Juu.
Lunch break.
"Kimie! There is a sit here." said Yuki.
"Thanks gurls. Who usually cook for you gurls?" asked Kimie sitting down.
"Elvie, Kei and." Hi-chan poke Yuki to prevent her from saying out Takaki's name.
"Elvie and Kei." said Yuki. " They are great cooks. Wanna try our bento?"
"Can I?" said Kimie who was excited to eat the gurls bento.
"Sure." Kimie and Yuki exchanged their bentos.
"Kao, someone is looking for you."
"Hai. Excuse me gurls." Kaokao went out of the room.
"Kimie, do you know HS7 and Ya3 of the next class?" asked Elvie.
"Eh? Not really. We just smile at each other when we meet." said Kimie.
"Ouh." said Elvie just as Kaokao came back.
"Sorry. But i need to talk to the girls for a while. Mind if you excuse us?" Kaokao said to Kimie.
"Sure." Kaokao brought the gurls outside the classroom.
"Okay, Hi-chan, please do not scream when you hear this." Kaokao pause for a while.
"Chii just came to inform me that Hikaru wants to ask us out, HS7, Ya3 and us. So what do you gurls say? Wanna go?"
Lucky Kei covered Hi-chan's mouth just in time to stop her from scream.
"Really? Of cause we would want to go!" said Juu, who started to jump up and down.
"Gurls, i would like to meet you after school. Please wait for me outside the staff room after school." said Natsumi Sensei from the back.
The gurls are shocked that Natsumi Sensei would want to see them.
They were very worried about what Natsumi Sensei wanted to say that they did not even realise that Kimie was calling.
"Gurls! Gurls!" it was only when Kimie pulled the gurls, the gurls then realise that Kimie was calling. The gurls went back to class.
After school.
"Natsumi Sensei, we are here." said Kaokao.
"Gurls, please come with me to the classroom." said Natsumi Sensei bringing them into the classroom.
In the classroom, everyone was very quiet.
"Gurls, I want to ask you one question. This is a MUST answer question. I promise I won't let any part of this conversation out." said Natsumi Sensei.
"Are you gurls, staying at Nakajima-kun's house? With HS7 in short."
"Yah. How do you know sensei?" asked Kaokao.
"I saw you gurls coming out of their house. It has been a few times since i see that; and I see HS7 and you gurls coming around the same timing." said Natsumi looking at the gurls.
"Okay. We'll tell you the truth. We've been staying at their house for about one week. We are suppose to take care of them. No matter of what thing. May it be daily meals or health.
We have the duty to take care of them." said Kaokao.
"But how can you gurls take care of them? 7 gurls taking care of 5 guys. Yet there are no adults there. What if anything happen?" said Natsumi
"Sensei, dun worry. The guys are very gentlemen. They even helped out in cleaning out. You need not worry about no adult. The guys behave themselve. Unless you counted playing with pillows, and stuff.
But they really behave themselves. We treat each other with respect." said Kaokao.
"Gurls, if anything happen, please tell me at once. I can't let my students do such a thing."
"Sensei, relax. We will definatly tell you if they did anything bad to us. So, please keep this to yourself. Even other JE artists also don't know this. So please help us keep this secret." said Juu.
"Okay. You gurls may go now. Don't forget!" said Natsumi. The gurls went back home to tell the guys about it.
"What! Natsumi Sensei know about us?" exclaimed Yuto.
"Yup. Sensei say that she will keep it to herself." said Hi-chan.
"Can she be trusted?" asked Dai-chan.
"I think so. But let's believe in sensei okay? I know she won't betray us." said Kei.
"How do you know?" said Chii.
"I can feel that. I believe that she will not betray us." said Kei giving them a very confident look.
"Okay. We believe you." said Takaki.
They went back to their job.
In the kitchen.
"Ne, Kei, what makes you so sure that Natsumi won't betray us?" asked Takaki.
"Her eyes. When I look into here eyes, I can feel a sense of protection. I can feel that she wants to protect us. So, if this thing was let out, as you guys know, alot of things will happen. People will start to say bad things about us.
That also mean hurting us. So,"
"So, she won't say that out to hurt us." Elvie continued for Kei.
"That's so clever of Elvie." said Kei."Yup. That is what I mean."
