Tagged by : Natsumi Koga
Phrase you would want to confess to a boy: Please be mine! XD
What do you wear to sleep?: nightdress or shorts and t-shirts
Your pose when sleeping?: looking at big room
How long do you bath?: 5 to 20 minutes based on my mood.
Where do you wash first?: neck.
What is your best mimic impression?: this one =.=” haha
Favorite place to shop: Any bookstore.
What do you often buy at a convenience store? : Lollipop
Most expensive thing you ever bought: with my money or my parents’ money?
What you can apologize now.: um sorry? I don’t know who I want to say sorry to. To everyone I guess!
Favorite fashion item.: Jeans and Hoodie.
Hair cut you want to try: BALD! XD
What are you into?: Book, Music and JE Drugs! haha
Favorite phrase: uh thanks and sorry
Favorite song: Anything that sounds nice
Favorite movie: TWILIGHT! Lol for now! Edward Cullen aka Cedric aka Robert Pattinson is so hot!
Favorite book: Air Head by Meg Cabot.
Favorite manga: Katekyo Hitman REBORN! by Amano Akira
Favorite ramen: uh I have no idea.
Favorite TV show: uh not really watch TV.
Favorite food: Anything sweet will do. Actually anything can for my stomach!
Least favorite food : Anything that involve with shells!
Favorite emoticon: =.=”
What are you afraid of most?: “I’m more afraid of losing you!” lol
What did you cry about recently?: Madagascar 2 : Escape to Africa
What were you happy about recently?: Eat?
What were you angered about recently?: about Twilight Saga books.
What did you dream about recently?: I saw my seniors taking exam and speaking with unidentified language. I think I’m a ghost in that dream.
When did you recently JUMP?: Just now when I saw spider! XD
When did you recently CAMP? : When I was 10 XD
When did you recently SHAMPOO? : Last night.
Favorite type of boy? : Pretty, hansome. Good-looking I mean. Hum nice to me and my family and friends. Accept my behaviors and stuff.
Favorite haircut for a boy: Anything is fine except for the really long hair like a princess.
Favorite fashion for boys: tuxedo? Haha casual clothing is fine.
Ideal kiss situation : Hmm never kiss with a guy. But I want the place to be really nice under the big blue sky!
How would you want a boy to confess? : Say it in front of me.
How would you want your boy to call you?: Just my name would be fine. I love you my boy! XD
How many times have you experienced confession: I guess never. haha
What would you not want a boy to do? : uh hurt my feelings?
What would you give a boy (presents)?: Anything that he wants. But based on what he wants.
What phrase would make you happy if a boy says this to you: I’ll always be with you.
What would shock you? : A lot of things.
Your boyfriend is late. How long would you wait? : Till he come but I’ll go around first! XD
When is your first love?: true first love? When I was nine years old.
Your proposal words? : Does girl propose? Well, I’ll say “Please be mine.”
When would you marry? : uh when I’m ready.
How many kids do you want? : 2 or 3. 2 boys 1 girl. I want the boys protect the girl.
Anything you want to say to your feature husband?: Can I be yours?! XD
What would you name your kids?: Hum unthinkable. Based on my husband’s name and my name.
What does your family call you by? : Ad, sis, baby and sie.
Your memorable family vacation: Hmm a lot in my head. So can’t choose.
Your favorite home cooked meal: Savory Egg.
What do you call your mom by?: Mom, Ibu(in malay), mommy.
What was your breakfast today?: I still don’t take my breakfast
Your first ever memory that you remember.: I hit my head on the wall.
What did you want to be when you were little?: Teacher
A serious injury you ever experienced: I cut my finger with a knife and I lost a lot of blood(since I cut some of my blood stream there). And that finger was pale blue that time! and my lips too! XD
Lessons you took when you were little: uh violin?
Favorite place at school: My own place in my class.
Favorite school lunch: Pineapple Juice. I don’t eat at school.
Least favorite school lunch: Like I say I don’t eat at school.
Favorite curriculum: Math and Science.
Least favorite curriculum: Geography. But I try to love it now. ‘cause I need to!
Favorite field day activity: Running?
Least favorite field day activity: uh well no idea.
Committees involved in: uh na da.
How do you spend your break time?: uh reading, listening to music, sleep and looking at my comp silently.
The longest phone conversation: uh an hour
How many numbers are in your cell phone?: I don’t count them but I think like 40+?
Where do you want to go?: A place that can give me calmness. I guess Rome or New Zealand?
Most respectful person: My parents, my siblings, my seniors, my friends, Nakajima Yuto.
Who do want to meet the most?: If I can I want to meet Yuto Nakajima and snatch him away! XD
Most desired thing right now.: HSJ’s singles!
Most respectful senior: Apple and Pineapple and Mango! They’re the best!
If you were to become the prime minister of Japan: I’m a Malaysian but it is okay! Hmm a place that full of technology more than now that can be used by all people.
What would you do if you to become a boy? : I want to be like Yuto! and pick up girls? XD
You won 3 billion yen from a lottery, what would you do? : Keep in the bank and use some of it to buy the things that I need.
What would you want to be if you were reborn?: A Plant.
Your house is on fire. What do you grab out? : JE stuff, my phone, my wallet!
The last day of Earth. What would you do?: I’ll say to the guy that I love, “I like you” and be his girlfriend for a day? XD
Who do you want from HSJ to be your boyfriend?: Yuto, Keito, Hikaru.
Who do you want from HSJ to be your older or little brother? : As always, Ryutaro gonna be my little brother, Yuto is my twin(although I’m not in the same year as him), the rest will be my older brother.
Little: hum what little?
What do you want to say to yourself in 10 years?: Don’t be lazy and change your behavior and be a successful woman!
A person who is sensitive (can’t stand) to heat or to cold? Both. But Don’t really care about it.
Are you an impatient or patient person?: uh patient I guess.
Are you a romantic or a realistic person? : Realistic?
Your hobby right now: uh reading.
First thing you do when you wake up is? : Sit in front of my comp.
How long does it take you to get out of the house from waking up in the morning?: 10 minutes?
Is your breakfast rice type or bread type? : Bread type.
Do you check the forecast before you leave? : uh based on my mood.
What do you do in your room? : Sit in front of my comp and reading and listening to music and drawing.
Are you a bathtub type or shower type? : Shower. I love to be fast.
What do you always do before you go to bed? : brush teeth, wash my face, reading plus listening to my mp3.
Do you use bed or futon? : Mostly bed. I use futon when the night is really hot.
What color is your futon sheets? : uh green.
How well do you sleep? Good or bad? : Always good but I yawn a lot at school. No idea why.
Is your mood good or bad, when you wake up? : Good because the music in my ears still singing.
How long is your average sleep? : uh 5 to 6 hours.
How long have you slept for the longest? : 24 hours! XD
Are you type of person who shows their feeling by face? : Definitely YES!
How do you get rid of stress? : uh Blogger, listening to music with max volume!
Is your room clean? : Well not really! Haha =.=”
What is your favorite part about your room? : My heaven aka my computer + my books.
If you were to describe yourself in color? : Black > dull/quiet/bored. Green > happy/fresh. Grey >
realistic/ego White > clean aka pure? XD
Do you have any wording habit? : uh
When is a moment when you think "I'm cool"? : When people say I’m cool.
When is a moment when you think “I’m not cool.. !?”? : uh when people say I’m not cool.
Favorite ingredients in your sandwich is..? : uh ham, cucumber, tomatoe and mayonnaise!
I'm tagging all of you who read this! XD

Friday, December 5, 2008
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