Happy birthday! lol well.. am not so late... it's 3:39 PM over there in Japan ne?
am posting the romance story on this blog(about hikaru and hi-chan's) and i thot of a very baka story(i mean i have an idea of writing it) of cause, after i'm done, i'll post it here... i think most of you did read about the romance story.. just posting it as he's present... =xx
Tittle: Never to be left alone.
Main cast:
Hi-chan's mother.
As the night passes, Hi-chan slowly fall into her dreamland.
Hi-chan was studying all night as she have a test tomorrow.
"Oyasumi Hikaru." Hi-chan said to the poster that was on her wall. The next morning, Hi-chan woke up late, and was rushing to school.
"Okasan! Forget about the milk! I'll will jsut take the bread." said Hi-chan grabbing a piece of bread and rushed out. "Ittekimasu!"
"Hi-chan! Ittarashai. Ganbatte yo!" shouted Hi-chan's mother from the door.
"Hai!" said Hi-chan.
"Ah! I'm gonna be late!" said Hi-chan running.
"Sumimasen!" Hi-chan knocked into someone and said sorry without looking up. She continued running.
Hikaru finds it funny that someone actually said sorry without looking up. Hikaru was about to walk away when he stepped onto something. He lift his left foot and saw a rose like keychain, with a [H] on it. "Well, it must be the girl's." said Hikaru thinking. He picked it up. He decieded to keep it, hoping the girl will look for it.
"Thanks god. I made it in time." said Hi-chan catching her breath.
"Hi-chan! You are quite early today." said Fuyumi, her classmate.
"Eh? I'm almost late!" said Hi-chan. "No. There is still 10 minutes before the school bell rang." said Fuyumi looking at her watch.
"Hontou!?" said Hi-chan checking Fuyumi's and her watch.
"Ah! I still rush out of the house today!" said Hi-chan, almost getting out of breath.
"Baka!" said Fuyumi knocking Hi-chan's head.
"Chotto matte." said Hi-chan searching around.
"Nani?" asked Fuyumi.
"I've lost my keychain." said Hi-chan pouring out all the things in her bag.
"Is it the rose like one?" said Fuyumi, helping Hi-chan to find.
"Yup. That was my 14th year old birthday present. I love that so much." said Hi-chan almost crying. "Hi-chan. Don't cry. Think, is it possible that you drop it somewhere?" said Fuyumi comforting Hi-chan.
"Ah! I knocked into someone today." said Hi-chan suddenly remembered.
"Must be that moment that i dropped that keychain." said Hi-chan. "I must search for it now!"
"Hi-chan! School is starting soon!" said Fuyumi pulling Hi-chan back.
"Guess I can only find it after school." said Hi-chan.Hi-chan could not focus in her test. She was always thinking of her keychain.
After school, she rushed over to the place where she knocked into that guy, she searched high and low for it. Yet, there was no keychain to be found.
"Hi-chan, let's go back home." said Fuyumi. "It's getting late."
"But. My keychain." said Hi-chan.
"Hi-chan, if it meant to be lost, you can't find it." said Fuyumi.
"Hi-chan!" said Fuyumi.
"Hai." Hi-chan went back home sulking.
"Okairi Hi-chan." said Hi-chan's mother.
"Tadaima." said Hi-chan going straight back to her room.
That keychain was giving to her by her best friend who have left the school. She treasure it alot. Yet, she lost it.
She went to sleep crying.
The next morning."Ohaiyo Okasan." said Hi-chan, still feeling down. Upon seeing her daughter like that, she took out a piece of Hikaru's picture.
"Okasan. Thank you for trying to cheer my up. But I will be alright soon." said Hi-chan taking a sip of milk and went out to school.
On her way to school, she kept a look out for her keychain.
"Ohaiyo Hi-chan." said Fuyumi.
"Ohaiyooo." said Hi-chan dragging her voice.
"Haven't found your keychain yet I see." said Fuyumi.
