Tittle: 7HeiSeiGirls II
Main Casts:
HeiSeiGirlsPower_KimieEkaNatsumi (HSGP_KEN)
Arthro: Juu(17)
Yuki: Yuki(18)
Ayumi: Ayumi(15)
Hikari: Hi-chan(15)
Kaoru: Kao(15)
Elvie: Elvie(18)
Kokei: Kei(16)
Kimie: Kimie(17)
Eka: Eka(18)
Natsumi: Natsumi(16)
Nakajima Yuto(16)
Yamada Ryosuke(16)
Chinen Yuri(16)
Okamoto Keito(16)
Morimoto Ryutaro(14)
Takaki Yuya(19)
Yabu Kota(19)
Arioka Daiki(18)
Inoo Kei(19)
Yaotome Hikaru(19)
In year 2009
"Ryutaro! Wake up!" Kimie was shaking Morimoto Ryutaro. This year, 2009, Hey!Say!JUMP was created. It consist of 10 people. (i would not make any introduction because i believe you all know who are them).
"Nani?" Ryutaro was half awake.
"It's morning! You are going to be late for school!" Kimie was a friend of the HSGP. She was asked to help take care of them as the group increased. So is Eka.
"Ehhhh." groaned Ryutaro. "It's not my first year. Dakara, it's okay." Ryutaro fall back to his sleep.
"Not your first year? Did you forget that you graduated from elementary school last year already?" Kimie pulled Ryutaro up.
"Eh?"Ryutaro was still half awake.
"OKASAN!" Kimie shouted.
"Hai hai." Takaki went into the room. "Hora hora. What's going on?"
"Ryutaro doesn't want to get up." complained Kimie.
"Ryuu." Takaki called out.
"Kasan..." Ryutaro used his best weapon, acting like a spoilt brat.
"Okay. Ryu, it's time for you to wake up. I'll treat you to ice-cream later on okay?" said Takaki, who was the only one who could made Ryutaro move.
"HAI!" Ryutaro immediately jumped out of bed and wash up.
"Sugoi okasan." Kimie was amazed at Takaki.
"Iie. This is just some way to settle this kid." said Takaki blushing.
"So when is okasan's school starting?" asked Kimie. This is Takaki's first year in University. So is Hikaru, Inoo and Yabu.
"Around april. It's lucky that 4 of us are still in the same school." said Takaki smiling.
"Yamachan!" Juu was waking Yamachan up.
"Another trouble one." said Takaki.
"Otousan!" Juu called out to Yabu.
"Coming!" Yabu went to attend Yamachan and Juu.
"What a messy family." Kei said to Elvie, who both are in the kitchen.
"It had been more lively every since 8 more people moved in." joked Elvie.
"I agree on that. Where is Chii? He's suppose to help out." Kei went out to look for Chii.
"Chii! What are you doing?" Kei asked the kid who was laying the table. "Baka ka?"
"A-re?" Chii looked confused.
"You're supposed to help the kitchen! Not the table. It's Ryuu and Yuki's." said Kei. "Get the work clear. We're busy preparing so many things."
"Gomen." Chii looked on the floor.
"Jodan desu. There's till time to help out my brother." Kei pushed Chii into the kitchen.
"Han nin." Elvie turned around and face Chii with a knife she was using.
"Elvie, put the knife down. Don't scare us with that." exclaimed Kei. "You are scaring both of us."
"Baka. Go settle the sandwiches." commanded Elvie while putting her knife down.
"Okasan!!!" Elvie called out to the other kitchen helper that was missing.
"Ne Kei, do you think we would have as much fun as last year?" asked Chii.
"Nope. Zettai."
"We would have more fun than last year." Kei saw a few tears coming up to Chii's eyes.
"Baka. Don't cry like that." Kei went up to clean his tears.
"Datte last year was so scary. I thought you girls really would leave us."
"We won't. Not for now." Kei assured Chii.
"Dakara. You should know when to come and help." Elvie was scolding Takaki for leaving his job as they come in the kitchen.
"Dry your tears kid." Kei pass him a piece of handkerchief with his name on it. "My present for you. Ganbatte ne, this year let's have more fun." whispered Kei.
"Hai hai. Stop nagging. You are becoming more and more like an grandma. Obaachan." Takaki teased Elvie.