"Sou. Kei have a good observation." said Takaki.
"Iie. I just happen to look at her eyes." said Kei blushing.
"Time for dinner guys! Come down." shouted Takaki at the dinning table.
"Finally. I'm hungry." said Yuto sitting.
"When are you not hungry Yuto?" asked Yuki.
"Hmm. When I'm sleeping!" said Yuto.
Everyone laughed.
After dinner.
"How about watching TV together later?" suggested Dai-chan."Come to say of it, it seems like we never watch a show together before."
"Sure!" the gurls agreed at once.After dinner, Elvie, Kei and Takaki cut fruits to eat while watching TV.
Kaokao's handphone rang.
"Moshi moshi, Kaokao desu."
"Kaokao-chan. I'm Natsumi. Is the guys doing anything to you gurls?" asked Natsumi.
"Sensei, relax, they are not doing anything." said Kaokao.
"Hey Yuto, stop it, I say stop it!" said Yuki to stop Yuto from eating all the fruits.
"Guys guys guys, shhh" said Kaokao.
"Sensei, we are eating fruits in the living room. Yuto is eating everything up, Yuki is just stopping him. Sensei, the guys won't do anything to us. They are very gentlemen." assured Kaokao.
"Seriously?" questioned Natsumi.
"Yah. Sensei, you are thinking too much. Johnny-san won't let them do anything." said Kaokao.
"Okay okay. I'll call and check on your gurls now and then." said Natsumi and hang up the phone.
"Oh my god. Natsumi Sensei is just going to far. I mean her thinking. She even thought that the guys will do something to us. Yuki! You shouldn't shout!" said Kaokao pushing Yuki.
"Opps. But Yuto is eating all the fruits, and you call that gentlemen?" said Yuki whacking Yuto's head.
"Don't whack my head Yuki. Ne Okasan, should we look for Natsumi Sensei on Mon? Or should we just call her?" asked Yuto.
"Calling her might be better." said Takaki.
"Yup, settle as fast as possible." said Yamachan.
"Elvie, is there anymore fruit? Yuto ate all." said Dai-chan looking for his fav. fruit, apple.
"Okay, I'll go cut more apple." said Elvie.
"Guys, let's go call Natsumi." said Takaki.
"Sensei, this is Takaki." said Takaki.
"Oh Takaki-kun. What can I do for.. Takaki-kun! I tell you, you better don't do anything to the gurls I tell you. I..."
"Sensei, sensei. I just want to tell you that, we won't do anything to the gurls." Takaki said trying to stop Natsumi from continuing.
"The gurls are not good enough for us to do anything." said Yuto, loud enough to let the guys but not Natsumi heard this.
"Yuto. Don't be stupid by saying that." said Dai-chan whacking Yuto's head again.
"How many times must i say don't whack my head." said Yuto raising her voice.
"Shhh" said Takaki trying to listen to what Natsumi sensei has to say.
"Hai hai." said Takaki and hang up the phone.
"Phew. Finally. She was like one mother scare that we will do something to the gurls." said Takaki.
"So is it settled?" asked Chii.
"Most likely? Whatever. If she's still like this, we'll go to her on monday." said Takaki and went back to the sofa.
At night when Kaokao is doing her rounds.
"Kaokao, do we give Natsumi such a bad impression?" asked Chii.
"Iie. She's just worried about us. Maybe she had some bad impression on guys? Okay, let's not talk about this. Go to sleep. Good night Chii." replied Kaokao.
"Good night."
"Good night Yuto."
"Good night Kaokao. Wait, am I really that irritating?"
"Yuto, you are not. You bring us happiness." said Kaokao."Go to sleep."
Kaokao went out of Yuto's room.
At Dai-chan's room, "Kaokao.. Doing your rounds?"
"Yup. Go to sleep. This is an order." ordered Kaokao.
Both of them laughed.
"Alright. Alright."
"Takaki. What are you doing here?" asked Kaokao, who just noticed Takaki in Dai-chan's room.
"Kaokao, I've been in here for a long time." said Takaki.
"Really? Okay, whatever it is, but please go back .It's late now. If you continue to stay here, I'm gonna make you eat some burned toast tomorrow." threaten Kaokao.
"Sorry, I'm not like Yuto. Haha. Okay. I'll go back now. Night darling." Takaki said to Dai-chan and went out with Kaokao.
