i actually say that i would continue the birthday wishes for YamaPi ne... sry for this late wishes.. but yup. here goes~
YamaPi!! Happy late birthday wishes!! Hmm i think i first saw you during [Nobuta wo Produce].. i find the guy(Akira) lol which was you, VERY CUTE! ahaha... i think is then that i start to like you.. then it started out in NewS.. ahaha i like your voice a lot too.. it's just plainly sexy (??) lol.. but i'm serious about liking your voice.. never fail to smile when i hear your voice.. i would actually wish that you are by my side if i cry while listening to your song.. *fangirling again* okay.. i think i would post the fic now... you know what, i actually wish that you would be able to read this story.. but i think it's impossible ne? but it would be DAMN cool if you ever get to read the fic... (btw, this abit like one of the show you acted in proposal something i think...) didn't watch that. sorry.. going to.. soon.. after my mid year exam.
Tittle: C-Lover
Main Cast:
Yamashita Tomohisa a.k.a YamaP
Kimie' mother
Sakiko Washio
Sakaki's mother
Yogi Takashi
Haruko Minase
NewS member
"....Are you willing to take her as your legal wife?" asked the bishop.
"Yes I do." said Haruko Minase.
"....Are you willing to take him as your legal husband?" asked the bishop.
There was silence. Today was the wedding day of Kimie and Haruko Minase.
Kimie was waiting for YamaP to object her wedding.
1 year ago.
"Kimie!" shouted Sakiko from the door. "Don't forget my things!"
"Hai!" said Kimie going down the stairs to buy something.
Kimie and Sakiko were best friends. They were staying together.
"That will be a total of 450 yen." said the girl at the counter.
Kimie paid for the things and stepped out of the shop.
"I wonder if this is what Sakiko wants." said Kimie.
"Sakaki!" Kimie saw Sakaki walking out of the house.
"Kimie, I'm sorry. But can you just leave the things upstair?" Sakaki left even without waiting for Kimie to answer.
"Sakaki! I wonder what's up with her." said Kimie.
"Onegaishimasu! I really want her to be happy." said Sakaki pleading with someone.
"Demo. I can't give it to you." said the guy.
"Onegai!" plead Sakaki.
"Please. Up till now, she was always doing things for me. I want to make her happy, at least before I go." said Sakaki.
"Okay. Since you have been asking me for so many times. Make sure you don't let any of this thing out." said the guy.
"Hai! Arigatou arigatou!" Sakaki keep on thanking the guy. "Do you mind if you send this e-mail to her that day?"
Sakaki never thought that Kimie would have a black face when she went back home.
"Tadaima!" said Sakaki as she open the door.
Kimie face went totally black.
"Why did you leave home without saying anything?" asked Kimie. "Do you know I am very worry about you?"
"Gomen ne Kimie. But this thing, I really can't let you know." said Sakaki looking down.
"What thing you can't let me know?" Kimie raised her voice.
"Kimie, I really cannot tell you anything about this." said Sakaki going back to her room.
"Fine then!" shouted Kimie and slammed her door.
Both of the girls had a cold war for 3 days. Kimie finally broke the silence.
She went up to Sakaki's door and knocked on it.
"Sakaki. Sorry for that day, I shouted at you." said Kimie. "I was really very worried about you."
Sakaki opened the door.
"Kimie. I'm sorry about that too. But, I really cannot tell you why I leave that day."
"It's okay. Between friends, there will surely be some secrets."
"Kimie." Sakaki went up to hug her.
"Okay. How about going out for lunch?" asked Kimie.
"Okay. After I change my clothes." said Sakaki.
"This will be my treat. For shouting at you." said Kimie.
"Thanks! Then I won't save your pocket." said Sakaki ordering alot of things.
"Matte yo Sakaki. Don't treat my pocket like that." said Kimie.
"Just joking." said Sakaki. "I won't eat every cent."
"Thank you." said Kimie sacarsticly
After lunch, the girls went shopping.
"Kawaii!!" cried Sakaki as she saw the teddy bear.
