Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm still alive
Ayu ayu's drawings are so pretty =D
I wish i can draw :P
Sorry i havent been updating or even chatting with any of you much this few months. especially this month. I'm on vacation~ and my parents came and stay with me for like 10 days so i practically stuck to them the whole time XD when i do have time I had nothing to say >.<
The year is nearly ending ne~
Loads of things happened to me this year
Next year~
I hope to catch up on JE because i've missed a lot!
I need to catch up on dramas too but this one seems impossible with how I am now.
I must be more hardworking in school work!
I shall learn further to me more independant!
I must go to HK at least. Japan~~~~
Start learning Japanese. again. if I have time
Be inspired and write one more fanfic~~~
IDK. just continue life with as few cries as i can
Hope everyone had a great year~
At least a meaningful one ^_^
Thursday, December 25, 2008
christmas!!! and happy new year!
lol i'm really very sorry. i have some money in my saving to buy presents for you girls, but the problem is I DON'T HAVE TIME TO GO SHOPPING FOR IT!
so i think for next year presents, i need to buy it really early so that you girls gonna get Christmas present from me! i mean you girls gonna get three straight presents, last year, this year, next year! so wait for it! i'm searching for good presents actually. tell me the type of the gift that you girls like. well if you say you wanna HSJ singles, that is probably IMPOSSIBLE! even i still don't get my HSJ singles! T___________T i'm searching for it. but Malaysia is just too cruel! i'm dying because of it!
oh and about letters... ohohohohoho did i tell you that i'm a lazy girl? i'll write if i'm not lazy. well since i am very lazy, the letters gonna come next year! well ... can't promise that. tee hee~
oh and the drawings! =.=" hahahahaha no time to cg it. gomenasai! kill me if you want to! this is probably my last post. next year i'm going to be rarely online like always. i just wish that i can sit in front of my comp 24 hours!
so then the end! uh oh yah! okairi yuki! long time no see! i mean long time no hear from you!
so me, Ayu, wanna wish Kei,Roro,Kimie,Yuki,Natsu,Kao,Hichan,Eka and Elvie the beautiful nice girls and all the one who knows who i am (yah probably no one! XD) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
ps: no letter for the lazy one eh? XD haha
oh wait! i forgot! here is the sketchie for HSJ and HSGP+KNE! hope you like it.
this is the HSJ sketchie.
this is the HSGP+KNE sketchie.
this is hichan and kimie sketchie.
this is yuki,eka,roro and natsu sketchie.
this is kei,elvie,kao and not me, thats ayu sketchie! XD
hika and yabu!
inoo and daiki!
chii and ryutaro!
yuto,yamada and keito!
many thanks to iichan my sister! she helps with the HSJ drawing. thats why the drawing is a lot nicer than me eh? lol. i'm telling you, i'm a lazy girl.
oh and this is Ayu's New Year Resolution!
1. GET STRAIGHT A'S!!! STUDY HARD! NO PLAY ANYMORE! yah study and focus!
2. GROW LONG HAIR! I miss my long hair. but i hate my long hair! =.="
3. GONNA BUY HSJ SINGLES! oh come come!
oh now got to go! wanna pee! lol! yah bye for good! T______________________T
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
chinen~ voice sampler
this is my fifth and last post this year :D
i know this had been aired like a long time ago, bahaha i just wanted to post
so cute <333
merry Christmas everyone ^3^ sorry cause i wont be able to go OL this Christmas and new year LOL roro is a bibineko >.<. anyways i hope you enjoy your Christmas~!
hichankimieekanatsuayuviviekaokaokeiyuchiberrisnicksmaomaoteaDemonKidkeemynyaawillmazzyurikofachannatmakiniroroMYFAMILYkamisamayamachanyuuriyuutoHSJ LOLjohnnysaurusbeabettydoramarcpatrishsarahsarahjaninetishapheobephoebepichuhaydeekhrishypichanlukemintquincyyuihossambattousaimarskymariojazminshielastephmhariz....i think that's all <3
to those i haven't mentioned. Feel free to kill me =]
RORO's new year resolution
here's the link =]:
everyone enjoy~ =]
hi hi ~ lol here it is, my 2008 summary =]
yeah, the title and the picture sums it all up =p
not only to you girls , but to almost eveyone i know. Fanfics, drawings, presents and stuffs. >.<
lemme explain:
>FICS= i have done basic plotlines and i have like 25 fics to write and i don't like one shot fics so yeah, you have to wait :D
>DRAWINGS= i haven't promised you this right? LOL i have had my classmates ask me to draw...=x and i haven't even got anythign started yet. I need motivation LOL. Gimme a JE mag? :D
>PRESENTS= IDHOISAHDOISADNSD i have bought stuffs lots of them. But i forgot to save money for the shipping. Gosh, why does shipping have to be soooo expensive.
that wasn't all but that's what my brain have processed earlier >_________<
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Internet Shall Rein Again.
