Main Casts:
Arthro: Juu
Yuki: Yuki
Ayumi: Ayumi
Hi: Hi-chan
Kaoru: Kaokao
Elvie: Elvie
Kokei: Kei
Nakajima Yuto: Yuto
Yamada Ryosuke: Yamachan
Chinen Yuri: Chii
Arioka Daiki: Dai-chan
Takaki Yuya: Takaki
Kimie's siblings
HeiSei: pet dog
10th August 2008(Sunday)/ The 8th month in HS7's house.
"Yuto! Time to wake up!" said Kei pulling Yuto up.
"But I want to sleep.It's Sunday today. We do not have any shooting to do. Let me sleep in." said Yuto lying back.
"Okay. No celebrating for your birthday today. We will only celebrate Ayumi's birthday." said Kei leaving.
"Okay. I'm awake." said Yuto sitting up. "Kei, you're so mean."
"It's you." said Kei poking Yuto. "Who doesn't want to wake up."
"Hai hai." said Yuto going to the toilet.
"Minna, Yuto's up. Prepare!" said Kei.
"Hai!" Takaki went up the stairs to wait for Yuto.
Today is Yuto and Ayumi's birthday. Everyone decided to play a trick on Yuto and Ayumi.
"Eh? Okasan.You just woke up?" asked Yuto.
"Yup." said Takaki tripping Yuto without him noticing. "Be careful Yuto." Takaki said as he held on to him.
"Thanks." said Yuto. Everyone who saw this hold onto their laughter.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Dai-chan could not hold on any longer.
"Dai-chan!" said Kaokao poking Dai-chan.
"Hai." said Dai-chan controling.
"What's so funny Dai-chan?" asked Yuto.
"Nothing." said Dai-chan.
"Tell me!" said Yuto running down. Hi-chan take this chance to trip him again.
"Yuto! Look where you are going! This is the second time you have tripped." said Hi-chan, stopping Yuto from falling.
This time, Kaokao covered Dai-chan's mouth to stop him from laughing.
"What is Kao doing? Covering Dai-chan's mouth." asked Yuto.
"Nothing. He just yawned without covering his mouth" said Kaokao.
"Okay." said Yuto sitting down on his seat.
"Can you pass me the sauce?" asked Juu.
"Sure." said Yuto taking the sauce, he didn't know that the gurls did something on the bottle. "Oh my god. What is this?"
The sauce spilled all over Yuto.
"Yuto! How can you be so careless?" said Kei.
"Gomen gomen! I'll clean this." said Yuto.
"It's okay." said Elvie picking up the bottle. "We'll clean this place up. Do you mind if you all go to another place to eat?"After everyone cleared away from the table, Elvie and Kei started cleaning up.
While Elvie and Kei were in the kitchen, Yuto came in.
"Gomen ne Elvie, Kei, I spilled the sauce." said Yuto. Elvie started to feel guilty.
"It's okay Yuto. It's your birthday today, go outside and have some fun with the rest." Elvie replied giving Yuto a smile.
"Hai!" Yuto went out to have some fun with the others.
"Ne Kei." said Elvie. "Should we let Yuto off?"
"Hmm, we are not going to let Yuto off. But we can be easy on him." said Kei giving Elvie a wink.
After about 4 hours, the rest of them started planning on how to trick Ayumi and Yuto.
"Let's play a game." said Yamachan.
"What game?" asked Ayumi thinking that this is not in the planning.
"A pair game." said Yamachan.
"I'll pair with Kei!" said Chii.
"I'll pair with Elvie!" said Takaki.
"I'll pair with Kao!" said Dai-chan.
"I'll pair with Hi-chan." said Yuki.
"I'll pair with Juu." said Yamachan.
"So that leaves you and me, Ayumi." said Yuto.
"Yup." said Ayumi walking towards Yuto.
"Okay. Since all of us are in pairs now,we can start the game.We are going to play a card game together."said Yamachan pausing. "The loser pair will have to do a forfeit."
"What forfeit?" asked Ayumi.
"That will be decided by us later." said Yamachan.
"Okay." everyone agreed on the terms. The game started. Everyone tried their best to let Yuto and Ayumi lose.