"Let's go Sakaki. Stop looking at that." Kimie dragged Sakaki away.
"Demo, that teddy bear is vey cute!" said Sakaki.
"No." said Kimie.
"Hai." both girls went back.
"I need to save enough money to buy that for Sakaki." Kimie thought.
"I hope Kimie would like this present." Sakaki thought.
2 days later, it was Kimie's birthday.
"Happy birthday darling!" shouted Sakaki.
"Thank you!" said Kimie hugging Sakaki. "So where is my present?"
"You will see it in your room later. No use Kimie, I've locked the room." said Sakaki.
"That's bad. Sakaki, are you going on a diet? Whatever, I have a present for you too." said Kimie bringing out her present.
"Eh? I have one too?" said Sakaki taking her present. "Thank you Kimie!"
Sakaki unwrapped her present. "Ah! That's the bear that I want! I love you Kimie!" Sakaki almost cried.
"Let's cut the cake." said Sakaki bringing the cake.
After eating the cake, Sakaki went to unlock the door. "Here you go. Go in and find your present."
"I'm sorry Kimie, I really want to stay with you, forever, in this house. But, I can no longer stay here. I'M VERY SORRY!" Sakaki shouted and ran out of the house.
"Sakaki! Where are you going Sakaki? Why are you leaving me alone here? What am I suppose to do? Sakaki!" Kimie shouted.
Kimie went back to her room crying.
"Sakaki... Why must you go?" suddenly, she saw a letter.
"Kimie, I'm sorry. I really want to stay with you. I'm leaving for another country. I can no longer stay here. I don't want to see you crying. That's why I left without saying goodbye. Kimie, please carry on with your life. We will meet again."
A piece of paper came with the letter.
"I will e-mail you often. So please, check your e-mail. This is YamaP's e-mail. He will mail you."
Kimie went to check her mail and she screamed. There was really a mail from YamaP.
"Kimie-chan. Your friend, Sakaki-chan, begged me to let you know my e-mail address. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a happy birthday. Have you receive my birthday card? Please check your mailbox!!"
Kimie went down to check her mailbox.
"Happy birthday! From what Sakaki-chan said, you like me alot. Thanks! Sakaki-chan came to me practically everyday to get my e-mail just to please you. If you have the time, how about coming out for a birthday dinner with NewS? Mail me if you have the date."
It was signed off as YamaP. When Kimie reached home, she replied YamaP's e-mail.
"YamaP-kun. Thanks for the e-mail and the card. I would very much like to go out with you all. But, not so soon. Sakaki... Sakaki.. have left me. I don't know where she went. She just left me saying that she was leaving for another country. I don't know if we ever get to meet again. I really miss her.
YamaP-kun, did she say anything before she leave? I really want to know. I don't believe that she was just leave me along like that." The nex day, Kimie recieved YamaP's reply.
"Kimie-chan, you are welcome. I have no idea. Sakaki-chan had never tell me anything about that. About that birthday dinner, it's okay, when you have the time, then mail me. But, the last time she came to me she said something about she want to make you happy, at least before she goes. That's all I know.
If there is any problem, feel free to mail me. Take care. YamaP."
She replied his e-mail.
"YamaP-kun, thanks for that. Can I really mail you if I have any problems? Because, except for Sakaki, I don't have much friends that I can let my emotions out. So if I really can do that, I'll be thankful to you. Arigatou YamaP-kun."
Kimie ended her mail like that. She lied on her bed and think about Sakaki. Sakaki could not just leave her like that. She deciede to find out where Sakaki went.
2 weeks passed and there is still no news about Sakaki.
"Kimie-chan, I saw Sakaki-chan at the hospital. What is she doing there?" asked Yogi.
"Eh? The hospital? Which hospital? Thank you Yogi-kun!" After taking down the address, she rushed to the hospital.
"Excuse me, is there a patient named Sakaki Washio?" asked Kimie.
"Wait, let me check. Yup. She is in room 880." the nurse said.
