Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
The fifth day of the first week.(Thursday)/Sixth day at HS7's house.
"Yosh. Today I'm in-charge. Hope nothing goes wrong." said Hi-chan as she came out from the toilet.
"Elvie, you're up too." said Hi-chan as she met Elvie outside the toilet.
"Yah. Help me wake Kei up will ya?" Elvie was half awake.
"Okay." Hi-chan went to Kei's room to wake her up.
"Kei, time to wake up. You need to make breakfast for us. Wake up!" said Hi-chan pulling Kei up from the bed.
"Alright alright. You are breaking my arm Hi-chan." Kei was finally awake.
It was their sixth day in HS7's house. They started staying at their house six day ago, which is saturday. In order to stay with HS7, the gurls need to look after them. Today, is their off day from school.
"Ne, Hi-chan seems to be very hyper today." said Elvie coming out of the toilet.
"She almost tear off my arm Elvie! She's more crazy than hyper." said Kei taking her toothbrush.
"Haha, should I wake Takaki up?" asked Hi-chan stratching her head.
"Stop stratching your head when you don't know what to do. You might just stratch off all your hair. I think it's better not to wake Okasan up. Let him have some more sleep." said Kei brushing her teeth.
"No need, he's already up." said Elvie pointing behind.
"Eh? Okasan. That's early. Why don't you sleep more?" asked Hi-chan.
"Have the fever subside?" asked Elvie.
"Yup. I just took my temperature. 36.8." said Takaki looking at the mirror.
"Okay. So you wanna help out in the kitchen or what?" asked Kei.
"Can I watch TV?" said Takaki behaving like a 10 year old kid.
"Alright anyway today we do not need to go to school, and we do not need to prepare the lunchs. So that's okay." said Elvie.
They went down to prepare the breakfast, Hi-chan and Takaki went to watch TV.
"Hi-chan, ,mind if you go wake them up? Breakfast is going to be ready. Okasan, can you come in and help?" asked Kei from the kitchen.
"Sure." they switch off the TV and went to do their jobs.
In 10 minutes, everyone was at the dinning table.
"Does anybody have any idea of where to go later?" asked Juu.
"Ice skatting?"
"Amusment park?"
"Arcade?" There was alot of suggestion. However, they decieded that they should do their stocking up. Which is going to a supermarket to stock up their food.
"Okay. Then we will go to ABC supermarket then." said Takaki drinking his orange juice.
"But, will 12 people be abit too much?" asked Kaokao.
"We can split up. How 'bout a competition? Boys and gurls, each get a shopping list and see who get's all the things on the list first." said Ayumi.
"That's a good idea. Whoever who lose the competition, need to treat the winner to a cake." said Dai-chan taking a bite of his breakfast.
After breakfast, they made up a list of things that are needed. Each side got 5 things to find.They set off to the supermarket. As the guys complain that it is very unfair as gurls have 7 people, while the guys have 5 only.
So, two gurls be the judges. Hi-chan and Elvie, as it was them who draft out the list. Each of them go after different teams, Hi-chan with the gurls, Elvie with the guys.
The gurls' side.
"Ne, Hi-chan, is it this?" asked Kaokao.
"No comments. This is a fair match." said Hi-chan looking at other things.
They continued searching for the things.
The guys' side.
"Elvie, is this the brand of the butter?" asked Yamachan.
"I'm not saying anything. We wrote the brand and every information that you all need. So look for yourself. This is a fair match." said Elvie playing her PSP.
"Don't be like this Elvie." said Yamachan starting to tug Elvie's sleeve.
"No no no." they continue to search for the things until Takaki's handphone rang.
"Chii, help me answer it." said Takaki picking up a bottle to shampoo.
"Hai. Moshi moshi. This is Chii."
"Chii-kun. Is the whole group with you?" asked the person at the other end of the phone.
"Yup." said Chii.
"I need you guys to come back. You have a Music Station shooting to take today. Where are you all? We will come and fetch you."
"Okay. We are at ABC supermarket." said Chii.
Chii hang up the phone.
"Hey, we have a Music Station recording to do. They will come and fetch us soon." said Chii.
"Huh? Such a short notice. Let's call the gurls and meet them." said Yuto.
They met up near the counter.
"What? A recording." said Yuki.
"Yup. As usual, we can only bring 2 along." said Dai-chan.
"Hi-chan will be going right? So who's the next one?" asked Kei.
"Kei and I had went to the shooting. So this time how about Juu?" said Yuki.
"Any objection?" asked Yamachan. "If there is none, we have to go now."
"Okay." they set off with some food, just in case any one of them got hungry.
"Okay. They are gone. So do we continue?" asked Kaokao.
