Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate
Natsumi: Sensei
Hikaru: Hikaru
Shoon: Shoon
Yabu: Yabu
Taiyo: Taiyo
The seventh day of the first week.(Saturday)/Eighth day at HS7's house.
"Wow. 8 days in this house already." said Kaokao.
"Yup, and the 1st week we started working." said Juu.
"Just nice, a celebration." joked Hi-chan
"Gurls! Don't just stand there and chat. We have to make alot of foods. Yuto will be sure to eat 2 bentos." said Elvie.
"But 7 people in the kitchen will be very cram." said Yuki trying to slack.
"Okay okay. Then Yuki, you come in with us." said Kei.
"Okasan will come down also right?"
"Yes? I heard my name." said Takaki coming down.
"Are you helping out in the kitchen?" asked Yuki.
"Yah." Takaki don't understand what are the gurls talking about.
"Good. Then Kei, I don't need to work in here right?" said Yuki.
"Alright alright. Ayumi, are you waking them up?" shouted Kaokao from below.
"Yup. All of them are awake already." Ayumi shouted back.
Today is the 8th day in HS7's house. Today they are going out with Ya-ya-yah.
The gurls said that they will prepare all 16 lunch box.
"Ne, can we ask Kimie along?" asked Juu.
"Hmm... Good question."said Dai-chan coming down.
"Can we? Can we?" said Hi-chan.
"But. We are not very familiar with Kimie." said Chii.
"If this time we go out together, you will know her better. Am i wrong?" said Ayumi.
"Okay okay. But we have to ask Hikaru they all first." said Takaki.
"Yay! Where is Yuto?" said Elvie who noticed Yuto missing.
"Aww. He must have went back to sleep." said Ayumi running up to wake Yuto again.
"Yuto!! Wake up. Stop sleeping. We are suppose to meet Hikaru and gang today. WAKE UP! No more extra bento for you onwards." said Ayumi.
"Bento!" Yuto jump out from bed. "Doko doko?"
"This is the only way to wake you up Yuto. Hayaku. Go wash up. We are going to meet them soon. If you don't prepare soon, we are going to leave you alone, without any food."
said Ayumi.
"NO! You cannot leave me alone in here. Mai told me that this house got ghost." said Yuto, afraid of ghost.
"HAHAHA. That is a made up story Yuto. Just to get Mai along with us to the picnic." said Ayumi laughing.
"What! You mean there are no ghosts here?" Yuto took a pillow and threw towards Ayumi.
"Hayaku. Everyone's waiting for you." Ayumi went out of the room trying not to laugh.
"HAHAHA." Ayumi just can't stop laughing.
"What are you laughing about Ayumi?" said Chii.
"Nothing. Are Hikaru they all coming down here?" asked Ayumi.
"Yup. Arriving soon." said Chii.
Ding dong. The doorbell rang.
"Hi! Gurls you are here too. Just nice. We can discuss where to go." said Shoon.
"Can we bring a friend along?" asked Yuki.
"Sure. Why not?" said Hikaru.
"But what if we got caught by the paparazzi?" asked Elvie.
"We'll run." laughed Taiyo.
"Where should we go then?" asked Taiyo.
"Shopping?" suggested Yabu.
"But I think 17 people going shopping seems abit too much." said Kei.
"Yah. It's always hard to go in such a big group." said Yuto. "But most importantly, gurls, what are we having for lunch?"
"Don't talk so much when you are the last one to wake up." said Ayumi.
"Huh? How do you know that Yuto was the last one to wake up?" asked Taiyo.
"Well. When we reach here, he's still sleeping." said Ayumi as she heave a sigh of relief.
"Yuto. That is very lazy of you." said Hikaru.
"Okay. Don't talk about me. How about a picnic?" suggested Yuto.
"If it's a picnic, we have to make more food. Which suits you right?" said Hi-chan.
"That suits you too Hi-chan." said Juu.
"Ah! I got an idea. How 'bout, we go to the amusment park? We can go in as a big group, and we can play also." said Yamachan.
"Good idea. It's quite hard to meet paparazzi inside too. But I think we can meet quite a number of fans there." said Shoon.
"Don't tell me that if you meet fans there, you are going to run again?" asked Kaokao.
"Ermm. No. Cause. I don't think our fans are crazy until that where we go they will follow." said Takaki.
"Okay. Then I'll contact Kimie and ask her out." said Yuki.
"Kimie! Over here." Juu waved to Kimie.
"Eh? Ya3 and HS7 is here also." said Kimie looking shocked.
"Yup. We live near HS7 and Ya3 we met in school. So we decide to go out together." explained Elvie.
"Oh. Where are we going?" asked Kimie.
"We are going to the amusment park." said Taiyo.
"Okay then. Let's go." They all went to the amusment park. Of cause, HS7 and Ya3 did some cover up to prevent the fans from knowing who they are.
"What should we play first?" said Yuki looking around.
"Hmm. Let's see. How about the roller coaster?" suggested Yabu.
"Huh.. I'm scare of roller coaster." said Kei.
"Okay. Who's scare of roller coaster?" asked Yabu.