"Thank you." Kimie went to search for room 880. On the way, she happen to see someone that looks like YamaP.
"YamaP-kun?" YamaP turned around.
"Hai. You are?"
"I'm Kimie."
"Ah... Kimie-chan. What are you doing here?" asked YamaP
"Someone said Sakaki is in this hospital." answered Kimie.
"Yup. Are you free now? Can you go with me? I'm scare." plead Kimie.
"Okay. Give me 2 minutes. After taking my medicine." sais YamaP.
"I'll go with you." After taking YamaP's medicine, both of them went to room 880. Kimie stopped outside the door.
"Kimie. Go in. Don't worry. I'm with you." said YamaP grabbing her hand.
Kime nod her head and went in with YamaP.
"Sakaki." Kimie covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming.
"Okasan, what happened to Sakaki?" Kimie asked Sakaki's mother.
"Kimie-chan! How did you find out this place?" asked Sakaki's mother.
"One of my friend saw Sakaki here." said Kimie. "Is Sakaki going to be alright?"
"The doctor said she only have 2 months left." said Sakaki's mother starting to cry.
"Oh my god." Kimie start to back stepped.
"Kimie-chan." said YamamP moving forward to Kimie.
"What happened to her? Why is she lying there?" asked Kimie, unable to control her tears.
"The doctor say that she have brain cancer. Last stage. Sakaki told me not to tell you. She doesn't want me to scare you."
"Sakaki. How can you do that to me?" Kimie ran towards Sakaki.
"Kimie? Why are you here?" asked Sakaki as she was woken up by Kimie.
"Sakaki! How can you bluff me? How can you leave me alone like that?" Kimie started to cry harder.
"Kimie. Please don't cry. Everyone will die. It's just a matter of time." said Sakaki wiping away Kimie's tears.
"Sakaki! We have not done alot of things." said Kimie.
"Kimie, we have done alot of things already. That's enough for me. I don't want to see you every single minute." Sakaki gave a weak smile. "YamaP-kun will take over the job. Right?" Sakaki looked at YamaP.
YamaP gave Sakaki a nod.
"But." Sakaki stopped Kimie from talking and hugged her.
"Kimie, no matter what happen, I will be forever living in your heart. I will be guarding you." Sakaki whispered into Kimie's ear.
Sakaki started coughing.
"Sakaki! Are you alright?" Kimie do not what to do.
"I'll call the doctor." Sakaki's mother ran out to call the doctor.
"Sakaki!" Kimie shouted. Sakaki fainted.
"Please leave the room." said the doctor as he came in.
Kimie was very worried about Sakaki.
"Kimie-chan, don't worry. I believe Sakaki-chan will work hard to survie. To have more fun with you." said YamaP.
"YamaP-kun." Kimie started crying again. YamaP went up to hug Kimie.
"Don't worry." said YamaP as he stroke Kimie's head.
"Sensei. How is my daughter?" asked Sakaki's mother as the doctor come out.
"Her illness had deteriorated. We need to do the operation as soon as possible." said the doctor. "We will do our best."
"Sakaki..." Kimie collapsed.
"Kimie-chan!" YamaP carried Kimie to a seat.
After a moment, Kimie woke up.
"Sakaki! Where is Sakaki?" Kimie's first question was to ask about Sakaki.
"Kimie-chan, Sakaki-chan is alright. She's sleeping right now." YamaP assured Kimie. "You are having a fever. Go back and take a rest before you come back."
"But, I don't want to leave Sakaki." said Kimie, who refused to leave her seat.
"Kimie-chan! Did you ever think that what if your virus spread to Sakaki-chan? I believe she won't want to see you like this." said YamaP shaking Kimie.
Kimie was shocked. "Alright." Kimie stood up to leave the hospital.
"Ne YamaP-kun. Sakaki will be alright right?" asked Kimie.
"Of cause. With Kimie-chan's support, she will get well." said YamaP.
After reaching home, Kimie went to sleep while YamaP packed the house that was left messy for 2 weeks.