"Yatta!" cried Chii. "We finally won!"
"Ayumi and Yuto lose!" shouted Kei. The rest gathered around to discuss about the forfeit.
"Got the things?" asked Yamachan.
"Yup." Dai-chan replied and went to take the props.
"Okay. This is the forfeit. You have to eat this, from both end. Ayumi on the left, Yuto on the right." Yamachan looked at them. Both of them blushed.
"Can we don't?"
"No." Yuto was totally rejected.
"Alright." Yuto and Ayumi started eating. Ayumi and Yuto blushed when their lips touched.
"Yuto and Ayumi kissed!" shouted Yuki.
"Hey! That was an accident!" denied Ayumi, blushing.
"That was not." said Juu.
The game continued. After a a hour of this game, they were tired of it.
"It's so not fair." cried Yuto. "Ayumi and me have been losing for so many rounds!"
"Okay. Gurls, you all are making the cake now right?" asked Chii.
"Yup. Do you mind if you bring Yuto out? We don't want him to see what we are making." said Elvie.
"Okay. No problem. Yuto! We are going out!" shouted Chii to Yuto.
"Hai!" The guys went out.
"Finally. The guys are gone." Juu heave a sigh of relief.
"Is that game a trick?" asked Ayumi, who was still blushing.
"Ayu-chan's so smart!" said Kaokao smacking Ayumi's back.
"Itai yo." Ayumi gave Kaokao a stare.
"Oh! Birthday punches!" said Hi-chan give Ayumi 14 birthday punches. Everyone gather together to hit Ayumi.
The gurls prepared the decorations and started making the cake.
"Yamachan, where are we going now?" asked Yuto.
"To the park." said Yamachan.
"Why the park?" asked Chii.
"Because we have no where to go?" replied Yamachan.
Suddenly, someone tapped Yuto's shoulder.
"Eh?" All of them turned around and saw Kimie.
"Kimie!" Chii was shocked that Kimie was there.
"I know what you want to ask. Why am I here." The guys nod their heads.
"I brought my younger siblings along." said Kimie looking for her siblings. "Oh!It's Yuto-kun's birthday today right?"
"Yup" Yuto was smiling.
"Happy birthday Yuto!" said Kimie. "Oi! Don't get near the pool!" Kimie shouted as she ran towards her brother and sister.
"Ne, since we got nothing to do. How about play around with them?" asked Dai-chan.
"Okasan?" Chii looked at Takaki.
"Yuto, you choose." said Takaki.
"Okay!" Yuto went to ask Kimie.
"Sure! Why not. They will be very happy." said Kimie. They played alot of games with Kimie and her siblings.
"Onii-chan! Throw that ball to me!" shouted one of the siblings.
"Hai!" Chii took the ball and started to play.
"Onii-chan. Let's play!" said Kimie's sister to Dai-chan.
"I have no more energy." Dai-chan was panting. "Get Takaki onii-chan to play with you okay?"
Kimie's sister turned to Takaki and gave him a innocent look.
"Alright." It was then Takaki recieved a message.
"Sorry. We need to go now." said Takaki. "The girls are waiting for us."
"Okay. Sorry I can't go with you all." said Kimie. "I still have to take care of these two kids."
"It's okay." said Yuto. They said their goodbyes and went back home.
"Gurls! They are coming back. Have you prepared the things?" asked Kei.
"Sure. Just waiting for them to be back." said Juu.
"Elvie, is the second cake ready?" asked Kei.
"Yup. It's much more better then the first one." said Elvie.
"Tadaima!" the guys shouted.
"Okairi. And don't shout like that." said Yuki who happens to be around the door.
"Hai." answered Yuto.
"Is dinner ready?" asked Chii. "I'm starving."
"What did you guys do? Everyone of you seems to be hungry." asked Juu.
"We saw Kimie and her siblings in the park, and played with them. Her younger siblings are so hyper. Everyone of us almost drop dead." said Yamachanas he headed to the sofa for a rest.
"Yamachan! Don't do that. You are covered with sweat!" Hi-chan exclaimed, pulling him up.
"Eh. Let me rest Hi-chan. Please." Yamachan pleaded with his innocent face.