I wonder if that title makes any sense O___O. Oh wells. T______T"
Anyways, my sister finally connected our internet again, YAYAYAYA~~!
Now I can fangirl all over again. >__>
Hmm...Oh yeah, about a month ago...or maybe a little less I died.
Well actually my external hard drive died and that was pratically my life LOL.
Anyways...I hate viruses...It killed my external hard drive and that had ALL of my videos...I never backed it up T____T.
But I have the net again so WOOOOH~!
Oh...Hmm...I was suppose to say something else too...
I can't remember but oh wells.
Oh next week I'm going to sydney for christmas again.
T___T I don't wanna go but my mommy bribed me so yeah.
OH I GOT A CHRISTMAS TREE TOO...but this year it will be spent all by itself...with my brother HAHAHA.
:D :D :D
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
After a long time...
Okay let me give a briefing ^0^,
I, the writer, -sounds so serious -_-: - was dead a long time ago. Just now, I was cleaning my mailbox and found gateway back to hsgp+ken page. And as you can see, yeah now I'm back..here....right now..writing a post...which I haven't done for ages.
I almost think that I can't go back to this world but....phewww~
oh oh I forgot my greeting..
Hello girls *to the one I know...know but lost contact* and ...uhh everyone ^0^
....I don't know what to talk..but to hsgp+ken..If you see me online at my msn, feel free to talk to me..
I can't guarantee that I replied you..just try!...My msn and ym being an idiot..I think some people already knew it..BAKA BUNNY KNEW IT *hichan* XD
so so gomene minnaaaaaa....
oh ..anyway..I pretty busy this week for my attachment XD..but stilllllllllll if am on...I REALLY WANT TO KICK MY BAKA FAMILY!!
..I willl end my ...post with
too advance??
the dead one
I dunno why am revived now..
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Massu's future girl's 126 Questions
Second - Don't get bored because this is your chance to reveal a part of your unique self..
And Third - After answering....tag 5 or more people......
Lastly- Entitle it with your fave JE's name attaching " 's future girl's 126 questions " put it under a cut putting the same name....
Phrase you would want to confess to a boy: I want to be your life partner please.
What do you wear to sleep?: Pyjamas. i have stripes jammy =X
Your pose when sleeping?: Random -_-;
How long do you bath?: depends... the shortest time are 5 minutes...while the longest are 35 minutes O.o
Where do you wash first?: hands.
What is your best mimic impression?: Frowning face bahaha xD
Favorite place to shop: Garage sales(save money gyahaha) =D
What do you often buy at a convenience store? : Slurpeees xD
Most expensive thing you ever bought: clothes *hides*
What you can apologize now.: sorry if i do something wrong to you guys... ILY GUYS! ^3^
Favorite fashion item.:clothes
Hair cut you want to try: LOOOOOOONG curl black colour hair... am waiting for it to be long xD
What are you into?: Massu <3 black ="">
Favorite phrase: kawaii xD
Favorite song: for now its happy bathday and Decode by paramore..
Favorite book: Stephanie Meyer, Claudia Gabel, Rumiko Takahashi, Nansi Kunze, Jodi Lynn, JK Rowling, Chicken Soup, and Rachel Gibson.
Favorite manga: DRAGONBALL(S)
Favorite ramen: Prawn =)
Favorite TV show: RAW, Smackdown, any JE show xD
Favorite food: Chicken Rice and Thai tom yam any Thai foods will do and sushi =D
Least favorite food : non halal
Favorite emoticon: xD
What are you afraid of most?: My God and losing someone i really love... thats scary!
What did you cry about recently?:about wanting to be beside massu and Jasper cullen/Jackson Rathbone..lmao and in the same time... i broke up with my guy... and he has another girl shortly after that *kills him*
What were you happy about recently?: watching twilight xD
What were you angered about recently?: my ex boyfriend.. he doesn't deserves me FOREVA!!!