"Okasan!" Elvie stared at him.
"Hai. Sumimasen."
"Is everyone up?" asked the father of this family, Yabu Kota.
"Hai!" everyone answered. Everyone was sitting at the dinning table waiting for breakfast.
"Asa gohan. Dozo." the four who were cooking brought out 20 sets of breakfast.
"Ahh. Arigatou!" everyone thanked the four people.
"Ii desu ne. Being able to eat with everyone like that, with 8 new members and HeiSei." said Dai-chan, throwing a small bit of bread to her. (gomen ne HeiSei. sort of forget about you =xx)
"Sou desu ne. Being with everyone." Yuto can't help smiling.
Everyone soon finished their breakfast.
"Gochisosama." they went to grab their bag.
"Ja, ittekimasu." they left the house.
"Ittrashai." the four guys said goodbye
"So we are the four ojiichan left ne~" said Inoo laughing.
"Who wants to be ojiichan with you?" Hikaru said half joking.
"You." Inoo started playing with Hikaru.
"Maa maa maa maa. Stop playing ne. Ojiichan." said Yabu, taking charge again. As usual, Yabu got dragged into the fight with the two childish grown ups.
"I'll just leave them alone ne." mumbled Takaki and went to the kitchen to clean up.
"Let us help out OKASAN!" after saying that, Inoo jumped onto Takaki's back.
"Hai hai. get off my back first."
"Hontou ni.. daijoubu ka?" asked Ayumi.
"Eh? What?" Keito was confused.
"Leaving the freaks alone."
"Ah." Keito realized what Ayumi meant. "I guess so. They are all 19."
"Ne Keito, being 19 doesn't mean being matured enough. Like some guys being 15 years old yet acts like some 3 years old kids." Yuki shot a look at Yuto and Yamachan.
"EH?!" both of their reaction was the same.
"YUKI!" both of them started to race after her.
"Yuki was always teasing the two boys." said Dai-chan.
"Sou da ne~" Kao answered Dai-chan's words.
"Hai!" everyone ran towards the gate when the teacher stopped Natsumi.
"Are you Natsumi sensei's daughter?" asked the teacher.
"I do look like her right? Well, this is a family thing. The neice always looks like the aunt." Natsumi looked at the teacher. It seems like he doesn't understand it at all. "Which also means that Natsumi sensei is my aunt. We had different surname though."
The teacher nodded his head. "Hurry up. School's starting." Ryuuji High and Ryuuji Middle school was affiliated all of them were at the same school compound but different buildings.
For the high-school Yuki and Daiki were in class 3-1 while Eka and Elvie were in the class 3-3. Juu and Kimie were in the same class, 2-2 respectively. Kei,Keito and Yuto were in class1-3 while Natsumi, Yamada and Chii were in the class1-3. As for the middle school students, Ayumi,Hi-chan were in class 3-3 and Kao was just a class away from them. Of course, Ryutaro was all alone.
School started for them with some new students...
The lunch bell rang. The gang had decided to meet at the rooftop, free from all those fangirls, and to prevent gossiping.
"Chii! Over here!" Dai-chan waved towards the 6 first year student.
"Dai-chan!" Chi went running towards him.
Yuto laughed and said, "People might be mistaken about both of them being gay."
Keito let out a smile. "Arn't you and Yama-chan a pair too?"
"Keito.. you...!!!" Yuto ran after Keito around the rooftop.
"Keito seems to be fitting into Japan already. His Kanji is also improving. Though he still makes stupid mistakes." said Kei laughing.
"Yamachan does that too right?" Natsumi looked at Yamachan. Yamachan blushed and nod his head. Being a Japanese and made stupid mistakes at Kanji is totally embarrassing for him.
"Ah! There they are!" Juu pointed towards the group sitting at one corner.
"Hai hai. I can hear Yuto on the way up already." said Kimie.
"Juu! Kimie!" somebody called out to them.
"Hi-chan! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?" asked Kimie.
Hi-chan scratched her head and said, "Iya.. I'm just going to the washroom and I saw you two walking towards the rooftop >.<"
"Sou. Happy eating then!" Juu and Kimie smiled at Hi-chan and went to meet up with the rest.
