Yamachan!! OMEDETOU!! 15 years old... sort of a nostalgic... there is nothing to feel nostalgic about deshou? maybe because i didn't do this last yr... this is the first time 'celebrating' his birthday... *kya-------* to Yamachan: 可愛いの男! You first caught me when i'm watching [Tantei Gakuen Q] i was like.. *kya kya* who is this guy? i checked up on you.. and guess what? I FOUND HS7!! and this was what brought me into this world of yours... enjoying every single performance of yours... and, i got to know so many other members of Johnny. most importantly, is this HSGP_KEN and Kamichan, and of course, other more JE fans out there. It's always nice when you have someone like that to chat with...that's why you will always be in the top of my list even though i would say that i like everyone equally.. my eyes would always go to you everytime you appear... even though i tried to pull off... baka ne i've send something to you through akaru... hope it will reach you.. although i don't know what you will think about it. But still yah, hope you will like that... if people ask me, what do i like about you... i will have a hard time answering... the cute face of yours when you smile? or the cool face in [Tantei Gakuen Q] ? or when you are performing? or when you are chit-chating with your friend happily. I would actually answer all... I love to see all kinds of faces you could make. And if i have the chance, i would actually wish that i have the chance to get to know more of you. What kind of sides do you have? what kind of attitude do you have. I really like to see those side of yours. the true side. demo muri desu ne... but whatever it is, i still love it if you could recieve thing i 'send' to you.. Hope to know you more. DAISUKI!
p.s. This is the first time that i actually like LOVE a guy that's the same age although he's 2 months and 10 days older but, i don't mind having a guy that i admire of the same age...
done with his wishes... first time i wrote so much for a Johnny..anyway, I'VE BEEN EXCITED SINCE LAST NIGHT! for no reason.. ahaha.. Datte, it's Yamachan's tanjoubi deshou?
Actually what i really wish for is that, NewS and HSJ could read my fanfic... have no idea.. but that's one hope of my... demo.. yappari muri desu ne? But, that would still remain as one of my wish.. until i can write stories in Japanese/translate the past stories into Japanese, i would send it.. maybe not...anyway, minna, take care ne~ ^_^V YAY!
p.s. Ayumi, i'll send your letter on mon. gomen ne... and eka... your fic!! it will be due on tue... yakusoku!
15-tachi tanjoubi omedetou Ryo-chan =D !!!!
etto... Yamachan's the last HS7 member i noticed when i first saw them perform on MS
>.< yet he became my fave =] YAMACHAN DAISUKI!!!
now his career has bloomed =O Soooooooooooo much acting, singing, dancing >.<
haha ad now he's 15.. haha dunno what to say >/////////<