HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OKAMOTO KEITO!! ^_^ 15 years old ne~~ hmm first see you when you joined HSJ... no feeling at first... but, ALL THX TO KAMICHAN... always talking about keito kun... end up.. the feeling for keito kun grew... yokatta na... ureshi... having able to 'celebrate' your birthday.. although both of us are at different side... it shld be 7 pm plus over there deshou? hmm is keito kun celebrating with your parents? did that bunch of HSJ kyoudai wish you happy birthday? ma... it's bad ne... having your birthday during april fool.. ahaha.... hope you didn't get tricked by anyone of your friend.. hmmm you miss your friends at england(is it england?) anyway, hope you would have a time where you could go back there and celebrate with them!! that's all.. hope you enjoyed your 15 years old birthday, with a new bunch of friends!! and again, OMEDETOU!!
this is a very late wishing to Tackey... (sat 29/3/08)
Takizawa Hideaki, 26 sai... TANJOUBI OMEDETOU! gomen ne.. for the late wishing.. hmm although my liking for you started from a very short time ago.. and not really like you so much, but i seem to get to know you.. from shin domoto kyoudai.. ahaha.. it's really fun to see Tackey and Tsubasa togeter.. sugoi na... TxT ii desu ne... having a partner as you debut.. it's not lonely... better than debuting alone.. you can fight with your partner... can talk... is like... brothers... ahah.. i'm craping again.. okay that's all... omedetou~ ^_^
okay... ano, i have a feel shows to recommend.... [Himitsu no Hanazono] hmm although no Johnny member in it.. but it's nice to watch.. about manga writer, hanazono yuriko... nice.. you shld watch.. as i say, family need not be blood related...
minna, ganbare ne~ Kei would work hard too!! ^_^

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