Ohaiyoo Gozaimaste!!!!! ^O^
How are you all? Hmm I am great, I guess
I realised that I havent been online for almost...>< I can't even remember the last time I was online.
Bahh ><
Today I am on my second day of exams. Wish me luck. Yesturday exams were easy...but todays I think will be alot more difficult.
I miss my internet so much. My family is evil. T__T
They are making suffer so much without my precious internet.
T__T I need to DOWNLOAD >< ARGHH
I am going CRAZYYYYY!!!
I haven't even been able to watch Yamapis SP or movie. Or Ryo's drama.
OR Uchis drama...AND EVEN KOYAMAS...
I think I might crack soon.
Yes...I am addicted to my internet...and I am suffering alot without it...and yet again...they allow me to continue to suffer...><
So some of you guys starting your second semester? GANBATTE! Mines after the holidays...about...5 weeks?
Hehe...On the holidays I plan to paint my fence in the backyard. YAYA!
Yes very random. Haha...My friends are going to help me. It shall be a memorial of me and my friends. AYAYA. Hahahas...
Umm...I forgot what I wanted to say now >< ummm...
I know you guys already know about SJM. LOLS!
My new addiction after NEWS and Maki Horikita and Micky Yoochun and Kyuhyun is . . . HENRY!!!!
He's so sexy. LOLOLOLOL!!!!! ????
He's sexy violin boy...*squeals*
Do you guys know who he is??
I think some of you may...but if you don't I'll post a picture of him...OMGGG!! He's so *drools*
He is the FIRST chinese boy I really really like...My school diary...HAHAHAs...OH I SHOULD POST THAT UP TO!!!
I'll Take a photo of it right now...LOL
Hehehes...My teachers when they see my school books there always like...O_______________________________O""
And alot of them always ask me...aren't you gonna get in trouble...LOLOL but I don't care.
Before I had Yoochun on it but it got abit dirty so I changed it to HENRY and KYUHYUN and YAMAPI...on the side are some Boothie photos of me and my friends...LOLOLOL...
And you know what...HAHAHA...I don't ever put my homework in my diary ><
Lols Smart aint I?
My friends are ALL the complete opposite of me.
Kimie = Procatinator, Barely ever studies, daydreams in class, sleeps when the teachers not looking and leaves homework at the last minute.
My friends= Non Procastinators, Studies on there spare time, DON'T daydream [and takes notes of the lesson], Doesn't sleep when the teachers not looking and ALWAYS does the homework given on the day, even if its not dued for 3 WEEKS.
Yes I am a bad girl...but I have nerdy friends. BUT I am smart...SOMETIMES...LOL.
Anyways as I was saying...HENRY.
He's so cute.
Okay okay...moving on...OH TO SEE HENRY IN ACTION WITH HIS SEXY VIOLIN Watch Super Junior Don't Don. He's on the violin...though he doesn't sing...but he does in the SJM chinese version of 'U'.
The other day I was scaring my friend with my obsession with Henry.
But NEWS will always be my number one. :)
ONE HOUR TILL EXAMS...Actually less...><
And the exams on JAPAN! Nah it isn't...it's on the Atomic bombings...TOT
I wonder if any of you had bothered to read my rambling...LOLOLOLOLOLS
OH I saw the photos posted just then...WOAHHH!
Hahahas...Did you guys know I have an obsession with EYES!!!
Eheheheh...My friends find it abit creapy but I find them fascinating. :)
Yup kimie has a BIGG!!! obsession with EYES!!!
[And Lips...eheheheheheh...Don't worry...I won't go there...but eheheheheheh...]
Anyways I could list all the peoples I know and all the actors/singers I know of who have nice EYES if I had time...I could go on forever...LOL
My friends believe this obsession began when I began obsessing over my own eyes...LOLOLS
Yes I am very VAIN!! I think...I don't know...LOLOLS
And everybodys hairs getting shorter...LOLOLOL is it hotter in the countries you guys live in or something???
