Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie: Classmate
Natsumi: Sensei
Hikaru: Hiakaru
Shoon: Shoon
Yabu: Yabu
Taiyo: Taiyo
HeiSei: pet dog
A random day in HS7 house.
"Wake up gurls. We have to go to school today." said Takaki waking the gurls up.
"Eh? Okasan? Why are you waking us up?" asked Hi-chan.
"I ex-change with Juu today." said Takaki. "It's been a long time since I wake you gurls up."
"Haha. Okasan is like an Otousan now." said Kaokao waking up.
"Hmm Dai-chan sometimes take the Otousan part." said Takaki.
"I never see him doing it before." said Yuki.
"He does sometimes." said Takaki. "It's just that you gurls never get to see it."
"Well well, let's go prepare. We are runnning out of time." Ayumi.
The gurls went to prepare for school.
"Ohaiyo." said Elvie as she saw the rest coming down.
"Ohaiyo." the gurls replied.
"Breakfast is ready." said Kei.
"Yay!" shouted Yuto.
"Yuto, you are always happy when there is something to eat." said Chii.
"Yup. Eating makes me happy." said Yuto.
"Then Yuto will be very happy every morning. Or even everyday." said Juu.
"Yup. As long as there are food, I'm happy." said Yuto taking a bite of his bread. "But, I also have days when I am sad."
"When is it?" asked Kaokao.
"Shh secret. Do you want that?" asked Yuto grabbing Dai-chan's salad.
"Hey Yuto, I want that." said Dai-chan.
The two guys started to fight for the salad.
"Ne ne, stop fighting. Yuto, I'll give you my salad." said Yuki.
"Thank you!" said Yuto returninf Dai-chan's salad and taking Yuki's.
"Yuto, you sure like to eat. Alot." said Hi-chan.
"Haha. It's been four months already. Yet you all are still saying that I like to eat." said Yuto.
"That's the fact,no?" said Hi-chan laughing.
"Hayaku minna, time's running out." said Juu.
"Hai hai." everyone was soon ready for school.
"Ohaiyo." said all of them as the met Ya3 outside.
"Ohaiyo. You all came to school together again." said Shoon.
"Yup." said Dai-chan.
"You all not scare that there might be a rumor?" asked Yabu.
"Haha. Nope. We are in big group. There won't any rumor. and we also hang out with you guys. So there is no problem!" said Kaokao.
Laughter could be heard as they went into the school.
"Ohaiyo Kimie." said the gurls as she saw Kimie in her seat.
"Ohaiyo." said Kimie.
"Ne Kimie, why are you looking like this?" asked Elvie.
"My mum say that if I fail my test this time, I will have to quit the orchestra club." said Kimie sulking.
"Ehh. Kimie is in the Orchestra club?" said Juu.
"This is the first time that I know that Kimie is in the Orchestra club." said Yuki.
"Ganbatte Kimie!" said Hi-chan patting Kimie. "You can do it. Studies, if you really put your heart into it, you can success."
"Hai!" Kimie finally smiled.
"Natsumi Sensei is here." someone shouted from the door. Everyone went back to their seat.
Class started. Everyone was working hard for the upcoming test.
"In order to have..." the geography teacher of the guys' class was teaching.
Yabu let out a sigh.
"Nani? Why are you sighing?" asked Chii.
"I'm just lack of oxygen." joked Yabu.
"No more talking." said the teacher.
"Hai." they continued the class. Soon it was lunch break
Lunch break.
"Oiishi! Ne Elvie, Kei, the bento are getting better." said Hi-chan.
"Eh? Hontou?" both of them asked at the same time.
"Hai!" all of them answered at once.
"Juu! There is someone looking for you." said a classmate.
"Hai! Please excuse me." said Juu and she went out. On the way out, she feel abit giddy, however, she still continued walking.
"Nani?" asked Juu as she try to support herself.
"Well," before Takaki could finish his sentence, Juu fainted.
"Juu!" shouted Takaki. The gurls ran out to see what happen.
"Juu! Okasan, please bring her to the sick bay." said Elvie.
"Okay." Okasan carried Juu to the sick bay while Kei and Kaokao went to inform the guys. Halfway, Kaokao felt giddy too.