"Sure, and I've got an idea. How about we bake a cake for them?" said Ayumi.
"Good idea. But what cake should we make?" asked Yuki.
"Good question. You should ask Elvie and Kei!" said Kaokao.
The 3 gurls look at Elvie and Kei. The gurls decieded that they will do a cheese cake.
"Are you two sure that you know how to do cheese cake?" asked Yuki.
"Yah. Relax. We have a cook book at home, and I remember the ingredient. Even if I forget any, there is a minimart near our house. So, no worries." said Elvie.
They finally finish buying all the things and went back home.
At the studio.
The guys are preparing for the recording.
"Ne, Okasaan, what are we suppose to do now?" asked Hi-chan.
"Just help out in whatever you can." said Takaki.
"That's easy." said Juu.
"I believe that you will keep that sentence back." said Yuto.
"Hey!Say!7 prepare!" shouted somebody.
""Hai." HS7 went out.
"Hi-chan, let's pack this place up. Those guys made this place so messy." said Juu
"Sure." they started to pack the room that was messed up by the guys.
"Finally done. Those guys sure know how to mess things up." said Hi-chan after packing all those things.
Back at home.
The gurls are preparing the ingredients for the cheese cake.
"Hey Kei, you have flour on your nose." said Ayumi pointing at Kei's nose.
"Well, you have flour on your face Yuki." said Kei throwing some flour onto Yuki's face.
"You!" Yuki threw some flour on Kei back.
"Okay gurls, stop playing. Like that we will never finish baking the cake." said Elvie.
"Okay okay." said Kei and Yuki.
"Elvie, how long do we need to bake this cake?" asked Kaokao.
"Ermm, the book says 15 minutes would be enough." said Elvie reading from the book.
"Okay. I'm done with my job." said Yuki.
"Are the rest done?" asked Elvie.
"Yup." said the gurls
Elvie then mixed all the things together and in the oven the cake goes.
At the studio.
"Hi-chan and Juu." what are you two doing here?" somebody from the back asked.
The gurls turned around and saw Hikaru,Shoon,Yabu and Taiyo.
"Ah. Ermm ermm." Hi-chan does not know what to say.
"We are here to watch the recording." Juu said in order to hide the fact that they are here to look after HS7.
"But this is the back stage." said Yabu.
"Oh is it? Haha we two are lost. We actually wanted to go to the toilet. But don't know how, we ended up here." said Juu.
"Yah yah." Hi-chan agreed with Juu.
"Well, anyway you gurls are at the back stage, how about exploring the back stage?" asked Shoon.
"Can we?" asked Hi-chan who was so excited that her heart almost drop out.
"Sure why not. If anybody ask, just say that you gurls are lost and we are bring you out." said Hikaru.
"Okay!" the gurls wanted so much to look around the back stage, but was afraid that they will get lost. However, now with Ya3 bringing them around, they have no worries.
"Where is this?" asked Juu.
"Becareful!" said Taiyo just as Juu tripped and almost fall.
"Phew. Thanks Taiyo." said Juu.
"It's okay. Many people almost fall over this bunch of wires." said Taiyo.
"Why don't you say that earlier?" said Hi-chan.
"Hi-chan, daijoubu." Hi-chan tripped over the wires.
"Here, I'll help you." said Hikaru helping Hi-chan up.
Hi-chan blushed.
They continued to walked around the back stage until Hi-chan's handphone rang.
"Moshi moshi. Hai. Okay. I'm going back. We'll wait for you outside." Hi-chan hang up the phone
"Sorry guys. We need to go now. Our friend are waiting for us outside." Hi-chan gave a look to Juu to tell her that it was the guys.
"Okay, I'll bring you gurls out." said Hikaru.
"Thanks for the 'ride' throughout the studio. We really love it." said Juu when they reach outside.
"Take care. We will see you gurls tomorrow in school right?" said Shoon with a smile.
"Sure. Of cause." said Hi-chan and Juu waving goodbyes.
"Gurls! You are slow." said Dai-chan.
"Yah. Aren't we coming now?" said Juu.
Everyone laughed.
"Let's go. I'm very hungry." said the usual hunger kid, Yuto.
At home.
"Elvie, is the cake done?" asked Kaokao who was very excited about the cake.
"Yup. In 5 minutes time. We still need to put it in the fridge. Kei! Is the dinner done? They are coming back soon. We want to give them a surprise with the cake." said Elvie just as the cake was ready.
"Dinner's ready too!" said Kei from the kitchen.
"Gurls, have you done with the cleaning?" asked Elvie putting the cheese cake into the fridge. "They are coming back soon."