"Yo Kimie, Juu!" Yamachan greeted them.
"Oh!" Juu ran over to them. "Dai-chan hidoui!" Dai-chan had started eating before them.
"Datte... You guys are taking so long!" complained Dai-chan.
"Because I have class rep things to do!" explained Kimie. "Where are your manners?"
Both of them gave Dai-chan a great whack at the back.
"ITTE!" Dai-chan glared at them.
"Hora hora yamette kudasai. Anta tachi wa otona deshou?" Eka, who was the duty in-charge of the day stop the three of them before a fight starts.
"The school bell will ring soon if you guys continue like this...." warned Yuki. The three of them ate their lunch in silence.
The bell rang and they were packing up to return to the class when Juu and Kimie called out to Dai-chan.
"Dai-chan!" Dai-chan turned back.
"GOMEN NASAI!" apologized Juu and Kimie bowing.
"I'm sorry too. I should wait for you guys." Dai-chan too apologized to the girls.
"Yokatta...." Chii heave a sigh of relief. "I was so scared that they would not talk to each other."
Kei smiled and hooked her arm around Chii's neck. "You need not worry about them. It's normal to have a fight between a family right? What's more we are a BIG family."
"Sou desu ne~" Chii turned and smiled at Kei.
The first day of school ended when the bell rang.
"Finally. The day is over." Yamada stood up and stretched like a cat.
"Yup~ Let's go back home already. I feel like sleeping." Chii was already closing his eyes. Natsumi looked at Chii and laughed.
"Hai hai. Let's go and wait for them at the gate." On the way down, they saw Ayumi and Hi-chan was already waiting for them at the gate from the window.
"Ayumi! Hi-chan!" Natsumi ran towards them. "How's class?"
"Fine... With a new cute looking guy." said Hi-chan making fun of Ayumi. Ayumi can't help blushing. The new guy's name is Yamashita Hiromi. He was instructed to sit beside Ayumi. The way Hiromi treated Ayumi made her blush.
"Where's Kao?" asked Yamada as he and Chii reached the girls.
"She said she have some class rep meeting. So she will be home late." explained Ayumi, still blushing.
"Ayumi, daijoubu ka? You're face is very red." asked Chii, concerned. This caused Ayumi to blush even redder. Soon the rest of the gang gathered outside the gate.
"I see... Kimie also have class rep meeting..." Yuto said nodding his head.
"You sound like an old man Yuto." Hikaru's voice could be heard from the back.
"Uwah!" everyone turned and let out a scream.
"What is Uncle Hikaru doing here?" asked Ryutaro.
"What Uncle Hikaru." Hikaru carried Ryutataro in his arm. "Say that again and I'll throw you up high."
"Gomen gomen!" Ryutaro apologized immediatly.
"Hora, let him down. You know he's afraid of height right." said Keito, always very protective of the smaller members.
"Hai hai. Don't forget our purpose here." Yabu said from the back of the gang.
"Yabu mo? Why are you two doing here?" asked Kei.
"Is four." Takaki appeared from the back. Everyone gave the four of them a question mark face.
"We went out to buy stuffs for dinner.. since we are around the school, we came here to fetch you guys back home." explained Inoo.
"And to treat Ryutaro ice-cream." added Takaki.
Everyone can't help laughing. Ryutaro almost drool at the word ice-cream.
"I understand about Ka-san..but you guys? Cooking?" can't control her laughter. "Don't mess up our kitchen...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
"Kei..." Kei found Hikaru, Inoo and Yabu staring at her.
"Okasan! Tasukette!" Kei ran behind Takaki.
"Yamette kudasai. You guys are attracting attentions..." said Eka, as usual, keeping her cool.
Sasuga Eka-chan~" Inoo hooked his arm around Eka. "Unlike some unrefine girl." Inoo stuck out his tongue at Kei.
"By the way, where's Natsumi and Kao?" asked Yabu as the whole lot of them walked towards home.
"Both of them have class rep meeting. Will be home late." said Keito.
"Okay...Ne Elvie, we will be having steak for today!" exclaimed Takaki.
"Hontou? Uwah... they are going to have some nice meal today man." Elvie said with a smile. "Kei! Chii! Come over here for a while!"
