I guess this'll be my last post in 2007 eh.
Tomorrow is a whole new year bringing us a new bag of suprises
Before i start talking bout this year.. First off.. 10 things i expect to do next year:
1. Make full use of my first two months of the year before results are out.
2. Learn how to cook and bake properly
3. Make new friends and try to not lose contact with old ones
4. Improve my people skills
5. Work hard in Form six no matter what school i go to
6. Learn japanese
7. Be more independant
8. Dont stop loving HSJ
9. Keep HSGP+KNE alive (in my heart)
10. umm.. *thinks* Collect more HSJ stuff? XD
The year i met JE
The year i met HSGP+KN
My last year in High School..
The year i successfully left my strict 5 yr HS without getting disciplinary punishment once *yay!*
The year that i gained more confidence
The year i started sleeping in my own room XP
The year i start fangirling o.o
The year that i didnt went to Singapore -_-
The year i travelled to other places =D
The year full of memories!
I hope everyone had a meaningfull and JE-full year XD
Wish everyone best of luck and ganbatte on your new years resolution!
Lets end this post with this lousy pic that i put together (its not NY related sorry):

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