"Yup." said Hi-chan.
"Hi-chan!" said Fuyumi going around and hug Hi-chan. "Daijoubu ne? After school, I'll go accompany you to buy you a new present okay?"
"Thanks Fuyumi." Hi-chan finally smiled. Hi-chan was looking forward after school.
On the other hand. Hikaru was still wondering if that girl will turn up.
"Hi-chan, look out!" cried Fuyumi, to prevent her from knocking into a light pole.
"Thanks Fuyumi!" said Hi-chan walking away from the pole. Hikaru thought of the girl when he saw Hi-chan almost knocking into the pole.
Hi-chan walked pass Hikaru without noticing him because of his hat covering his face.
"Hi-chan, would you like this?" said Fuyumi showing Hi-chan a rose like braclet.
"Kawaii. Yah!" said Hi-chan.
"Okay then. We'll take it." said Fuyumi.
"Arigatou Fuyumi!" said Hi-chan hugging Fuyumi.
"Hai hai." said Fuyumi pushing Hi-chan away. "Finally you are smiling." Hi-chan gave Fuyumi a big smile.
"Should we have ice-cream? My treat!" said Hi-chan dragging Fuyumi along.
In the ice-cream shop, Hi-chan once again met Hikaru. Hikaru noticed that the girl is wearing something like the keychain, the rose shape.
"Excues me, does this happen to be yours?" asked Hikaru.
"Ah! My keychain." said Hi-chan grabbing her keychain. "Thank you! You must be the guy that I knocked."
"Yup." said Hikaru finding it funny that she was screaming because of the keychain not him.
"Thank you very much! Care to share a table with us? I'll treat you to ice-cream." said Hi-chan.
"Sure." said Hikaru. Hi-chan was so excited over the keychain that she didn't realise that Hikaru was infront of her.
"Hi! My name is Hi-chan and this is Fuyumi." said Hi-chan.
"Hi. I'm Yatome Hikaru. Nice to meet you." said Hikaru.
"Hi! Thanks for keeping my keychain. Yatome-san." said Hi-chan.
"Yatome Hikaru!"
"Shhh. Not so loud." said Hikaru.
"Gomen. So you are the one that I knocked." said Hi-chan.
"Yup. You even said sorry without looking up, and you almost knockeed onto a pole before that." said Hikaru.
"Eh? How did you know that I almost knocked onto a pole?" asked Hi-chan.
"I saw you. But I did not know that you are the owner of this keychain." said Hikaru.
"Thank you very much. This keychain means alot to me." said Hi-chan.
"From your boyfriend?" asked Hikaru.
"Nope, from my best friend, she left school." said Hi-chan.
"Oh." said Hikaru as the ice-creams was served.
"Ittadakimasu!" said Hi-chan digging into her ice-cream.
After eating ice-cream, Hikaru sent the girls back home.
"Thanks Hikaru-kun, for sending us back." said Hi-chan.
"No problem at all." said Hikaru waving his hand.
"Tadaima!" said Hi-chan.
"Ah, okairi." said Hi-chan's mother. "You seems to be very happy today."
"Yup! Found my keychain and guess what?" said Hi-chan taking off her shoes.
"You saw someone?"
"Yup! Yatome Hikaru!!" said Hi-chan going crazy again.
"Ah Hikaru!" said Hi-chan's mother almost fainting.
"He also send me and Fuyumi back home." said Hi-chan going up to her room, leaving her mother screaming.
"Thanks god, I was able to find you back." said Hi-chan to the keychain. "And I've got a new present!" Hi-chan took down the necklace.
"Arigatou Hikaru!" said Hi-chan facing the poster.
Hikaru went back home.
"Lucky that girl was able to get her keychain back. But, I was never ever getting to get back the friendship that I lost." said Hikaru to himself.
Hikaru once lost his friend. Upon thinking that, he cried.
"Fuyumi! That's so unexpected! We actually met Hikaru!" said Hi-chan talking on the phone with Fuyumi.