What did you dream about recently?: eating a HUGE BIRTHDAY CAKE! <3
When did you recently JUMP?: just now..exercising to make my legs stronger xD
When did you recently CAMP? : at Lake kenyir last 2/3 weeks ago
When did you recently SHAMPOO? : just this morning
Favorite type of boy? : The most important are brain and beauty... he must be kind and romantic!
Favorite haircut for a boy: don't really care...short/long are fine :D
Favorite fashion for boys: t shirts and jeans
Ideal kiss situation : after married on a bed (O_O its like...well those things in the movies >.<)
How would you want a boy to confess? : i want him to confess in a romantic ways..like sings to me or make a poetry for me xD
How would you want your boy to call you?: anything nice =)
How many times have you experienced confession: i have many love letters *_* but i turn them all down >.< *hides*
What would you not want a boy to do? : smoking and anything bad.
What would you give a boy (presents)?: anything handmade by me
What phase would make you happy if a boy says this to you: i promise to be with you until death seperate us... and NO LIE
What would shock you? : depends..cockroach >.<
Your boyfriend is late. How long would you wait?:honestly i'll wait and wait...until he calls and say that he's not going to come.
When is your first love?:8 years old.LOL.
Your proposal words? : will you be my life partner?
When would you marry? : between 22 - 26 years old
How many kids do you want? : 3. 1 boy and 2 girls =D
Anything you want to say to your feature husband?: hope we're gonna live happily ever after :D
What would you name your kids?: depends on who i will be marry to.
What does your family call you by? : Syazza/Big Sis/Massu<--ROFL
Your memorable family vacation: a trip to Bukit Tinggi(high hills)
Your favorite home cooked meal: omelette xD
What do you call your mom by?: mama
What was your breakfast today?: Fried noodles.
Your first ever memory that you remember.: random
What did you want to be when you were little?: a singer...LOL... but then when i was 6 i decide to be a successful architect =D
A serious injury you ever experienced: Dirts in my Left eye and i did an operation on it >.<
Lessons you took when you were little: Abacus. and martial arts with my dad xD i'm a tough girl yeah! xD
Favorite place at school: The field and quiet,peaceful places xD
Favorite school lunch: Vanilla bun xD
Least favorite school lunch: none
Favorite curriculum: Science, english and history.
Least favorite curriculum: none
Favorite field day activity: Running, jumping, netball, volleyball, badminton and very athletics stuffs.
Least favorite field day activity: Frisbee
Committees involved in: none
How do you spend your break time?: Online.. and eating. owh and i also search for homemade healthy body recipe thingy from internet xD
The longest phone conversation: around 40 minutes..
How many numbers are in your cell phone?: countless
Where do you want to go?: Nippon & NY xD
Most respectful person: My mama and dad
Who do want to meet the most?: My God and Massu and JAckson rathbone and jacob and edward and ashley *_*
Most desired thing right now.: My own personal Lappy so that no one can disturb my privacy =D
Most respectful senior: none
If you were to become the prime minister of
What would you do if you to become a boy? : try to understand what guys are thinking(same with kei-chi)..right!
You won 3 billion yen from a lottery, what would you do? : i don't do lottery >.<
What would you want to be if you were reborn?: i wabt to be a neko xD cat xD nyaa =3
Your house is on fire. What do you grab out? : Handphone.
The last day of Earth. What would you do?: Pray =D
Who do you want from HSJ to be your boyfriend?: none
Who do you want from HSJ to be your older or little brother? : Daiki Arioka xD
Little: maybe... ryutaro xD
What do you want to say to yourself in 10 years?: Are you a successful architect now? i'm sure you do! thanks to your family and friends! call them! xD
A person who is sensitive (can’t stand) to heat or to cold?: heat
Are you an impatient or patient person?: Patient i'm sure :D
Are you an romantic or a realistic person? : both =D
Your hobby right now: Fangirling and do some new moon research xD
First thing you do when you wake up is? : Blink my eyes again and again.
How long does it take you to get out of the house from waking up in the morning?: urgent.. right away.... non urgent... 3 hours >.<>.< *hides*
Is your breakfast rice type or bread type? : rice
Do you check the forecast before you leave? : no
What do you do in your room? : anything i want to do
Are you a bathtub type or shower type? : both
What do you always do before you go to bed? : wash my face and brush my teeth.
Do you use bed or futon? : both
What color is your futon sheets? : yellowish pink and green
How well do you sleep? Good or bad? : really bad >.<>
Is your mood good or bad, when you wake up? : Bad
How long is your average sleep? :9 hours
How long have you slept for the longest? : >22 hours..seriously
Are you type of person who shows their feeling by face? : i don't think so but most of the people say so.