I haven't had it at the length I have it now since about...September last year. But I hope to grow it alot longer...like the way I had it in 2005. DAMN that was long.
I'm only growing it that long because my sister hates it when I have it short.
She calls me a boy ToT
That meanie ><
So anywho...what was I talking about before TOT
You know what.
My friends and I are very strange people who like to do very strange things...
For the holidays we're planning to make a music video. AHAHAS
It's gonna be some classic english songs...but it's gonna be embarrasing like HELL.
I thought it'd be funny to tell you guys.
Argh...I can't wait until the holidays...although it's for only two weeks ><
Have you guys notice how fast this year has gone passed???
Omgosh it seems like only yerturday I was on my way of High School...and now already I'm so close to being a senior...actually I already am..but not a VCE!!!
Your probably going wth is a VCE...>< google it if you really wanna know.
I WANT MY NET BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in love...with ME!!
Lately...since I haven't been able to go online...I been using the school internet to snag some fanfic written by these awesome writers...and OMG IT IS SO ADDICTING.
This weekend I was suppose to study but FANFICTION was too ADDICTIVE to pass.
My friends yelled at me when I told them what I did. LOLOL
It was worth it...kinda...I mean...>< IT'S ADDICTIVE.
You know you guys should read some of the stories of fictional characters...I guess they aren't really fanfics...just fics really...but they are really good.
The other day I read this fanfiction who was written by this korean chick, but some peoples translated into english...and OMGOSH >< IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!
Another one of my new Addictions...
I haven't even been able to check my email account in...YONKS.
So here are some pictures I'm Uploading.
Fisrt MY DIARY lols...
Yeahh...on the top left corner is HENRY...since you cant see it properly I'm posting the copy I have on my USB aswell.
Under HENRY is KYUHYUN...OH you guys might not know who KYUHYUN is...he's the youngest member of Super Junior...you guys should know who they are right? If you don't...WIKIPEDIA them...LOLOLOL. Anywho he's voice is truely amazing...it is to me atleast. ^O^
Umm on the side are icons of YAMAPI and one of GONG YOO. Hahaha I miss my YAMAPI SPREES >< Gong Yoo is a cute korean actor...WATCH BISCUIT TEACHER AND STAR CANDY...AND COFFEE PRINCE...(love love love love love love)
And then...you can't see them properly but there are boothie photos of me and my friends...O_O
Anyways...Umm...>< kimie wouldn't be kimie if she didn't post a photo of herself...but DAMN my hairs getting longer...I took too many photos so umm i created two gifs.
I posted HENRY on the VIOLIN from the MV 'U'. It's simply too sexy...intrested anybody???? TOT BACK OFF MINE!!!! LOLS
The first gif was actually only taken the day before the second gif...LOLS my hair looks shorter in the first one bcos I had my hair tied back...LOLS
The second gif...my hair was poking my eyes like hell so i tied it up in the front...but for some weird reason my skin looks really white...HAHAHAHAS...
Oh and the last photo is in the gif but I wanted to show it to you while it wansn't moving to ask you do i look like a alien? My friend saw it and was like omg kim you look like an alien. T____T so mean to me...HAHAHAS.
And the other photo of me is just cos I thought it looked nice...don't bash me for being so vain... >< And I know I look different in photos than I usually do...atleast I think I do...
And the tegoshi photo was simply too cute. LOLS...old tegoshi hair LOLS...yeah it was from their old Add for RUSS K... I'm still addcited to their sexy dancing...mmm LOL
and PEACE!!!!!!
the awesomeness quack kimie :)
PS!!!!: Sorry about the BAD quality cos I took the photos on the web cam camera and also I changed the extention to .gif so the quality went really bad...gomen nee!!! >< Enjoy!!!!
PSS!!!!!!!!!!!!: Like my PENGUIN Pyjamas? hehehe I think it's cute.