"No means no. Go up and take a bath before you guys eat. If not no birthday cake." said Hi-chan.
"Hai.." the guys dragged their feet to the bathroom. After 30 minutes, none of them came down for dinner.
"What is it that is taking them so long." asked Elvie.
"I'll go check." Ayumi went up to check on the guys. "Gurls! They are all asleep."
"What!" shouted Juu. The gurls ran up to wake them up. After an hour, the guys woke up.
"Gomen ne." said Dai-chan,yawning.
"Are you guys really that tired?" asked Hi-chan. The looks gave Hi-chan the answer she wants.
"Okay. Before you all fall asleep AGAIN, let's have dinner then cut the cake." said Kei.
"Hai!" at once, everyone helped to lay the table and bring out the dishes.
After dinner, everyone gathered around the table to cut the cake.
"Sugoi! This cake is pretty." said Yamachan. "You gurls."
"Yes? Yamachan?" said Elvie.
"You gurls are getting better in baking cakes." Yamachan gave Elvie a smile that made her blush.
They sang the birthday song. When Ayumi and Yuto was about to cut the cake, the rest pushed their head towards the cake.
"Hey! What are you guys doing? I have cake all over my face!" said Ayumi coming up.
"Hahahahaha!" Yuto started laughing when he saw Ayumi's face covered with cake.
"Don't laugh at me Yuto! You have cake on your face too!" said Ayumi taking some cake and smashed it on Yuto's face. Everyone grabbed a piece of cake and started to play.
"Okay okay. We will have a hard time to clean this up if we continue." said Kei putting down her plate. Everyone took turn to wash their face. After washing their faces, Elvie took out another cake.
"This is then the real one." said Elvie.
"Ah! Kirei!" shouted Ayumi. "You gurls never tell me about this!"
"If we tell you about this, then there is no more surprise, no?" said Takaki.
"Hai hai. This time, no more tricks okay." said Yuto cutting the cake with Ayumi. Everyone took a piece and eat.
"Yuto, I have something to tell you." said Yuki.
"What is it?" asked Yuto.
"Well, for the whole day, you seemed to be tripping right?" Yuki said giving Yuto a look.
"Yah? DON'T TELL ME YOU GUYS HAVE A PART IN IT!" Yuto suddenly realise.
"Ha..hai." everyone answered. Yuto went round trying to whack someone.
"Okay okay.. enough of playing. It's getting late. We still have school tommorow." said Kei.
Elvie,Kei and Takaki clean up the mess.
At night, Kei was doing her rounds.
"Chii, are you still awake?" asked Kei.
"Chii is asleep." replied Chii.
"You cutie pie." said Kei walking towards Chii. "Go to sleep. Today you guys seems to be very tired."
"Hai!" Chii sliped under his blanket and slowly went to sleep.
"Good night Chii." after saying, Kei went out quietly.
"Yuto, happy birthday and good night." said Kei. Hearing no reply, she went out.
"HeiSei. Shhh don't make so much noise." Kei opened the door and see HeiSei sitting near the door. Dai-chan seems to be asleep.
"Good night Dai-chan, good night HeiSei." as Kei left the door, HeiSei let out a whine.
"Good night Kei." said Dai-chan as Kei was about to leave.
"Dai-chan, you're awake." Kei felt surprised.
"I was asleep. Thanks to HeiSei." said Dai-chan as HeiSei jumped onto Dai-chan's bed.
"Haha. Okay. Go to sleep." said Kei and left the room.
Kei opened Takaki's room door, said good night and went to Yamachan's room.
"Yamachan, go to sleep. You had a very tiring day today." said Kei.
"But I want to finish this book first." argued Yamachan. "I still have about 10 pages."
"Yamachan." Kei gave Yamachan a stern look.
"Hai hai." Yamachan put down his book and went to sleepp. "Good night Kei."
"Good night Yamachan. Don't you dare on the lights after I leave." said Kei.
"I won't." said Yamachan who fell asleep right after he offed the lights.
After checking on the guys, Kei went to Ayumi's room.
"Happy birthday Ayumi. Sleep tight." said Kei as she sees Ayumi sleeping.
Kei went back to her room to have her beauty rest.
To be continued

Saturday, December 8, 2007
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