To tell the hsgp_K,N,E's fan (We have fans?) the truth...we 10 people actually are from Different Countries...Ayumi is from Malaysia, Kaoru is from Malaysia,Natsumi is from Malaysia, Eka is from Brunei, Yuki is from Brunei, Hichan is from a mysterious place, Juu is from the Uber happy Philippines, Kei is from Singapore, Kimie is from Australia, and Elvie is from France. We all have A same goal which is GO TO JAPAN AND MEET OUR FAV JE. We are online friends. We met in littlix(onlinely) and became friends. Eventhough we have never met each other before but we are still best friends. We exchange pictures and info about ourselves. Then Kei made a fic called HeiSei Girls Power(HSGP). Therefore the group of HSGP were created. Thank You Kei. Fate bring us together.YAY~~!! ENJOY AND ARIGATOU MINNA FOR SUPPORTING THIS BLOG~ WE LOVE YOU ALL -CHU- XD :3

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Arthro says : am not monkey!*but i love monkeyss ahhhahahahah*..ill be a lovely housefly
jkjk*..uhmm..a...cant think of something else T_T..ill just go with monkey ahahaha
Yuki says : for a wild, playful animal, it should be monkey eh? hmmm arthro eh~ i want to say monkey demo arth always spam like a dog ....barking all over the place *sigh*
Ayumi says : hum,a cute monkey! XD
Hi-chan says : a baka Monkey? XD *hides*
Kaokao says : cute monkey?? *don't kill me*
Elvie says : monkey, definitely xD
Kei says : monkey *too playful*
Sensei says : Saru desu yo..saru..kawaii no saru
Eka says : She's a playful (but cute) monkey. Monkeys are loud too right?

Arthro says : yuki...a...frog ahahahahahahaha..a cute frog..stinky frog ahahaha
Yuki says : dont know...for evil people...maybe ghost eh? ..CHIPMUNK!!! YUCHI LOVE CHIPMUNK!...demo~ *sigh* T_T..dont know....yuchi is human~ I am just chibi~ :: owari::
Ayumi says : Yuki loves to kick people but at the same time she's nice..i think..a kitten! X3
Hi-chan says : a baby Cat =3
Kaokao says : KOALA...LOL HAHAHAHA *hides*
Elvie says : uum... I'd say a dog 8D because~she's always playing the ' kicking people ' game xD
Kei says :
Sensei says: Hm...Yuki is a WOLF!!!
says : Yuki is a donkey cause she kicks :P

Arthro says : ayu...a squirrel..kawaii XDDD
Yuki says : agree kaochan ayuchan is sweet kitten because ayuchan is nice..maybe too nice T_T...OR pony..NO ..IT SHOULD BE UNICORN! LOLOL*too pretty* *fly* :: ayuchan has something special like unicorn XD ::
Ayumi says : hum,me?! I think I'm a goat! XD
Hi-chan says : a kawaii squirrel <3
Kaokao says : aww... sweet kitten (btw get well soon)
Elvie says : uhm~ kitten I think
Kei says : *let me see* *scaning from head to toe* kawaii tiger(forget about that tiger)
Sensei says : Hm....I changed her from puppy to hamster ne..ne..
eka says : rabbit!

Arthro says : hichan the batoootahahahaprincess tutu
*momiji! teru teru momiji XDDDD*.. uhh...hmm because....she is *blink blink* aha! and..always use this > " :3 .....very cute eh~!!! XP ...always cry too when bullied! *pats hichan* yuchi will protect hichan *even though am the one who always bully her!*
Ayumi says : hi-chan is cute and hyper so..she's a PUPPY!
Hi-chan says :...any baka animal XD
Kaokao says : ^^ camel?? ^^ because hika-chan is a camel >_< style="COLOR: rgb(255,0,0)">I agree with Yuki Hi-chan is a puppy
eka says : hichan is a blue bear (if one exists)

Arthro says : kaokao the okala it goes well with hwer name
Yuki says :kaokao eh? she's a panda......PANDA-CHU~ lolol .....can you give me your daughter if you have one? because it's very cute...pandaaaaaaaaaaa~
Ayumi says : kao? maybe a dog or a panda or a koala bear?! lol~
Hi-chan says:PANDA~ =D cause masu likes pandas XD
Kaokao says : i describe myself as a cat or panda because they are cute ^^
Elvie says : I'd say a cute bear~ =D
Kei says : i thot of nothing..limited animals =x *massu addict*
Sensei says : Yay like I said Kaokao should be a PANDA
Eka says : i kaokao is a koala cause it looks cuddly and cute but have sharp claws

Arthro says : natsu is dog kawaii inu dayo!
hhahahahaha love dogs
Yuki says : hmm for sensei~ sensei is a butterfly because I always don't know where is she!...always go somewhere T_T....
Ayumi says : sensei is pretty! hum..a lovely horse!
Hi-chan says : a baby lion =3
Kaokao says : camellion...no but butterfly ^^
Elvie says : siamese cat~ =3
Kei says : a club(lion club) kawaii
Sensei says : I am Human ne...Hm...I think of myself as a bird(Always wanted to be free)..At least I think
Eka says : bird!

Arthro says : kei the killer cat meow
Yuki says :Keichi *pinch* kawaii~ ahahhaha~ kawaii HAMSTER! kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~because kei is a hardworking person! ....*hamster used to run at the....&^$^%#$@ i dont know what is it call XDD such a hardworking animal~*
Ayumi says: HAMSTER~'cause kei-chan is a very hardworking girl and plus she's cute! X3
Hi-chan says : a chibi puppy <3>
kaokao says : kei-chi is a CUTE PUPPY XD
Elvie says : eh~ bird?
Kei says :
Sensei says :I think Kei-chan is a mouse ne..timid....
Eka says : An ant? Cos she's very hardworking


Arthro says :
Yuki says :oneechan eh? *kick keichi first* oneechan eh~ ...kawaii PUPPY~ awww so sweeet *pats elvie* XDD
Elvie is the only GOOD daughter ne~ *sigh* always follow what mama say!

Ayumi says : elvie ne..hum..neko~!
Hi-chan says : a baby white tiger =3
Kaokao says : kawaii tortoise *nod*nod*
Elvie says : I dont know how to describe myself xD since I am a cancer *yes, astrology again* *hides*, then a crab?XD
Kei says : unlike yuki, baka *runs*
Sensei says : Elvie wa Neko-chan
Eka says : Angel! XD Cat but not a kitten cos a kitten is too playful

Arthro says : eka the rabbit ...booboobooboooboom
Yuki says :kawaii persian cat XDD...because persian cat are very difficult to bully since they are expensive...and eka *sigh* always has something to block my kick...really difficult to bully her~ sigh~ *clap for purple*
Ayumi says : a baby lion!
Hi-chan says : a kawaii Fox? *hides*
Kaokao says : bird?? because... eka likes bird (i don't know)
Elvie says : butterfly~. i dont know why, but yea, i have the feeling butterfly is good xp
Kei says : puppy *bark bark*
Sensei says : Tiger!!!*runs as far as possible*
Eka says : Oo.. My sis calls me a penguin cos of the way i run down the stairs


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