"Kao, daijoubu?" asked Kei as she saw Kaokao's face going white.
"Yah. Go call the guys. I'll just take a breath here." said Kaokao panting.
"Guys, Juu fainted!" said Kei as she rushed into the guys' classroom.
"Eh?" the guys ran out just to see Kaokao fainted on the floor too.
"Kao!" Dai-chan carried her too the sick bay too.
"Eh? Kao fainted too?" said Hi-chan as she saw Dai-chan carrying Kaokao into the sick bay.
"Yah. She say she would catch a breath while I call the guys. When we came out, we saw her fainted."
"Funny." said Takaki.
"Thud." something seems to hit the gound. All of them turned and looked. They saw Yuki and Ayumi fainted.
"Yuki! Ayumi!" they rushed to them.
"What's happening?" asked Chii. "Why are you gurls fainting one by one?"
"No idea." said Elvie. "They are still okay before this."
"Elvie, Kei, Hi-chan. You three better sit down. I don't want to have three more people fainting." said Yamachan.
"We are okay Yamachan. See? We still can jump." said Elvie jumping. However, when she landed, she fall down.
"Itai." Elvie let out a cry.
"Daijoubu?" said Kei helping Elvie stand up.
"Hehe." said Elvie giving off a painful smile.
"Okay. No more moving around. Hi-chan, you stay here. Kei, mind if you call sensei?" said Takaki.
"Hai." said Kei.
"Guys, you and Hi-chan take care of them." said Takaki before he leave with Kei.
"Did you gurls do anything yesterday? How come four of them can faint at one time?" asked Takaki.
Hearing no replies, he turned and saw Kei starting to turn green.
"Kei! Daijoubu?" said Takaki helping Kei.
"Yah. I just need to rest abit." said Kei.
"What the hell did you gurls did yesterday that everyone seems to be sick." said Takaki.
"We just," Kei fainted.
"Kei!" Takaki went to call Natsumi Sensei.
"Sensei, the gurls have fainted!" shouted Takaki as he slamed the door open.
"What!" Natsumi ran out of the room. On the way, Takaki carried Kei to the sick bay.
"Kei fainted!" said Takaki as he went into the room.
"Huh? Hi-chan and Elvie also." said Yuto.
"Eh? All 7 of them fainted?" cried Natsumi.
"What the heck happen to them?" said Chii.
"After Takaki and Kei left, Hi-chan standed up, wanting to help Elvie, but she fainted." said Yuto.
"And Elvie wanted to go over, but tripped and knocked her head." said Yamachan.
"Oh my god." said Natsumi.
"Sensei, the sick bay do not have enough bed for all 7. Dou?" asked Dai-chan.
"Ne Arioka-kun do you mind if you help carry the gurls to other place? Like any empty classroom." said Natsumi. "It's getting abit squeezing in here. The gurls need more air."
"Hai. Okasan, Yamachan and Yuto, mind if you help me? Chii, you stay here and help sensei look after them." said Dai-chan.
"Hai. Ittarashai." said Chii.
They carried the other 3 girls to another empty room and place them on the table.
"I really wonder what the girls did. How can 7 of them faint at one time." said Yuto thinking.
"Ne, these three are having fever." said Yamachan.
"Eh?" the guys went up and touched their forehead.
"Hontou. Was it raining yesterday?" asked Dai-chan.
"Yup. A heavy rain too." replied Yuto.
"The gurls must have went out in the rain to play." said Yamachan. "The gurls like rain, don't they?"
Just then, Kei regain conscious.
"Kei, are you okay?" asked Yamachan helping Kei.
"Yah. Did i faint just now?" asked Kei.
"Yup. You totally scared me. Hi-chan and Elvie fainted also." said Takaki.
"Gomen ne. We went out to play in the rain last night." said Kei.
"Yappari. You gurls really love the rain ne." said Yamachan.
"Baka! Next time, don't play under heavy rain, and you should bath after that." said Takaki.
"Gomen ne. Make you all worry about us." said Kei.
"Iie. Daijoubu. You rest well. The doctors are coming." said Dai-chan.
"Hai. Otousan." said Kei and went back to sleep.
"Eh? Boku? Otousan?" question mark was all over Dai-chan's face.