"Okasan say that we will be having steak for dinner!" Kei and Chii looked at each other then looked at Takaki.
'Ne, steak are best when they are grilled deshou? Deshou?" Chii sounded excited.
"Hai hai. Let's go home and start preparing okay?" Elvie patted Chii's head.
"HAI!" Chii was walking in front, dragging Kei, Elvie and Takaki, in front of the gang.
"What did Elvie told Chii? He looks very excited." asked Keito.
"Must be that we bought steak to cook for dinner." answered Takaki.
"Maji? Steak?" Keito was a bit surprise. "Steak for all 20 of us? Isn't it a bit too much?"
"It's to celebrate you guys' first day of school... Dakara, daijoubu~" Takaki smiled and patted Keito's head.
Soon they reached home. Each went to their respective places to start doing their jobs.
Soon, it started raining...
"Who's in-charge of the clothes?! It's raining already and it might get heavier any time!" Kei shouted from the kitchen.
"Hai! I'm keeping the clothes already!" Kei could hear a reply from the outside but can't make out who it is.
"Ne okasan...... Kao and Natsumi didn't bring any umbrella right?" asked Chii half way through cooking.
"Ah! Their meeting should end already." Takaki looking at the digital clock in the kitchen that reads 16:00
"I'll go fetch them. Since I'd finished my work." volunteried Keito.
"Okay. Take two umbrella with you. Just in case... you know it." Elvie gave Keito a wink. Keito nod his head and went to fetch Kao and Natsumi.
"Kao!" Keito called out to her as he saw her waiting under a shelter outside the school.
"Ah Keito-kun. Did you come here to fetch me?" asked Kao.
"Hai. Natsumi wa?" Keito looked around for Natsumi.
"High school class rep meeting was over about half an hour ago already. Natsumi should have got home by now." said Kao.
"What? I just left home!" Keito got worried. Natsumi was known for having no sense of direction within the family. "I'll try calling home."
Kao looked at Keito as he spoke on the phone.
"Dou?" asked Kao as soon as Keito hung up the phone.
"Yamachan said that Natsumi's not back home yet. He'll try calling her handphone." Keito sense that he's making Kao worried. "Let's go home now. Maybe we could find Natsumi on the way back home?" Kao nod her head. They looked carefully as they pass every single shop and street for Natsumi, but it's no use. Natsumi can't be found any where... Because, she was already in somebody else's warehouse....
"Mmmmm Mmmm Mmm."
"Urusei!" a guy gave Natsumi a kick.
"What are you doing?!" A second guy pulled him back. "Are you crazy? Kicking a girl like that."
"It seems like I'm kidnapped." Natsumi thought to herself. Natsumi was gagged, her eyes were covered and her hands and legs were tied.
"Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmm" Natsumi struggled.
"Shut up before this thing cut off your head." the first guy threatened her. Natsumi could feel something cold and sharp againist her neck.
"Mmmm" Natsumi wanted to say something.
"Hora yamette!" We don't want anything to happen to her. If anything happen to her we can't get our money!" the second guy stopped the first guy.
"She's irritating! When is Boss going to call?" asked the first guy. Just as the second guy was to answer, the phone rang.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! THE GIRL IS SAFELY IN HER HOUSE! AND YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU HAD CAPTURED HER?!" Natsumi could hear the Boss's voice over the phone since he's screaming right into the phone.
"EH?! Isn't the girl in Ryuuji High?" asked the second guy.
"AHHHHHH Doushou ka Boss? The girl that we kidnapped?" asked the second guy, getting nervous.
"Just bring her to some where futher and dump her there."
YABAI! "Stand up you idiot!" the first guy pulled Natsumi up in a rough way. Natsumi struggled for a bit and stood up quietly.
"We would untie you once we reach the place so don't worry." the second guy assured Natsumi.
"What are you being kind towards this girl?" roared the first guy.
"Urusei." the second guy threw something at the first guy. "Boss wants us to be there in half an hour time. No time to waste here."
Natsumi sat in the vehical for around 10 mintues or so and she was dumped outside. Her hands were untied, by the time Natsumi release herself, the guys were gone. Natsumi sat on the floor waiting for her eyes to get use to the darkness while rain dreach her from head to toe.
Meanwhile at the other side.