"Okairi!" said Elvie keeping the things quickly.
"Kao, you go keep them away from the kitchen first. I need to clear this place." said Kei.
"Oh, Kao, keep your mouth shut about the cake. It's a surprise." said Elvie.
Kaokao went out to entertain them first.
"Are you done Kei? I'm done here." said Elvie.
"Yup. Let's go out."
"Guys! Dinner is ready!" shouted Kei.
"Yay!" Yuto was the first one to rush to the table.
"Yuto! Wash your hand first." said Ayumi.
"Hai." everyone went to wash their hands.
"Hai. Ittadakimasu!" they starting to eat.
"Ne, tomorrow there is school right?" asked Chii.
"Yup. Hey Yuto. Did you forget anything?" asked Yuki.
"Come to say of it. Yah. Where is our ice-cream?" asked Hi-chan who love ice-cream.
"Hey! You are with us the whole day. I don't have the time to buy when we are doing recording." said Yuto eating his rice.
"Oh yah. Love ice-cream too much. That i forget that you are doing recording." said Hi-chan.
"I don't care. You will have to go to the minimart to buy us ice-cream." said Ayumi.
"Okay. But after dinner okay?" said Yuto.
After dinner, Chii and Yuto went to the minimart to buy ice-creams for all of them, of course, Yuto pays for it.
"Pss gurls, gather." said Ayumi.
"Okay, we've bake a cheese, which should be ready by now." said Ayumi.
"Shh don't make so much noise" said Kei to Juu and Hi-chan.
"We deciede to give them a surprise, and to give us some rewards." said Ayumi.
"So, when Yuto and Chii comes back, Yuki will off all the lights," said Kaokao.
"How do I off all the lights?" asked Yuki.
"Yuki, the main switch." said Elvie.
"Then Elvie and Kei will prepare the cake, Ayumi and Juu will prepare the utensils, Hi-chan, you help out Yuki. I'm very scare that she will trip over something." said Kaokao.
"Then what does Kao do?" asked Yuki.
"Hmm Kaokao will be helping Kei and Elvie." said Kaokao.
"Okay. That settles it." said Elvie checking on the cake."The cakes ready."
"Ah! Ice-cream!" Hi-chan ran over to take the plastic bag.
"Hi-chan!" shouted Chii. "You almost break my arm snatching the ice-creams."
"Opps sorry. Is your hand okay?" asked Hi-chan going to put the ice-cream in the freezer.
Yuki and Hi-chan went over to the main switch and switch off all the lights.
"Ahh! Something ran pass my leg." screamed Yuki.
"What's happening?" asked Dai-chan coming down with Yamachan and Takaki.
"Where is the touchlight Okasan?" asked Yuto.
"Yuto, are you near the door?" asked Takaki.
"It's in the second drawer near the door." said Takaki.
Meanwhile, Elvie,Kei and Kaokao prepare the cake, Ayumi and Juu prepare the utensils.
"I've found the touchlight." said Yuto who went to find the main switch and turn it on.
"Wow. Nice cake." said Chii who was shock to see the cake.
"That's nice. Where did you gurls buy that cake." asked Yamachan.
"WHAT! Yamachan, I dare you say that again." said Ayumi.
"We BAKED the cake." said Yuki.
"Bake.. WHAT? BAKE?" said Dai-chan.
"What's so surprising? Can't we bake?" said Kei.
The guys walked towards the table.
"Sugoi." said Chii.
"Try some." said Elvie.
"We put in some hard work okay?" said Kaokao.
"Is this the first time baking a cake?" asked Takaki."You know what, it's not so bad."
"You mean you thought it will be bad?" said Yuki raising her leg, preparing to kick Takaki.
"No no no. I mean that I never know that you gurls can bake."
Everyone laughed. They really enjoyed the cake.
At night when Hi-chan was doing her rounds.
"Hey Hi-chan." said Chii.
"Yah? Go to sleep Chii, tomorrow still got school."
"I just want to say, GOOD NIGHT! Help me thanks the gurls for the cake."
"Sure.Good night Chii."
"Good night Yuto." said Hi-chan to a sleeping Yuto.
"Dai-chan. Good night."
"Good night Hi-chan."
Hi-chan pop in Takaki's room and see that he was sleeping like a log.
"Good night Okasan."
"Yamachan, it's time to sleep. Stop reading and go to sleep." said Hi-chan from the door.
"Hai hai. I'll go to sleep now. Good night." Yamamchan switched off the light.
"Oh. That was a pleasent surprise."
"Thanks. I will tell the gurls. Good night Yamachan."
Hi-chan went back to her room and sleep, she was happy that today ended with everyone having a smile on their face.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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