To tell the hsgp_K,N,E's fan (We have fans?) the truth...we 10 people actually are from Different Countries...Ayumi is from Malaysia, Kaoru is from Malaysia,Natsumi is from Malaysia, Eka is from Brunei, Yuki is from Brunei, Hichan is from a mysterious place, Juu is from the Uber happy Philippines, Kei is from Singapore, Kimie is from Australia, and Elvie is from France. We all have A same goal which is GO TO JAPAN AND MEET OUR FAV JE. We are online friends. We met in littlix(onlinely) and became friends. Eventhough we have never met each other before but we are still best friends. We exchange pictures and info about ourselves. Then Kei made a fic called HeiSei Girls Power(HSGP). Therefore the group of HSGP were created. Thank You Kei. Fate bring us together.YAY~~!! ENJOY AND ARIGATOU MINNA FOR SUPPORTING THIS BLOG~ WE LOVE YOU ALL -CHU- XD :3

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Sorry Kei-chan I disobeied you..cause since you all did another intro I'll do it too XP

Name: Koga Natsumi 甲賀なつみ
Birthdate: October 17,1993
Zodiac Sign:Libra
Hometown: Tokyo
Age: 14
Height: 166 cm
Shoe Size: 22 cm
Nickname: Natsumi-chan,Natsumi sensei,Sumi-chan
Special Abilities:Can Sing,Running,playing tennis
Hobbies: Playing the piano,swimming,Listening to music,reading
Instruments Natsumi can play: PianoSomething
Natsumi wants now: Meeting JE
membersFamily: Father, Mother, younger sisters and younger brother
Strong Point: Does everything from start to finish,being freindlly
Weak Point: Being Shy,can only concentrate in a short time,If not interested in something will lose interest and stop doing it.
Admires:Toda Erika
Favorite Fashion: Nothing in particular
Favorite Music: Mostly Japanese songs.
Favorite Words: Aishiteru!/Yabuchii/Yatta!/GAMBATTE!
Favorite Movie: Pirates of Caribbean^_^
Favorite Food: Ice-cream,Curry,anything to do with wasabi,Ramen
Favorite Animal: Dog(puppies),birds >.<
Favorite part of face or body: Eyes,lips,ears
Favorite color: Purple,red,blue and green
Favourite wise saying: Never give up!Gambatte!
When Natsum wants to get married:20-23


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