"What's going on? It's 9 p.m already.... Natsumi's not back yet..." Yabu's starting to get worried about Natsumi. Everyone was gathering at the living room waiting for Natsumi to return home.
"I'd been calling her phone, and she's not picking up." said Kei.
"It had been 5 hours plus already, and Natsumi's not back yet... She won't have any reason getting lost on the way back home. What's more it's raining now and she doesn't have any umbrella." Hikaru was pacing up and down in front of the door.
"Hikaru, get a grip of yourself!" Hi-chan went up to him and pull him back to the sofa. "We will call the police if she's not back by 22:00 okay?"
"Yup... Maybe Natsumi went to Tomoda-kun's house to tell him about today's work because he's absent for the first day of school and she's the class rep." Yamachan tried to make some excuses.
"Also, you know her personality. She would be staying and having so much fun that she would totally forget the timing." Kao tried to assure everyone.
"Demo, what do you explain about not being able to reach her?" asked Elvie.
"Maybe her phone went dead?" suggested Dai-chan.
Suddenly the bell rang. Ryutaro rushed to the door.
"Sumimasen, we are selling ice-crea-" before the salesman could finish his sentence, Ryutaro slammed the door.
"Annoying..." Hikaru started pacing up and down again.
"Hikaru! Yamette yo. You are getting all of us dizzy!" Takaki forced Hikaru to sit down.
"ARGH! I'm not siting here doing nothing. I'm going to look for her!" Yabu stood up.
"I'll go with you!" Yamada stood up, along with the rest of the group member.
"You guys stay here. Yabu, Hikaru, Inoo and Takaki will go search for Natsumi along with Yuki, Elvie and me." Eka stood in front of the guys.
"Nande?" Ryutaro demand an answer.
"Because it's late, I cannot risk you guys going out. The girls and I will be together so it's okay. Yabu, Hikaru, Inoo and Takaki are the oldest they can.." before Eka could finish explaining, there was some faint knocking on the door.
"BARK BARK BARK!" Heisei who was quiet all along suddenly barked. The faint knocking was clearer as everyone was quiet. Takaki, who was the closest to the door swung open the door immediately.
"NATSUMI!" Natsumi fall right into Takaki's arm because she was leaning againist the door.
"NATSUMI!" everyone rushed towards her.
"DON'T CROWD AROUND HER! SHE'S FEELING FAINT!" Elvie shouted at the top of her voice to cover the comotion.
"Takaki, carry her to the room." ordered Eka as she race up the stairs to prepare some dry clothing to change for Natsumi.
"I'll go prepare some hot water!" Kei ran to the kitchen.
"Ryu!" Kei turned around and saw Ryu collapsed on the floor. Kei cursed under her breath and ran to Ryu.
"Baka... Yabu, could you take him to his room. Onegai.. Dai-chan, could you go help Yabu with Ryutaro. Ayumi, you help Eka with Natsumi." Kei looked around and saw some crying faces. "Chii, you come with me to the kitchen. The rest of you take a rest at the living. Guys, you take care of them."
Once Kei was in the kitchen, out of sight from everyone, she sat right down at the kitchen floor.
"Kei!" Chii squat right beside her.
"Daijoubu. I'm just glad that Natsumi is alright. Baka Natsumi. Making us worry so much for her." Kei wiped away the tears that's rolling down her cheek.
"Baka Kei. You need not hold yourself so much. Hora, everyone was glad that Natsumi's back safely. Ryutaro even faint from that."
Kei forced a smile. "Dame desu yo. Someone need to take charge. If not-" Chii hugged Kei suddenly.
"Hai hai. It's okay now. There's only you and me." the words were said so gently that Kei can't hold back her tears any more. Chii stroke Kei's hair gently. "Daijoubu yo. Natsumi's safely back home already. She's alright now. Daijoubu.." Kei finally calmed down after crying.
"Arigatou Chii." said Kei drying her tears.
"Your welcome~" Chii patted Kei's head. "Hora, let's prepare dinner for them!" Chii gave Kei his usual big sunny smile.
"Um!" Kei stood up with the help of Chii and started preparing dinner for everyone.