"Hi-chan, you still haven't get over it." said Fuyumi.
"How can I do it when I saw my idol?" said Hi-chan going high again. She never though that something is soon going to happen.
The chatted until late night.
Next day, Hi-chan suddenly wanted to buy something for Fuyumi. She decieded to go after school, to the same shop to get something for her.
"Ohaiyo Fuyumi!" said Hi-chan jumping from the back.
"Don't scare me like this Hi-chan." said Fuyumi.
"Sorry!" School started and Hi-chan was too happy to concentrate on anything.
After school.
"Bye Fuyumi!" said Hi-chan.
"Eh? You're not going back with me?" asked Fuyumi.
"Nope. I need to buy something." said Hi-chan carrying her bag and left.
In the shop, Hikaru happens to be there too. However, both of them did not notice each other. After buying the gift for Fuyumi, Hi-chan went to get some food.
"Okasan, what do you need me to buy?" asked Hi-chan. "Ermm, some fresh vegetables, and one packet of meat." said Hi-chan's mother.
"Okay." Hi-chan bought the things and went back home.
"Tadaima!" said Hi-chan passing her mother the things she bought.
"Okairi. Thank you Hi-chan. Dinner will be ready soon." said Hi-chan's mother.
"Hai." Hi-chan went up to her room to prepare. "I wonder what is Hikaru doing.
"After dinner, Hi-chan went to do her homework. Like this, one week had passed. Hi-chan never happen to meet Hikaru again.
"How I wish to meet Hikaru." said Hi-chan walking alone along the beach enjoying the sunset.
Just then, Hikaru was also walking along the beach. The two of them passed each other, without noticing again.
Hikaru picked up a very beautiful shell. "That's a nice one, I can add it into my collection."
At the same time, a gust of wind blew, the wind blew the paper on Hi-chan's hand away.
"My paper!" shouted Hi-chan. That piece of paper, was drew by Hi-chan, of Fuyumi and her best friend, Amu.
Hikaru heard someone shouting, and rushed over. "What happened?"
"My paper!" said Hi-chan pointing towards the tree that the paper was hanging on.
Hikaru climbed onto the tree to help Hi-chan take her paper.
"Here you go." said Hikaru passing the paper.
"Arigatou!" said Hi-chan clearing away the leaves on top.
"Hi-chan!" exclaimed Hikaru.
"Hikaru-kun?" said Hi-chan, surprised."It seems like eveytime you get into trouble, I'll be there to help." said Hikaru laughing.
"Don't say that!" said Hi-chan blushing.
"This time what is it?" asked Hikaru.
"A picture I drew about my best friends." said Hi-chan looking at the paper.
"Nice drawing I should say." said Hikaru looking at the drawing.
"Thank you. But Amu can draw better then me." said Hi-chan.
"That's good. Although she left school, but you girls are still friends." said Hikaru.
"Did something happen?" asked Hi-chan.
"Nothing! How about walking together?" asked Hikaru.
"Sure!" both of them walked along the beach until Hikaru recieved a call.
"I need to go now. Sorry I can't send you home." said Hikaru.
"No no. It's okay. I feel bad that you are sending me home." said Hi-chan.
"It's a guy's duty to make sure that a girl is safe." said Hikaru leaving. "Take care!"
"You too!" Hi-chan went back home.
"Okasan! Is dinner ready? I'm hungry." asked Hi-chan.
"Soon. Where did you go?" asked her mother.
"I went for a walk along the beach." said Hi-chan pouring out the sand in her shoes.
"Fuyumi, guess what!" Hi-chan was talking on the phone with Fuyumi after dinner.
"You met Hikaru again?" said Fuyumi.
"Fuyumi! You are so smart!" cried Hi-chan.
"What! I hit the jackpot?" said Fuyumi feeling unbelievable.
"That's ture. He helpped me to take my drawing down from a tree."
"You are always getting into trouble." said Fuyumi.