A total of 8 people raise their hand.
"Okay. Then the rest want to take the roller coaster right?" said Yabu.
"Ahh. It's a headache. Okay. Do you want to split up, or what?" said Dai-chan
"I know! We will go together. When we don't dare to go on the ride, we will wait for those who dare to go on the ride." suggested Hi-chan.
"Eh. Why we never think of that? Okay! We shall do that." said Hikaru.
They went on rides. Finally, everyone was hungry after playing for 3 hours.
"Wow. That ride was cool. Can we eat now? I'm SUPER hungry." said Chii.
"Okay. We'll find a place that can take in 17 people." said Hi-chan. After walking for a moment, they found a grasspatch and went over to sit.
Elvie, Kei and Takaki give out the bentos to everyone.
"Ah! Sugoi. Is this really made by you gurls?" asked Kimie.
"Haha. No. Takaki had a part in making too." said Elvie.
"You three are real good cooks." said Shoon.
Elvie blushed upon hearing this.
"Elvie is blushing." said Kaokao.
Elvie blushed even more.
"Is that HS7 and Ya3?" someone shouted from somewhere.
"Ahhhhh!!" suddenly, a bunch of people run towards them.
"Ermm.. What are we going to do now? Hurry up!" said Ayumi.
HS7 and Ya3 fans pushed aside the gurls and started asking for their signatures.
"Ayumi, are you okay?" Elvie went over to Ayumi.
"Yah. Just some scratchs." said Ayumi.
"Kaokao, did you sprain your ankle?" asked Juu as Kaokao was try to stand up but let out a cry.
"I think so."
"Kimie, you hurt your knee. Are you okay?" asked Kei.
The gurls help each other to some quieter place.
"Sorry Kimie, to get hurt because of them." said Kei washing Kimie's knee.
"No. It's okay. It's expected. They are singers. What can you do when a bunch of fans saw them?" joked Kimie.
"Is your ankle okay?" asked Juu.
"I don't think so. My leg is breaking into half." said Kaokao.
"Those bunch of fans really is. Ouch. Be kind to my wound Elvie." said Ayumi as Elvie clean her wound.
"Hey, I recieved a message form the guys." said Hi-chan. "They say that the fans have gone. They are going to meet us outside."
"Okay. You reply them that we will be there asap." said Ayumi.
Outside the amusment park.
"Ayumi, Kimie and Kaokao, are you gurls alright?" said Shoon as he see the gurls.
"No. Ayumi, Kimie and Kaokao are hurt. Thanks to your fans." said Yuki.
"Gomen. I didn't know the fans will be so rough." said Dai-chan.
"I think it's better not to stand here anymore. Let's go to HS7's house first." said Hikaru.
"I'll go get the medical box." said Kei as she step into the house.
"Ayumi, Kaokao, Kimie, go take a sit first." said Takaki.
"I'm so sorry gurls." said the guys, keeping apologzing.
"It's okay. That's expected." said Juu.
Kei,Elvie helped Ayumi and Kimie clean their wound.
"How 'bout staying for dinner?" asked Takaki.
"Can we?" asked Ya3.
"Sure." said Yuki. "I mean, it's okay as we usually also come over to eat with them. Kei, Elvie and Oka.. and Takaki. Will cook." Yuki almost let out the secret.
The three of them went into the kitchen to settle dinner for all 17 of them.
"Sorry. I can't stay. I need to go back home." said Kimie.
"I'll send you home." Shoon volunteered.
"It's okay. I don't want fans rushing up again. My knee can't take the presure." joked Kimie.
"Then I'll send you back. Anyway I need to go to the minimart." said Yuki standing up.
"Sure." Yuki and Kimie left the house.
"Ne. You are very quiet for the whole journey. Are you okay?" Ayumi asked Chii.
"Yup. I'm usually the quiet one." said Chii.
"Yup. He rarely talk when there is a big group. You should have see him in a small group with 3-5 people. He can talk alot." said Yamachan.
"Ouch?" said Kaokao. "Yuto! Don't come near my ankle."
"Aww. I'm so bored, and there is no food for me to eat." complained Yuto.
"Isn't there some crackers in the third drawer?" said Juu.
"You gurls are very clear at where their things are." said Shoon
"Ermm. Yah. We come in often. Almost every day." said Hi-chan.
"How about playing some games? I'm totally bored sitting around." said Yabu.
"So what do you want to play? 12 people. We can't play monopoly. How about card games?" suggested Dai-chan.
"Can someone come in and help? Three people can't make 16 people meal." said Elvie from the kitchen.
"Okay. I'll help out." Shoon went into the kitchen to help out.
"What are we eating for today?" asked Shoon.
"Ermm, before you start, can you please help me bring this packet of crackers to Yuto? He must be complaining about hungry." said Kei.
"Wow. You even know this." said Shoon.
"Tadaima." Yuki came back from sending Kimie home.
"Yuki! Is that ice-cream that you buy?" said Hi-chan.
"Yup. I know you would like to eat ice-cream. I bought crackers to stock up too."
"Yay!" Hi-chan and Yuto gave a cheer.