"Kimie-chan, dinner is ready." said YamaP waking Kimie.
"YamamP. You are still here." said Kimie as she sit up.
"Of cause. I've cleared up the mess you made for the pass 2 weeks." said YamaP.
"Gomen YamaP-kun, and thanks."
"It's okay. Get well soon. So that you can visit Sakaki again. I'll give you my number. If anything happens, call me." said YamaP leaving. "Take care!"
"YamaP-kun!" Kimie called out.
"Thanks for everything today. I don't know how to thank you enough." said Kimie.
"It's okay. Just remember that, no matter what happens, call me." said YamaP giving Kimie a smile. "Go in before your illness gets worse."
"Hai." Kimie watched YamaP until she can't see his back. "Thanks goodness YamaP is here. If not. I would never know what to do."
The next day, Kimie's fever subsided. She prepared some thing for Sakaki.
"YamaP-kun, I'm going to visit Sakaki. If you are free, and want to come, please. But if you are busy. Then it's okay." Kimie called YamaP.
"Okay. I'll try to go down if possible. I have some things to do." said YamaP.
"Alright." Kimie went on her way to the hospital.
"Is Sakaki asleep?" Kimie asked Sakaki's mother.
"She just slept after eating her medicines." said her mother.
"Okay. This is for her." said Kimie passing the things to her mother.
"Thanks Kimie. Since Sakaki have been staying with you, she had became lively alot." said Sakaki's mother.
"Iie. I learnt alot from her too." said Kimie. Both of them sitted and look at Sakaki until YamaP came in.
"YamaP-kun. You came." said Kimie.
"Yup. So how's Sakaki-chan?" asked YamaP.
"As usual. Laying there." said her mother.
"She'll be okay. Don't worry so much. You still have to take care of Sakaki." said YamaP.
"Okasan. Kimie, YamaP-kun. You all are here." said Sakaki as she wake up.
Kimie went over to help Sakaki.
"It's okay." said Sakaki.
They started to chat.
Soon, 2 months passed. Sakaki died of cancer.
"Sakaki..." YamaP went up to hug Kimie.
"Kimie. Don't be like this. During the pass 2 months, you both have great fun, didn't you?" said YamaP.
"Hai. But, I really can't bear Sakaki to leave me like that." said Kimie.
"Kimie, no matter what, I'll be there. So, just let everything out." said YamaP.
Kimie cried till late night.
"I'll send you home." said YamaP.
"Thank you YamaP."
At home.
"Kimie-chan, have some tea." said YamaP giving Kimie a cup.
"Thanks. I'm sorry YamaP-kun. I sould be the one serving you." said Kimie.
"It's okay. You take a rest." said YamaP.
"Ne YamaP-kun. Will Sakaki really be guarding me?" asked Kimie.
YamaP went to sit beside Kimie.
"Kimie-chan, believe what Sakaki-chan said. Although she might not be living physically. But she is living in your heart, right?" said YamaP.
"Kimie-chan, stop crying. Sakaki-chan will be sad if she sees you crying non-stop." said YamaP, stroking her head.
Kimie slowly stopped crying and fall asleep in YamaP's arm.
Midnight, Kimie woke up and saw that YamaP was also asleep. She went to take a blanket to cover YamaP and snuggled back into YamaP's arm.
The next morning, YamaP was woken up by the vibrating of his handphone.
"Moshi moshi. YamaP desu."
"YamaP-kun. You have a shooting today."
"Hai. What time is it schedule at?"
"10 AM."
"Okay. I'll be there asap." YamaP carried Kimie into her room leaving a note and he left.
Kimie woke up when her alarm clock rang. Kimie washed up and went to the kitchen. She saw a note on the table. It says "Ohaiyo Kimie-chan, I got shooting to do today. I can't stay. Breakfast is in the fridge. Heat it up before you eat. When you wake up, message me. YamaP."
She open the fridge and saw her breakfast. She messaged YamaP.
"YamaP-kun. Thanks for yesterday and today's breakfast. Saw that message. Hope you have a good shooting session."