"Ha ha ha." said Hi-chan. "That's not funny."
"Okay. Do you know how to do..." They continued chatting.
Hikaru and Hi-chan comunicate using letters as Hikaru did not want to use his e-mail or handphone.
In one letter, Hikaru said that he will be leaving this Sunday and he wish to meet her.
Hi-chan was shocked at Hikaru leaving. On saturday, they met up at the beach.
"Hi-chan. I'm leaving soon. I want to keep you in my mind. And I want you to remember me." said Hikaru in a serious mood.
"Where are you going Hikaru-kun. Why?" asked Hi-chan.
"Hi-chan. I can't tell you where I'm going and why. I'm sorry. I can only say that, I'll be gone for about 3 years." said Hikaru.
"3 years! Why is it so long? Hikaru. What is it that you cannot say?" asked Hi-chan. "Am I not a friend to you?" asked Hi-chan.
"I don't want to be friend." said Hikaru, trying to control his feelings.
"Why? Hikaru. Why?" asked Hi-chan crying.
"Hi-chan, I've once lost a friendship that I never been able to get back. I don't want to lose it again. I don't want the same thing to happen again!" said Hikaru starting to cry.
"Hikaru! Why? Is it that hard to be friend with me?" asked Hi-chan.
"Hi-chan, I really love being friends with you. But that's not my feelings for you! I like you Hi-chan. I like you! I want you to be my girlfriend. But that time, I confessed to my good friend. She rejected me and stop talking to me."said Hikaru slowly knelt down. "I don't want this to happen! I don't want to lose you!" Hikaru can no longer control his feelings
Hikaru.." Hi-chan was lost for words. There were silence for 10 minutes. Finally, Hikaru broke the silence.
"I need to go now. Sorry for giving the shock today." HIkaru left with his head down. Suddenly he felt someone hugging him. It was Hi-chan.
"Hikaru. I never say that I will reject you. I like you. You can even say that I love you!" said Hi-chan crying. Hikaru stopped.
"Hi-chan." Hikaru turned around and face Hi-chan."Is that for real?" asked Hikaru.
"100%. Hikaru, last time, I love you as my idol. Now, I love you as who you are. I love the way how you speak to me. How gentle you sound. I love everything of you." said Hi-chan crying.
"Hi-chan." Hikaru hugged Hi-chan tightly in his arm.
After the sunset, Hikaru sent Hi-chan back home.
Somewhere around 10 meters away from Hi-chan's home, Hikaru hugged Hi-chan again.
In Hikaru's arm, Hi-chan asked him something. "Hikaru, are you coming back 3 years later?"
"I'm coming back for sure. I can't bear to leave you or Japan. But I have to leave. No worries. I will be always writing letters or e-mail to you."
Hi-chan tipped-toe and kissed Hikaru on his lips.
"Hikaru. Never forget me. I would never forget you. I promise to wait for you. 3 years later. Be sure to come back." said Hi-chan crying.
"Hi-chan. Don't cry. I'll try to make it back here soon, I promise." said Hikaru wipping away Hi-chan's tears.
"Take this." said Hikaru passing a rose shapped ring to Hi-chan. "This is my promise to you."
The couple soon parted.
3 years later.
Ding dong. Hi-chan's doorbell rang.
"Hai hai." Hi-chan went to open the door.Hi-chan stood at the door and stared at the person.
"Hikaru!" Hi-chan hugged Hikaru.
"Hi-chan, tadaima." said Hikaru hugging Hi-chan tightly.
"Okairi!" said Hi-chan whispered in Hikaru's ear.
"You are wearing the ring." said Hikaru.
"Of cause. That was your promise to me. I would never take this ring out." said Hi-chan.
Hikaru took Hi-chan out to the beach and they chatted until night came.
The end.
hai! that's the end... lol hope you enjoyed the story!! Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YAOTOME HIKARU AGAIN!
*hugs and chus*

Monday, December 3, 2007
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