"Anybody want ice-cream?" asked Yuki.
Everyone raised their hand.
"After dinner." said Yuki. "Eating ice-cream before dinner is bad."
"Alright alright."
"Dinner is done!" cried Takaki from the kitchen.
"Chii! You haven't lay the table." said Elvie.
"Shoon, do you mind if you help Chii? It will be faster. Thanks!" said Takaki.
"Okay." said Shoon helping Chii take the plates.
"Ittadakimasu!" Everyone started to eat.
"It's nice. Amazing. We should come down often and ask you four to cook for us." said Hikaru.
"Haha. Feel free to drop by for dinner." said Dai-chan.
"Really?" said Yabu.
"Why not? We three can cook for all." said Elvie.
"Yuto, don't eat your food so fast. You will get choke." said Ayumi.
"Hai." Yuto coughed.
"See. What i tell you. Tell you so many times already." said Ayumi.
"I seriously think what kind of stomach you have. You can eat so much more than any one of us. Yet your size is smaller then Dai-chan." said Juu.
"Hmm. You should ask my stomach. Not me." said Yuto.
Everyone laughed. After dinner, everyone was having their ice-cream and watching [Shin Domoto Kyodai].
"It's time for us to go back home." said Yabu.
"Yup. It's late, and the gurls need their beauty sleep right?" said Taiyo looking at the gurls.
"Haha. Yah. It's time for us to go too." said Kaokao.
"Alright." said Takaki.
"Don't you going to walk the gurls back home?" asked Hikaru.
"Don't need. The gurls' just staying opposite." said Chii.
"Yup. Bye bye! See you guys soon!" said the gurls have they leave.
"Gurls, go with me to the minimart. I want to buy something." said Juu.
"Okay." and the gurls walked towards the minimart.
Ya-ya-yah. Also went back home.
"Phew. Lucky the gurls are not so badly hurt." said Yamachan.
"Yup. Those fans really are rough." said Chii.
"Lucky they did not know that the gurls are staying with us." said Dai-chan.
"Eh? Where is Yuto?" asked Takaki.
"Yuto! Stop eating ice-cream. You will get stomachache." said Takaki.
"Touch food." said Yuto, suddenly feeling his stomach hurts.
"See?" said Takaki.
"Shut up!" Yuto ran to the toilet.
"Haha. Oh? The gurls are back." said Chii.
"What did you gurls buy?" asked Dai-chan.
"Gurls stuff. Wanna see?" said Ayumi.
"No thanks." said Dai-chan.
"Where's Yuto?" asked Juu.
"In the toilet. He ate too much ice-cream." said Yamachan pointing towards the toilet.
"He should not eat so much ice-cream if his stomach cannot take it like Hi-chan's." said Ayumi.
"Yup." Hi-chan agreed.
At night.
"Chii. So how's the feeling being wrap up by your fans?" asked Ayumi poping her head in.
"Hmm. Don't talk about this. I get abit angry just listening to this. They made you gurls get hurt." said Chii.
"Okay okay. Go to sleep. Good night." said Ayumi.
"Take care of your wound. Good night." said Chii.
"Yuto. How's your stomach? You shouldn't eat so much ice-cream." said Ayumi as she stepped into Yuto's room.
"Hai. Now I know." said Yuto. Here it comes again." said Yuto running into the toilet again. It's the 3rd time since he went into the toilet.
"Yuto. Are you okay? Do you want some hot water?" asked Ayumi outside the toilet.
"Okay. Thanks Ayumi." Ayumi went down to take some hot water for Yuto.
"Feeling better?" asked Ayumi.
"Yup. Much better after Ayumi's love hot water." said Yuto.
"Stop joking. If your stomachache gets worse, wake me up okay?" said Ayumi. "Rest more. Good night."
"Good night Ayumi. Sorry for that wound." said Yuto.
"Dai-chan. Are you asleep?" Ayumi said quietly. Seeing no respond, Ayumi said good night and went on.
"Okasan. Did you have a nice day?" asked Ayumi as she went into Takaki's room.
"You scared me Ayumi. Yup. But, so sorry for that wound. The fans should not push you gurls." said Takaki.
"Daijoubu. It's normal. The most, during my birthday, give me a pleasent surprise." said Ayumi joking. "Okay, go to sleep. It's late. Good night."
"Good night. Take care of the wound." said Takaki.
Ayumi went into Yamachan's room and saw his lights still on. She went up to off the lights when Yamachan woke up.
"Did I wake you up? Gomen." said Ayumi.
"Iie. Does your wound still hurt?" asked Yamachan.
"Not as pain as Kao. She sprain her leg." said Ayumi. "Today's a hectic day, no?"
"Yup. Good night Ayumi."
"Good night Yamachan. Sweet dreams."
Ayumi went back to her room, when she let out a cry.
Takaki went out of the room to check out.
"Go back to sleep Okasan. I just knocked my wound accidentally." said Ayumi.
"I think I better help you back." said Takaki.
"Thanks Okasan." Ayumi went to sleep while Takaki went back to his room.
Good night all, have a good rest. Tomorrow will be a happier and less hectic day.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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