Kimie decieded to go for a walk around the city area. She was walking around the stationery area when someone grabbed her hand.
"Eh? YamaP-kun." YamaP dragged Kimie to a place.
"Phew. Those fans are chasing me like mad." said YamaP.
"Chotto. YamaP-kun. Fans are chasing you. What has it do with me?" asked Kimie.
"I saw you and was about to walk towards you when all of them noticed me." said YamaP catching his breath.
"Okay. Want some water?" asked Kimie.
"Sure. Thanks."
"The shooting is done? So where are the rest?" asked Kimie.
"Yup. We are meeting outside the mall at 2 PM." said YamaP.
"So what do you want to do now?" asked Kimie.
"Walk around? Where do you want to go?" asked YamaP.
"Well, just walking around." said Kimie. They went for window shoppping.
"YamaP-kun, look at this." said Kimie pointing towards a four leaf clover.
"What is this?" asked YamaP.
"This is a four leaf clover. There is a legend that if one finds a four leaf clover, espicially if found accidentally, it will bring you luck. The first leaf represents hope, the second represents faith, the third represents love, the fourth represents luck." said Kimie looking at the necklace.
"How did you know so much?" asked YamaP, as they walked away.
"Sakaki taught me that." said Kimie, suddenly thought of Sakaki.
"Kimie-chan, let me bring you somewhere." said YamaP bring Kimie to the rooftop.
"Kirei!" said Kimie as she saw the beautiful scencery.
"Everytime, I'm not happy, I would usually go to somewhere tall, to catch a beautiful view." said YamaP as he looked around. "If it's sunset now, that would be much more better." Just after YamaP said that, rain started to pour.
"Let's go in." said Kimie. "Before both of us get sick." Soon, it was 2 PM. Both of them went to down outside the mall.
"YamaP! You're late! Eh who is this?" asked Shige.
"My friend, Kimie-chan." said YamaP introducing Kimie.
"So she's the one you are saying. said Koyama.
"Hi. I'm Kimie." said Kimie introducing herself.
"That's NewS!!" someone shouted. Everyone in NewS, started to run. YamaP grabbed Kimie and ran.
"Where should we run to?" asked Tegoshi as he run.
"There!" said Ryo and everyone run towards the place.
"Phew. Lucky we have the stamina to run. Are you okay Kimie-san." asked Massu as he sees Kimie panting.
"Yup." said Kimie take her breath. "Just need some water."
"Here you go." said YamaP.
"Thanks." said Kimie and she drank from that bottle.
The rest looked at the two of them.
"YamaP. Is that your water bottle?" asked Ryo.
"Yah?" said YamaP. "Why?"
"Kimie-san, are you drinking from his water bottle?" asked Ryo.
"Yah." said Kimie giving Ryo a look.
Tegoshi dragged YamaP to one side.
"YamaP, are you two together?" asked Tegoshi.
"No." said YamaP shaking his head.
"But she is drinking from your bottle. Mouth to mouth!" said Tegoshi.
"So what's the problem?" asked YamaP.
"You don't usually let other people drink from your water bottle!" said Tegoshi. It was then YamaP realise that he like Kimie.
"Really?" said YamaP.
"You must have fall in love with her." said Tegoshi. YamaP was lost for words.
"Ne, Kimie-san. Do you know that YamaP don't let other people drink from his water bottle?" said Massu.
"Eh?" Kimie almost spit the water out from her mouth.
"Relax. Do you like our YamaP?" asked Koyama. Kimie blushed.
"Blushing means you do." said Koyama.
"Shh YamaP's coming back." said Shige.
After returning, YamaP and Kimie are very quiet. "Ermm." both of them said together.
"You first." said YamaP.
"I'm going home." said Kimie.
"Eh? Kimie-chan is going back?" said Koyama.
"Yup." said Kimie.
"I'll send you back." said YamaP.
"It's alright. If you have anything, go settle it first." said Kimie.
"No. We have nothing on." said Massu. This made Kimie blush.