Dinner was done in no time. "Chii, take this out to everyone. I'll bring this up to the two of them." Chii nodded and called someone in to help him carry out the meals. Kei knocked on the door of Natsumi. "Come in." Eka's voice could be heard.
"We made porridge for you guys. It's downstair." Kei put down a bowl of porridge on the table and sat down on the bed. "Dou?"
"She's running a fever. 38.5 degree. Her clothes were very wet. I think she was drenched under the rain for quite some time." Eka explained everything. Kei brushed off the hair on Natsumi's face, mumbled something and stood up. Kei signaled Ayumi to go down and have her dinner. Ayumi made a slight nod and stood up.
"Eka, I'll bring your share up." Ayumi voluntered.
"Ii yo." said Eka.
"Ayumi, it's okay. Eka can have the porridge here. It was meant for Natsumi.. But I think she won't wake up so soon. The porridge would get cold too. Eka, when Natsumi wake up please inform us." Kei left the room with Ayumi.
"Kei!" Ayumi called out to Kei.
"Hai?" Kei turned around.
"Otsukare!" Ayumi smiled.
"Otsukare." Kei returned Ayumi's smile.
Kei continued to Ryutaro's room.
"Okasan, Dai-chan, dinner's ready. I'll take care of him here." Kei put down the bowl of porridge.
"Wakatta." Takaki and Dai-chan was about to step out of the room when Ryutaro wake up.
"Ryu! Daijoubu ka?" asked Dai-chan.
"Ahh... Somehow." Ryutaro suddenly sat up. "Natsumi wa dou?"
"Relax. She's okay. She's having a fever though. Eka's taking care of her." Kei assured Ryutaro.
"You have to take care of yourself. You're running a fever too. Slight fever." said Takaki.
"Hai hai." Ryutaro went back lying on his bed.
"Want some porridge?" asked Kei holding the bowl of porridge on her hand.
"Umm!" Ryutaro sat up again. "I'm starving!"
Kei smiled and gave the bowl to him. "Okasan, Dai-chan, daijoubu. I'll take care of him now. You guys go eat something. Okasan, make sure the girls eat. Also, tell them about these two's condition."
"Ou." Takaki left the room with Dai-chan.
"Yokatta. Both of them are alright. Wonder what happend to Natsumi." Dai-chan heave a sigh of relief.
"Maa, we will know once Natsumi get better ne~" said Takaki. "Hora, get a grip. The girls are feeling worried enough already. If they see your face like this I wonder what will happen." Dai-chan gave Takaki a light punch on his arm and smiled.
"I'll go and feed Heisei. She must be starving."
"Okasan! How's Ryutaro?" asked Kao the minute she saw the both of them coming down. Everyone stood up and waited for an answer.
"Ryu and Natsumi are alright. They are running a fever though. As for Ryutaro I think he will be alright by tomorrow. As for Natsumi, I don't think she's able to go to school tomorrow. She's having a high fever." Takaki reported their conditions in one go.
"Yokatta..." some girls were crying.
"Hora, Kei asked me to make sure you guys eat something. Go get yourself a bowl of porridge, finish it and go to sleep. It's around 23:00 already. Tomorrow we have work to do in the morning and you girls have school." Takaki took some bowl of porridge and passed around.
"I have no appetite." complained Kao.
"Come on guys. Don't be like this. We cannot afford you guys to fall sick too. If you guys fall sick too, who would take care of us all?" said Chii.
"Chii's right. We should eat. Eka and Kei are busy enough. We should not add on to their trouble. After eating let's take over them so that they can have their dinner too." said Elvie.
"Hai!" everyone agreed.
"I'll take over Eka's job after eating." said Kimie.
"I'll take over Kei's." said Yuto.
"Wakatta. We'll change every one hour okay?" Takaki suggested.
Everyone finished their porridge and sat down at the living room. There was silence for quite some time until Eka came out.
"MINNA! NATSUMI'S AWAKE!" Eka shouted from the second floor. Some of their eyes brighten and all of them ran up to take a look at Natsumi. Including Ryutaro and Kei.
"Wait wait. 5 at a time. The room can't fit so many people." Eka was trying to reduce the number of people in the room.
"Natsumi! Daijoubu ka?"
"Are you feeling better?"
"Do you feel bad any where else?"
A lot of questions were shot towards Natsumi.