How do you get rid of stress? : shout and hide my face behind a pillow.
Is your room clean? : yes and no >.<
What is your favorite part about your room?: my bed... cause its so comfy xD
If you were to describe yourself in color? : green cause i am two with nature xD
Do you have any wording habit? : like and xD<--
When is a moment when you think "I'm cool"? : when my hair is messy xD
When is a moment when you think “I’m not cool.. !?”? : when i scare >.<
-KAORU- ^3^
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hmm well you can't tell that I chopped my hair in these photos i think...but ><>

the japanese exchange student...you remember me tellign you right? shes half jap/half american but she noes jap more.
lols she cracks me up ALOT.
anyways. chop chop
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Chinen Yuri's future girlfriend's 126 question
Second - Don't get bored because this is your chance to reveal a part of your unique self..
And Third - After answering....tag 5 or more people......
Lastly- Entitle it with your fave JE's name attaching " 's future girl's 126 questions " put it under a cut putting the same name....
Phrase you would want to confess to a boy: I like you.
What do you wear to sleep?: 3/4 baggy pants and t-shirt
Your pose when sleeping?: hugging my bear
How long do you bath?: it depends actually... i can bath for 30mins.. >.<
Where do you wash first?: hair
What is your best mimic impression?: mimic? i don't do mimic(s) >.<
Favorite place to shop: JE shop (there's none though) bookstores and CD shops.
What do you often buy at a convenience store? : Drinks and food(junk food mostly)
Most expensive thing you ever bought: JE magazine(s)
What you can apologize now.: sorry for not being able to help kiwi(friend) in feeling better after his break up
Favorite fashion item.: rings?
Hair cut you want to try: not much.. but i would like to try some cool haircuts
What are you into?: Johnny’s Entertainment, music, psychology, creative thinking
Favorite phrase: my fav. phrase is always changing.. >.<
Favorite song: almost all HSJ but it's always jumping
Favorite movie: favorite movie? up till now there's still none.. although most movie i see is quite good
Favorite book: quite a number but i can't name it up.. lol
Favorite manga: haha there's too much to be mention
Favorite ramen: haha as long as it's not spicy ramen, i'm okay with it
Favorite TV show: haha too much to be mention too
Favorite food: hmmm... junk food? lol
Least favorite food : anything that have lots and lots of spicy stuffs and too much cream(daikirai!)
Favorite emoticon: >.< , =.-
What are you afraid of most?: afraid of most... losing someone being it emotionally or physically.
What did you cry about recently?: the lack of love..
What were you happy about recently?: getting lots and lots of sleep~
What were you angered about recently?: seeing someone i don't like which make me blood boil...
What did you dream about recently?: i dream about something last night but i can't rmb.. >.<
When did you recently JUMP?: yesterday? haha from the stairs...
When did you recently CAMP? : band camp... haha
When did you recently SHAMPOO? : just when i came back from band
Favorite type of boy? : guys that are cute and cool(almost like sensei) loves me and my family... won't mind me being too concern about friends
Favorite haircut for a boy: haha as long as it suits the boy, and i like it(but i prefer around shoulder lenght)
Favorite fashion for boys: as long as it looks nice on him
Ideal kiss situation : (although i haven't been kissed before... ) but i would like it in a romantic way >.<>
How would you want a boy to confess? : i would like him to make sure that i'm in a comfortable mood (like that i could think better)
How would you want your boy to call you?: anything that makes him love me more >.<
How many times have you experienced confession: haha recent one was last year.. but as for how many... maybe <>
What would you not want a boy to do? : Anything that has to do against the law and smoking(daikirai!)
What would you give a boy (presents)?: my love and stuffs that i made/bought with love
What phase would make you happy if a boy says this to you: you are the special one
What would shock you? : depends on what kind of shock... haha
Your boyfriend is late. How long would you wait?: I'll just wait.. but i'll still call maybe 20 mins once to ask where is he.. but if he had informed me about what time he is going to reach i will just wait
When is your first love?: lol.. not yet..
Your proposal words? : i would prefer the guy to propose.. but if it's a must, "Will you marry me?"
When would you marry? : i would like it before 25 years old.. but it's not a must. i'll just let the love between us bring us along.
How many kids do you want? : 3 kids (if possible) as in for the gender, i don't really care.
Anything you want to say to your feature husband?: Please take very good care of me! I'll give you my best too!