"Hai. Dai-chan wa Otousan ne?" joked Yuto.
"Otousan Otousan." Yamachan keep on repeating until Dai-chan went totally red.
"Sensei, what happen to the gurls?" asked Natsumi.
"They all caught a very bad flu. Seems like they went under the rain yesterday." said the doctor as he pack up.
"Arigatou Sensei." said Natsumi as she bring the doctor to the other room.
"End up they were playing under the rain last night." said Chii to himself. Yuki woke up.
"Yuki! You've waken up." said Chii going over to help Yuki.
"I guess i fainted." said Yuki.
"Yup. All seven of you. But morning you all are still fine." said Chii.
"I've no idea. I just feel giddy suddenly." said Yuki.
"Okay. You better rest. The doctor had went over to the other room to check on Hi-chan,Elvie and Yuki.
"Hai." Yuki went back to sleep.
"Ne, get well gurls." said Chii offing te lights.
"Sensei, so how is this 3?" asked Natsumi.
"Well, most of them are alright. But this girl." said the doctor pointing towards Elvie.
"What is it?" asked Dai-chan.
"Nothing much. It's just that she knocked her head. She won't be waking up as soon as the others. But it's not a big problem." said the doctor.
They heave a sigh of relief.
"Gurls, are you all awake?" asked Dai-chan.
"Yup." Everyone replied except for Elvie and Hi-chan.
"Okay. Since it's only Hi-chan and Elvie, so we can go home." said Yuto.
"Hai. Dai-chan and me will carry them." said Takaki.
At home.
"Bark Bark." barked HeiSei.
"Tadaima HeiSei." said Yuto as he open the door.
"Kei! Do you mind if you help me open the door?" said Takaki standing infront of Hi-chan's room.
"Hai. Dai-chan! Bear with it for a moment." said Kei as she run towards Dai-chan to open the door.
"Hai. Don't need to rush. I still can carry Elvie for a moment." said Dai-chan, afraid of Kei falling down.
"Gurls, you go back to your room and rest. This time, it's our guys turn to look after you gurls." said Yuto.
"Hai." the gurls went back to their room to sleep.
In the kitchen.
"Takaki, I'll help out." said Chii.
"Thanks Chii!"
"Hi-chan, wake up. Time to eat." said Kei.
"Eh? Kei? You sould be sleeping." said Hi-chan.
"I told Okasan that I would help out. And, my fever had subside." said Kei.
"Okay. After you finish call me or anyone of the guys." said Kei going out. "I still have Yuki."
"Hai." Hi-chan started eating.
After everyone had finish their dinner, they went down to the living to have some fruit.
"Elvie, is your head feeling better?" asked Chii.
"Yup, much more better." said Elvie.
"That's good." said Chii.
"Gurls, next time, please, do not play under heavy rain." said Takaki. "I don't want to have another time when 7 of you fainting again."
"No more demo gurls. You made everyone of us worried. Including Natsumi." said Yamachan.
"Hai. Gomen ne." the gurls apologized.
"It's okay. As long as you gurls are better." said Dai-chan.
"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." said Yuto going back to his room.
"Hai.You all better go back to your room too." said Takaki.
"Demo, Okasan, we have slept for so long."said Elvie.
"No. No more staying up late." said Takaki firmly.
"Yup. You gurls need to get more sleep." said Yamachan.
"Ehhh." The gurls still went back to their rooms even though they can't sleep.
In the middle of the night, Juu went to do her rounds, she was awaken halfway through her sleep. So she decieded to do her rounds.
Juu went to open Chii's door, and saw Chii's blanket on the floor.
"Baka Chii." said Juu picking up his blanket and tucking Chii in. "Oyasumi. Chii."
She continued to Yuto's room.
"Yuto, oyasumi."
"Shhh. Don't make so much noise HeiSei." said Juu quietly as she open the door.
Juu tucked Dai-chan into his blanket and gave a goodnight kiss to HeiSei and went out.
"Oyasumi Okasan. Thanks for taking care of us today."
"Yamachan still likes to sleep with his lights on." said Juu going over and close Yamachan's bedside lamp.
"Good night."
After moving around for some time, Juu got tired and went back to her room to sleep.
Have a good rest gurls. Tomorrow you still have to help out!
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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