"Minna, atashi wa daijoubu. Gomen. For making you guys worried." Natsumi voice was very soft.
"Iie. It's okay. As long as are fine." said Kao. Tears were starting to roll down some of the faces.
Before anyone could say anything, Natsumi went back to sleep.
"Okay guys, get out of this room. Natsumi need more rest. You guys too. Go get some sleep. Especially you guys. Tomorrow you guys got work to do. Ayumi and Elvie go to sleep early too. You have to follow them to work tomorrow." Eka was pushing everyone out of the rooom.
"Eka, I'll take over your job. You get some sleep too." said Kimie, turining around and pushed Eka out.
Eka smiled. "Shouganai."
Everyone went back to their respective room to sleep. One hour later, Yamachan came to take over Kimie.
"Kimie." Yamachan smiled and took a blanket to cover the Kimie that was sleeping. "Oyasumi." Yamada settle down beside Natsumi. "I'll change the towel." Yamachan thought to himself. He took the towel and wet it with cold water. Just as he laid the towel, Natsumi opened her eyes.
"Gomen. Did I wake you up?" Yamachan brushed some of Natsumi's hair off her face. Natsumi shake her head slightly.
"Arigatou." Natsumi thanked him.
"What are family for? Go to sleep now. Get lots of rest." Yamachan sat beside Natsumi. The night passed as the 18 member of the family took turns to look after Natsumi and Ryutaro.
The next morning, Ryutaro was back on his feet jumping around.
"He's fine now. " said Inoo laughing.
"Yup, fine as ever!" Ryutaro gave his biggest smile.
"Who's staying behind to look after Natsumi?" asked Yabu.
"Atashi." Juu raised her hand.
"Okay. So the rest would be going to school then." said Yabu.
"Ayumi and Elvie will be going with us. Right?" asked Keito.
"Yup." Ayumi nod her head.
"Minna, breakfast~" Kei and Chii came out with the breakfast.
"These is your bentos~" Elvie and Takaki came out with 11 bentos and left it on the living table.
"I'll bring the breakfast to Natsumi." voluntered Hi-chan.
"Okay. Here." Kei passed Natsumi's breakfast to Hi-chan.
"Ittekimasu~" Hi-chan happily took the breakfast to Natsumi.
"Natsumi ohaiyo!" greeted Hi-chan.
"Oh! Ohaiyo Hi-chan." Natsumi was looking better than last night.
"Feeling better?" asked Hi-chan.
"Hai! Much more better. It's because of you guys who worked so hard to look after me." Natsumi smiled.
Hi-chan can't help smiling back. "Hai, breakfast~"
"Uwah! My favorite sunny side up! Itadakimasu~" Natsumi started eatting her food while Hi-chan did some washing up with the towel.
"Oh! Juu will be staying back to look after you. So if you need anything, just ask from her okay?" said Hi-chan.
"Umm!" Natsumi's mouth was full of the day's breakfast.
It was time for everyone to leave. They came up to take a look at Natsumi before leaving.
"Ittekimasu!!!" everyone was reliefed that Natsumi alright right now.
"Itterashai!" Natsumi gave everyone a smile.
"You guys be carefull alright? Yuki make sure everyone's back by 16:00 okay? " ordered Yabu.
"Wakatta yo otousan. You guys too. Ja ne." the girls went to school and the guys went to work.
"Yokatta. Natsumi looked better than last night." Hikaru heaved a sigh of relief.
"But I'm worried about the girls." said Yabu.
"Daijoubu. The matter was reported to the school this morning when Natsumi told me what happened." said Inoo.
"EH! She never told us!" exclaimed Dai-chan.
"Because you guys never asked. It was lucky that those kidnappers chose to release her and not kill her. It was some dumb mistake made by the kidnappers. They heard Ryuuji High instead of Ryuuki High. So they end up capturing the wrong person." explained Inoo.
"How did she manage to get back home? She had no sense of direction!" questioned Keito.
"She was dumped outside the school. One of the kidnappers were kind enough to drop her off outside the school. You know.. Natsumi has slight night blindness. So she had to sit outside the school for a while before being able to really see her surroundings." said Inoo.
"Whatever it is. Let's be glad that Natsumi is safely back home." said Elvie.
To be contined...