"Are you okay Kimie-chan. Your face is very red." asked YamaP.
The rest were laughing at Kimie and YamaP. NewS sent Kimie back home.
"You guys want some drinks?" asked Kimie. All of them looked at YamaP.
"Why are you looking at me?" said YamaP.
"Waiting for you to give us an answer." said Shige.
"Kimie-chan, can we?" asked YamaP.
"Sure? Unless you all have something to do." said Kimie.
"Let's go!" said Koyama going into Kimie's house.
"Welcome!" said Kimie opening her door. "Come in YamaP. This is also not your first time coming in."
This time, YamaP blushed.
"Oh my god. It's already 7PM." said Tegoshi.
"Anything to do after 7?" asked Kimie.
"Nothing." said Massu.
"Then how about staying for dinner?" asked Kimie? "Treat this as my very late birthday party?"
"Oh yeah. YamaP said that before." said Koyama.
"That's a good idea!" said Ryo and look at YamaP.
"Alright alright." said YamaP.
"I'll do the cooking!" said Kimie.
"I'll help you." said Shige.
"Happy birthday to you...." everyone sang the birthday song.
"Gomen ne, after 2 months then celebrate your birthday." said YamaP.
"It's okay. It's good to have friends to celebrate my birthday." said Kimie smiling.
That night everyone had fun. NewS left at 10PM. When Kimie was about to sleep, she recieve a message.
"Kimie-chan. Sorry for the mess those guys made. We had a wonderful night. Good night."
"It's okay. It had been a long time since my house had so many people. Good night too. Have a safe trip back home." Kimie replied YamaP's message.
3 months passed both of them chatted on e-mails, SMS, phone. One day, YamaP made a date with Kimie, they deciede to meet at the playground.
"Kimie, I want to tell you that... that I like you. I want you to be my girlfriend." said YamaP turning all red.
"YamaP.. But is it alright? You're an idol." said Kimie. "I don't want this to be an object that is between us."
"Kimie, it's okay. If we meet any fan, we just run." said YamaP. "Or, you don't like me?"
"YamaP, I like you too. Is just that, I don't want to be a burden to you. If we argue, it will affect you. I don't.."
"Kimie! Please listen to me. I's really okay. I won't say that we will not argue. But I will try my best not to let it affect my job." said YamaP. "You won't be my burden."
"But YamaP."
"Kimie, since you cannot deciede, if I find a four leaf clover here, that means we have a fate between us." said YamaP jumping down from the swing and look for a four leaf clover.
"Yatta!" said YamaP plucking a clover out. Kimie ran over to see if it's a four leaf clover.
"YamaP." Kimie hugged YamaP. "I agree."
5 months later, Kimie recieved a letter from her mother.
"Kimie, we will be going over your side to discuss about your marriage with your cousin. We will reach there on 3rd of november."
"YamaP! My mother is bring my cousin over for marriage!" cried Kimie into the phone.
"Oh. That's good. Who is he marrying?" asked YamaP.
"You fool! It's me! My mother wants me to marry Haruko-kun!" Kimie started crying.
"Kimie. Stop crying. I'm going over." said YamaP.
10 minutes later, YamaP arrived at Kimie's house.
"YamaP!" Kimie went crying into YamaP's arm.
"Kimie., stop crying. I'll see to it." said YamaP.
On 3rd November.
"Okasan. Haruko-kun." Kimie called out.
"There you are!" said Kimie's mother.
"Hi Kimie-chan." said Haruko-kun. Kimie gave them a weak smile. YamaP cannot go with her because he have a recording to do.
"Ne YamaP, YamaP!" said Ryo shaking YamaP.
"Yes?" said YamaP.
"What's wrong with you?" said Ryo.
"Kimie's mum and cousin is coming down today." said YamaP.
"So, what's wrong with it?" asked Tegoshi coming in the room.
"Her mum wants her to marry her cousin." said YamaP.
"What! I can't believe that there are still parents doing that. What century is it now? 21 century. Hello?" said Tegoshi.