"Night Dai-chan" said Kaokao
"What are you two doing inside? Gaying?" asked Kaokao.
"Yup. Gaying. In the sense of happying." said Takaki, almost scaring the hell out of Kaokao.
"Okay. Go back to your room and sleep. Good night Okasan." said Kaokao as they reach Takaki's door.
"Okay. Good night, and no burned toast tomorrow okay?" Takaki laughed.
Kaokao continued on her rounds. She reached Yamachan's room just as Yamachan open his door.
"Yamachan, what are you doing out here?" asked Kaokao.
"I want to go down and get a cup of milk. I can't sleep." said Yamachan.
"Okay, I'll go down with you." said Kaokao as they went down the stairs.
"Why can't you sleep? Thinking of something?" asked Kaokao.
"Yup. About Natsumi Sensei. She won't let the cat out of the bag right?" asked Yamachan.
"You guys are worrying about this kind of things. Well, if you've been to her lessons, she's a very kind teacher." said Kaokao.
"Well, we had one lesson with her. That time our teacher is not here. She came in to relief." said Yamachan pouring a glass of milk. "She was quite kind. She was strict with us, but kind at the same time."
"Yup. We like her alot. She also like animals alot. What kind of animal does Yamachan like?" asked Kaokao.
"Hmm I like all kinds of small animal." said Yamachan.
"It seems like alot of people like small animals." said Kaokao. " Are you done with the milk? Shall we go up now?"
"Sure. Just let me wash the cup." said Yamachan washing the cup.
"Do you guys have nanny before we come?" asked Kaokao.
"Well, we did have one. But she can't cope with this big house and left. We had no nanny until you gurls came. Let's go up.I feel that I can sleep now." said Yamachan.
They went up and they say their good nights and went back to their own room.
"I wonder how will tomorrow be like. Will Natsumi follow us? Muri-muri. But she know where we stay." said Yuki.
"Gurls, you are not asleep yet." said Kaokao coming in to her room from her rounds.
"Hehe. Too excited to fall asleep. Tomorrow we are going out together. This time, without any last minute shooting or recording." said Ayumi.
"Wait. You gurls can't fall asleep. Then what has it to do with my room? Why you all gather here?" said Kaokao feeling confused.
"We are waiting for you. We wanna chat with you." said Kei.
"Okay. Just in time, Kei and Elvie. We need to discuss about tomorrow's meal." said Kaokao.
"You gurls can give some ideas." said Elvie.
"Yuki, don't suggest things that can be done. How are you going to eat Udon when you are playing? And packing a Udon looks and sounds funny." said Ayumi.
"Okay. Since more of us wanted sushi and handroll, we will do that." said Kei.
"Yay! We have sushi and handroll for tomorrow!" shouted Hi-chan.
"Shh. Don't disturbe the guys. They are sleeping now." said Kaokao.
"Ne, do you think that Natsumi Sensei is caring too much? She will even check on us." said Ayumi.
"Well, she is just worry about us. No matter what, we are gurls and they are guys. Anything might happen." said Juu.
"I don't know why can't the adults think things in an easy way? They are always making things complicated." said Yuki.
"Adults can't think like us. We can't think like adults. So why bother about this? Let nature take it's cause. Nothing will happen. Relax." said Elvie.
"Oh. What if there are paparazzi?" asked Hi-chan.
"We will see tomorrow. So how are things going? Tomorrow is the 1st week since we work here. We must give them a happy memory. Of cause, Hi-chan will have the best one. With Ya3, Hikaru..." said Yuki shooting an eye over to Hi-chan.
"Hey. How can you say that. Oh. About Kimie. Should we let her know? I Really want to let her know." said Hi-chan.
"But we promise the guys that we won't tell anyone. Natsumi knows because she saw us." said Kaokao.
"I feel bad letting Kimie out. I really want her to share this fun." said Juu.
"We will discuss with the guys. Maybe we can tell her just as how the guys tell Hikaru and gang, [We live nearby.]" said Kaokao.
"Okay. It's late now. Go to sleep gurls. Ayumi, you need to wake them up tomorrow. So get ready to set your alarm clock." said Kaokao.
"Hai." the gurls went back to their room, feeling excited about tomorrow's outing.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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