What would you name your kids?: I would like some japanese name... still can't think of any.. >.<
What does your family call you by? : Xinhui or Hui
Your memorable family vacation: i rarely go on a family trip... so i don't really have any memorable ones..
Your favorite home cooked meal: i actually eat anything that suits my taste.
What do you call your mom by?: in an old fashion way "niang" (although it's calling for fun >.<)
What was your breakfast today?: i didn't eat any... >.<
Your first ever memory that you remember.: i can't even rmb what happened excatly last year... >.<
What did you want to be when you were little?: a lot of stuffs.. ahaha it's always changing...
A serious injury you ever experienced: i had dislocated my left arm when i was quite young
Lessons you took when you were little: haha normal lessons?
Favorite place at school: some place where i could see beautiful view and be alone the staircase(weird right) haha but my classroom(currently) is at the 4th floor so the staircase view is not that bad...
Favorite school lunch: noodles... (i normally eat those) maybe i should start bring some bentos of my own(but i don't have time to prepare.. and it doesn't keep warm)
Least favorite school lunch: none...
Favorite curriculum: English
Least favorite curriculum: Additional Maths
Favorite field day activity: volleyball?
Least favorite field day activity: soccer
Committees involved in: secretary(in concert band)
How do you spend your break time?: slacking off with the computer or daydreaming >.<
The longest phone conversation: around one hour or so.
How many numbers are in your cell phone?: I don't really count them (don't bother to)
Where do you want to go?: Japan!
Most respectful person: lol...who knows...
Who do want to meet the most?: JUMP's every single member (okay maybe NewS too)
Most desired thing right now.: a laptop of my own so that i can store all my things in it and not on a disc!
Most respectful senior: none
If you were to become the prime minister of
What would you do if you to become a boy? : try to understand what guys are thinking
You won 3 billion yen from a lottery, what would you do? : keep some part of it and use the rest for shopping~
What would you want to be if you were reborn?: haha as a human and start living life..
Your house is on fire. What do you grab out? : i'll try to grab all my bears, HP, camera and all the JE stuffs
The last day of Earth. What would you do?: I'll confess to the guy i like and hug him
Who do you want from HSJ to be your boyfriend?: Chinen, Yamada, Yabu, Inoo, Daiki
Who do you want from HSJ to be your older or little brother? : Ryutaro, Chi, Yuto to be my little bro. Yamada, Inoo, Keito, Daiki to be the same age. Yabu, Takaki, Hikaru to be my older bro.
Little: what's this? lol
What do you want to say to yourself in 10 years?: how are you? have you done your best? ganbare yo!
A person who is sensitive (can’t stand) to heat or to cold?: i'm both... lol.. but i dislike the heat more.
Are you an impatient or patient person?: Patient i guess?
Are you an romantic or a realistic person? : Romantic
Your hobby right now: i don't really have hobby.
First thing you do when you wake up is? : rub my eyes
How long does it take you to get out of the house from waking up in the morning?: in urgent timing, 10 mins. in not unrgent timing, 30 mins
Is your breakfast rice type or bread type? : Bread type
Do you check the forecast before you leave? : Nope.
What do you do in your room? : Sleep, cry and relax
Are you a bathtub type or shower type? : both. if i want a quick one, i will use the shower. if i want to relax in the toilet, i'll use the bathtub (but i don't have bathtub)
What do you always do before you go to bed? : brush my teeth and set my bed :)
Do you use bed or futon? : bed (no space for futon >.<)(and i don't have one...)
What color is your futon sheets? : none~
How well do you sleep? Good or bad? : depends.. but i normally sleep quite well.
Is your mood good or bad, when you wake up? : depends on how other ppl wake me up.. (weird huh)
How long is your average sleep? : it's always changing.. but mostly 7 hrs.
How long have you slept for the longest? : >10hrs
Are you type of person who shows their feeling by face? : haha yup. but i don't say it.
How do you get rid of stress? : just... vent it like getting angry with someone.. >.<
Is your room clean? : yes it is.. but not my desk
What is your favorite part about your room?: my cupboard that has all my bears.
If you were to describe yourself in color? : lol i have no idea~
Do you have any wording habit? : not really... (i guess?? >.<)
When is a moment when you think "I'm cool"? : When i dress up cool-ly or when i feel my attitude is cool... >.<
When is a moment when you think “I’m not cool.. !?”? : when ppl are unhappy with me or i can't be with ppl i care and help them
to HSGP_KEN girls.. ahaha except for those who had done and of course to those who like to do all these kind of things...