"What can I do? You expect me to go over and say. "I'm not going to let Kimie marry this guy." I can't do that."
"YamaP, you promise Kimie-chan that no matter what happen, you won't let it affect your work. We will discuss it after the recording." said Shige.
"Okay." After the recording, YamaP rushed down to Kimie's house. Once YamaP reached Kimie's house, he called Kimie.
"Kimie, I'm outside your house. Doushiyo?" asked YamaP.
"I don't know. Just come in. My cousin is not here. I'll take this time to introduce you to my mum."
"Okay." YamaP opened the door.
"Okasan, this is my boyfriend, Yamashita Tomohisa." said Kimie.
"Hajimemashite. Yamashita Tomohisa desu."
"Why didn't you tell me anything about this is the letter?" asked her mother.
"I don't approve of you two. You are meant to marry Haruko. Not this Yama whatever."
"It's Yamashita Tomohisa. Okasan, why must you do this? We love each other." said Kimie.
"What do you know about love? Haruko, he's rich. He can make you very happy and for the rest of your life, you don't need to work at all." said Kimie's mother.
"Okasan. What's the use of being rich? Isn't earning money better then being rich?" said Kimie.
"Whatever it is. I don't care. He have to get out! You two are not allow to be together. Haruko means Haruko. No Yamashita."
"Please leave. Before I take a broom and chase you out." YamaP left.
"Okasan. Why must you do that?" asked Kimie.
"This is for your own good. You don't need to work so hard when you marry Haruko." said her mother.
"But I don't like Haruko!" said Kimie raising her voice.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me. What's so bad about Haruko? He's rich, he's polite, everything is good about him. He's perfect!" her mother started shouting.
"I don't want to talk to you!" shouted Kimie and slammed her door. Kimie's mother grounded Kimie. She was not allowed to go anywhere. Weeks later, it was her wedding with Haruko.
She was forced to smile even though she hated it so much. She knew that YamaP will attend her wedding. she was waiting for him to say something.
The wedding started.
"....Are you willing to take her as your legal wife?" asked the bishop.
"Yes I do." said Haruko Minase.
"....Are you willing to take him as your legal husband?" asked the bishop.
There was silence. Today was the wedding day of Kimie and Haruko Minase.
Kimie was waiting for YamaP to object her wedding. There was silence.
"Kimie-san?" the bishop said. Kimie suddenly realise that YamaP will not say anything. Because, her mother was sitting beside him, watching him. She swalloed her tears and said "I do."
"You may now exchange rings."
After the wedding, Haruko meet Kimie inside the changing room.
"Kimie, are you really that unhappy about marry to me?" asked Haruko.
"No. Don't worry so much, Minase..kun." said Kimie giving Haruko a smile.
"Kimie, you need no bluff. You can't even call me Minase." said Haruko.
"I'm sorry." said Kimie. "Actually, I have a.."
"Boyfriend right?" said Haruko. Kimie looked shock that Haruko actually knew she had a boyfriend.
"I was outside when I overheard that conversation." said Haruko. Kimie covered her mouth.
"Kimie, I know that you really don't want to marry me, in between us, there is no love. This is just a show for your mum. I will explain to your mum later. Go out and chase after Yamashita-kun. I believe he is still around." said Haruko.
"Really? Minase, thank you!" said Kimie giving Haruko a hug.
"Kimie, you finally can call my name." said Haruko smiling.
"Go on. I wish you luck." Kimie gave Haruko a kiss on his cheek.
After Kimie went, Haruko called Kimie's mother.
"Moshi moshi Okasan? I just want to tell you, my wedding with Kimie is a fake. That is just a show for you. Sumimasen. I have a girl that I like. I cannot marry Kimie. Sorry..."
Kimie looked everywhere for YamaP.
"YamaP! Where are you? YamaP!" Kimie shouted until she got a sore throat.
"Kimie!" Kimie turned around and saw YamaP.
The end...
hai~ that's the story.. hope you girls would have fun re-reading it... have fun girls!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
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